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Extreme Fire Druid~
Hey guys~This is my first Druid guide,this is a fire druid,not a fire claw druid~This is an unsual build,but it's really good~U'll get alot of damage and this is really good~With a decent MERC and ur own playing skill,u'll be able to kill easily~
Enough for equiptment,around 50-100~
Enough for good blocking,actually,80-150 is fine~
Molten Boulder:20
Oak Sage:Rest
(A number one helmet for a fire druid cos it adds 3 to elemental skills and +fire damage,this is the ultimate choice for fire druids~)
Harlequin Crest socketed with fire die facet
(This is great,with add 2 skills is really good^^)
Delirium bone visage
(With add 2 skills^^)
Enigma archon plate or dusk shround
(With add 2 skills,tones of strength and teleport,always saves ur life^^)
Chains of Honor archon plate or dusk shround
(With add 2 skills and great resistances,this is good for killing monsters)
Arcane's Valor socketed with fire die facet
(With add skills and other good stuff for u,really good^^)
Heart of the Oak flail
(With add 3 skills and resistances and stuff,makes u kil easier^^)
Hand of Justice flail
(With 16lvl holy fire and -enemy fire resistances,this is good too)
Pheonix flail
(With 13lvl redemption and -enemy fire resistances,this is pretty good)
Spirit flail
(With add skills and stuff like that,this csan be good,though it's cheap,easy to make)
Spirit monarch
(With add skills and stuff good for casters,and cheap also,this is the ultimate choice for him)
(This thing has high defense and high blocking,saves u all the time,but no adding skills)
Pheonix monarch
(With 13lvl redemption and -enemy fire resistance,this won't let u die)
Arachnid Mesh
(With add skill and faster casting rate and stuff,this is the only+best choice for a fire druid)
(With add 1 to all fire skills and faster casting rate,this is good enough,tho it's low lvl)
(Juz adds u tones of mana,that's all)
(Great pair of boots,nothing to say)
Natalya's Soul
(With faster running and resists,this is good^^)
Aldur's Advance
(With faster running and resists,good too~)
Stone of Jordan x2
(With add skill and tones of mana,this is the best)
Mara's kaleidoscope
(With add skills and resists and stuff,u won't want to resist this~only choice too~)
Weapon B+Shield B
Call to Arms flail or crystal sword
(With battle command and stuff,u really get alot of good advantages here)
Spirit monarch(LADDER)
(With this,u get +2 skills which u can add ur battle command and stuff)
Lidless Wall(NON-LADDER)
(Juz same as Spirit,juz with less add skill)
(With all the godly stuff needed for u!!!)
Elemental grand charms x8/10
(Adds u skills)
+life + resists small charms REST
(Saves ur life)
Get an act 2 defensive merc from hell lvl or normal lvl
Crown of Ages socketed with ber x2 or 40/15 IAS jewel
Vampire Gaze socketed with 40/15 IAS jewel
Stone archon plate
Fortitude archon plate
Upgraded shaftstop
Infinity polearm
Doom polearm
This build is for booming and blasting people,juz try to use this and go boom people to HELL~
The problem with this build is that....u maxed out 5 skillz....when u can only max about 4...unless u have da patience to lvl to 99:confused: ...but other than that its ok:p
Nah, you only need to get to 94. My sorc is almost 94, and all of my stuff is maxed, only one is missing 2 skills or so.

94 + Skill Quests = Completed Build.
And this build has really high add skills,so u can get twenty something skill even u put only 1 skill point in~
Forgot this point,u'll get around 16k-17k fire damage when using all number one items~And 25k armageddon~
nice build. could be an even decent fire clawer at lvl 99 with bear lycant wolf feral maul and then fire claw good damage on fireclaw to
SORRY,16k-17k is firestorm
u could add more into the conclusion of the build.... like total max dmg with armageddon, total with firestorm, attack or cast speed, fhr speed, total + to skills, total life after bo+sage... other then that your guide looks awesome.
I made one of thoose druides before when, but i diddent have enigma then. (I have tested with after)
The only advice i can say to you is that you shoud not max armageddon. Yes armageddon hase a huge damage, but the skill in un-stabil. It rarely hits, but when it does hit it hits good. I agree on most of what you say, but you shoud max fissure and its syn-energys only.
There is 1 more negative thing about your build. The druide wont get any life when you low level oak sage is gone.
I wanna suggest another build wich i see as an improvement for a fire elemental druide.

Strenght: Enought for eqipment
Dexterity: 75 (desent block, and you can use wizzard spike vs blizzard sorc.
Vitality: Rest
Energy: 0
A good druide needs to have huge life. Thats why hurricane druides are so good.

Skills max in order:
20 Fissure
20 Oak Sage
20 Firestorm
20 Volcano
There is no need to max Molten Boulder or Armageddon, since bouth skills are pretty useless. Fissure is by far the best fire element damage you have, and is the one most people use in duelling. Combinating this and enigma is a hard combination and require fast reflexses. If you truly want, then use enigma, but a CoH would work just as good when you using fissure.

Ravenlore socket Um or cham if you want cannot be frozen (-18-20% enemy fire resist, 20-25% all resist)
Stormshield socket with ber, shael or um
CoH Archon
Sandstorm (15 strenght, 60-70% psn resist)
Maras (28-30%)
2x SoJ

I shoud add that i dont play ladder, so i dont know much about ladder items for the build. This is how it would look like in non-ladder. Rolleyes
LoL~OK~I'll go try to test these changes with my JAMELLA,cos it finally worked~
Kae's guide seemed more right i like Hoj or phx more though

Question, is it just me or is fire the seemingly first element or the most widely immune element in Diablo2 ?

I often meet my first immunity as a fire immune. Why is that? hmm...

Do have a nice day.
PoisonWolf Wrote:Sirs,

Question, is it just me or is fire the seemingly first element or the most widely immune element in Diablo2 ?

I often meet my first immunity as a fire immune. Why is that? hmm...

Do have a nice day.
That is correct, but 80% of the players play to get their players to duelling. Wich means most dont bother that monsters are immune.

Oh well, in that case, hmm, sigh, I guess ultimately, Hammerdins are the still the best when fighting or playing normally.

Thanks anyway, do have a nice day.
My fire sorc suked in hell... she turned out to be a dueler as all of my chars do after time Big Grin

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