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question about ww sins
ok! although ww sins is my main character and etc. i still don't know if this is true about the crushing blow or open wounds. Is it true that the higher ur lvl ur dmg increases?? cuz my ww sin is currently lvl 79, and i chose not to lvl it up anymore bcuz i feel like it reached a point where it can pk. but is it true that the higher lvl ur ww sin, more dmg is added? i don't get it wen ppl say they need to lvl up so they OW can increase? wtf? can someone explain or explain to me?

before, my ww sin does not BO bcuz i find that 2x 3 shadow claws are better. wen i have my shadow claws i do like 5.2k ww dmg. but wen i switch to cta, i do like 4.8. i don't understand how other ww sins do like 5k dmg with cta. i don't get it lol can someone explain that too?

TheArreatSummit Wrote:Open Wounds
This is a chance of making a monster bleed uncontrollably. They lose health while bleeding. Open Wounds Items stack in most cases.

Duration: 200 frames (that is 8 seconds).

The damage per frame seems to be the following (where Clvl is the attackers level, that is the player's level usually):[indent]Clvl=1-15: (9*Clvl+31)/256

Clvl=16-30: (18*Clvl-104)/256
Clvl=31-45: (27*Clvl-374)/256
Clvl=46-60: (36*Clvl-779)/256
Clvl=61-99: (45*Clvl-1319)/256
[/indent]If you prefer per second, just multiply by 25: [indent]Clvl=1-15: 25*(9*Clvl+31)/256

Clvl=16-30: 25*(18*Clvl-104)/256
Clvl=31-45: 25*(27*Clvl-374)/256
Clvl=46-60: 25*(36*Clvl-779)/256
Clvl=61-99: 25*(45*Clvl-1319)/256
[/indent]Some examples:

Clvl 10: 11.8 per sec over 8 seconds for a total of 94.5 damage. Clvl 30: 42.6 per sec over 8 seconds for a total of 340.6 damage. Clvl 50: 99.7 per sec over 8 seconds for a total of 797.7 damage. Clvl 70: 178.8 per sec over 8 seconds for a total of 1430.5 damage. Clvl 90: 266.7 per sec over 8 seconds for a total of 2133.6 damage.

Also, the damage is divided by 4 for a player target. In addition, for a missile versus a player target one should divide the damage by 8 instead.

Finally, versus bosses and champions (could be just bosses or special bosses) the damage is divided by 2.

Crushing Blow
This is a chance of reducing a monster's health by X% in a single blow.

[indent]-Default: 1/4th

-vs. Players: 1/10th
-vs. Hirelings: 1/10th
-vs. Champions, Uniques, Bosses: 1/8th
-with missile weapons, default: 1/8th
-with missile weapons, vs. Players: 1/20th
-with missile weapons, vs Hirelings: 1/20th
-with missile weapons, vs Champions, Uniques, Bosses: 1/16th
[/indent]-The life removed is also scaled with number of players. So that if a monster has 450% more life due to 8 players (or whatever the value is) the life removed is further reduced by the same amount (450% would equal multiplying by 4.5 so the life removed by Crushing Blow is divided by 4.5).

Physical resistance does apply to Crushing Blow damage, but only if the resistance is positive. Crushing Blow Items stack in most cases. In 1.10 Crushing Blow is calculated before your normal damage. So, before doing the damage that you would normally do, there is a chance you will reduce the health of the monster by X% then normal damage apply to the resulting lower life. If you have more than one item with Crushing Blow, the probabilities will be added together. There will be one random check for a Crushing Blow. There is no check for each separate item, so one can not get multiple Crushing Blows in one attack.

so there you have it. the higher your lvl, the more dmg open wounds does, but crushing blow makes no difference.

and your dmg is higher from shadow claws because +3 to shadow skills adds % dmg to some attacks raising your overall dmg. however, if you want the most dmg have a cta flail+shield in inventory and cast your cta first then put your +3 to shadow skill claws on and cast venom and burst of speed if u want. now switch to your chaos weapon and w/e else you use. most of your dmg comes from psn anyway.
O actually yse,sometimes WWsins kinda relie on poison damage~

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