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Best day on D2
Well, today is probably the best day I have ever had and might ever hope to have on BNet.

Today I:
Sold my coronet for 5high (3 ohm, 2 ber, one Ber poofed which is the worst that happened all day)
Traded ohm for Lo
Made a fortitude, rolling a 29 resist
Traded Ohm with Sinner for Jah (Since he said I could access anything on his account if I replaced it with a same-value rune)
Made an enigma, 3 away from perfect + def (although the base Dusk sucked, 403 def)
Traded one ohm for Sur + Fireskill GC + Arach
Traded Sur for Vex
Traded fireskill gc for Pul (got ripped off, but it's nothing compared to the next thing)
Rolled a 40 HoTO

I'd like you guys to tell me what your best trading days have been, even though they're probably 10x better than my own, considering I just started a few weeks ago.
Wow, I never had a day that good. Congrats, Flea.
Thanks man, I'm still stoked over the 40 HoTO. I've seen them go for 10 high on BNet.
40 hotos are worth 5-6 hi on uswest Nl
awesome day... my best trade happend a few days ago... a junky lidless i picked up off raven rushing someone and i traded it for a zod ^_^
I'm talking about USEast Ladder, however, and I realize that people on BNet overpay on a lot of things.
Nice, I liked the enigma the most. I wish I could have gotten such a nice enigma... Congrats
today is my best day my wizzies poofed 2 of my mules expired and my bot somehow lost his hoto (when i got on it was just gone)
A week ago, I was going to join a clan and the guy said that he needed a trust test, but told him that i would not drop any of my items. So he said he would do his. We go to act 1 and I am in a corner by Gheed and he is out of town. Then drops his stuff, 1376 arch nigma, 40 hoto, 2 sojs and hoz. Counts, 10 9 8 7 6 and then he must have had maphack on and forgot to hit enter, so he hit 5 (immediate escape from game) and left. So I waited a few seconds completely shock, I was like damn this is a tight trick, thinking he was still there, but then I thought HOLY SHIT i dont think he could anything like that. So I got his stuff
ooh cruel my 2nd best day after today was when i just started and i was in a drop game this guy dropped his diamond mail (crappy) enigma and bam i pick it up and got a free enig Smile
The one about the clan thing was funny. I wish I had such good luck lol
Traded a 30 Maras for Vex, Ohm, Ber I think, Ist, and a Pul. Already had a Mal and a 5 os flail. Made a 6 BO CTA then went on to make a 38 HotO and then I kept the Ber and did something with it that I can't remember now. Stuff like that happens to me a lot, I get runes and go on RW making sprees. I usually give the RWs away, though... 2 Enigmas, 3 HotO, 1 CTA...
my best day???.... a free ik maul....
Best Day:

Found a 28 Maras and got a 4 bo cta ( Not really happy about the 4 though) traded something for a enigma and make a enigma of my own. It was pretty good though.
Well a few days ago I made a priv trade over d2jsp, I got 50 ists even for a 40 life pcombat gc.
Wow, how did you even get 50 ist on the trading screen?
hehe i could trade 40life pcombat for 100+ ists on west nl
My Best DAY on d2 was when i was the first time i played d2 singel player... i was soo happy when i got a level =/ then i found and now its sooo boring cuz im poooor!
my best days was 2 days ago when a friend gave me naj crown and staff free, i couldnt believe he was giving them to me free
Today was awesome i made cta and got a 6bo crystal sword cta and and 408%ed ebotdz
so happy!!! :happy2:

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