05-13-2005, 06:22 AM
I was wondering if you would be interested in putting my character for download on your site. It is a 1.09RO Supreme. It has Nv Avoid/Dodge/Evade on it which most 1.09s don't have. It also has what some people call Funky Pi which gives it a full 100% Pi if you use a good aura with your smite you will be able to get a very small amount of physical damage threw like less then 1%. This Pi also gives it a good lifelock. This lifelock on the character is better then most and extremely hard to break. I have been using the character for a while now and I duel the best of the best and only 2 people (these 2 people had characters that were very unique) have successfully broken its lifelock. Because of its Pi 99s can barely scratch it and Supreme characters with their massive amounts of open wounds will be able to get its life down to 1 but then it will lock there and they won't be able to kill it. I'm quitting D2 in a little while so I figure I should let other people have fun with my character and maybe they can learn from it. If you want it I will also provide information on how to use it and how I made it. Also I can duel you with it if you want proof of my claims.