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Trapper Question
Sup people, i need a thumbs up for my trapsin but......i have no clue if my gear will work imma list them and ask you guyz for help, if therez an improvement i can make plz tell me...

Weap: hoto or wiz or dual tucs Sad (to poor for trap claws)
Sheild: ss
Armor: bp nig
Boots: travz or silkweaves or trekz
Gloves: magefist
Helm: shako or +3 circ no moods
Ammy: +3 trap
rings: sojs
Belt: arach

If u have a better idea plzzzzzzzz tell me Big Grin
OK~U ladder or non-ladder?
Shield:Spirit or Lidless
Boots:Shadow Dancer
Rings:SOJ x2
Inventory:10 trap gc+Annhilus+life/resist sc(Put portals in belt)
U'll get around high,high,high damage
Ok both of you are wrong, sorry to say. But this is how ya do it.
Gear: Archon Coh.Godly Circlet(2 to skillz 20fcr and res). 2x sojs. Arachs. Bloodfist gloves(They lowlvl but they have ias and fhr).Maras. 5x 12%fhr gcs.5x life gcs. 9x 20life scs. 1x anni.

For weapons use this. Its better than hoto/spirit. Get two 3to trap claws with 3to light sentry and 2-3 socketed. This is better cuz of weapon block and ull get more dmg. Ill Screen shot mine. Im lvl 71 with 9gcs and i do 10ks. And i have 56% chance to block. The cool thing about weapon block is that it even blocks attacks like fireball and such. Any questions Pm Me.
ack! no never use a coh on a trapsin. tele will save you alot more then the res coh gives and without enigma you'll have to put more points into str and will have less vita. Ss ClanCk said claw block is very good on a sin, getting atound 50% chance to block is good but the more the better. bloodfists are very good but not on a trapsin, trang gloves are probably best since they give 20fcr and 30 cold res i think. hope i helped

edit:no putting points into fade wouldnt be good, burst of speed is needed more for trap saying speed and frw, and without burst of speed you would cast your craps way to slow to do much dmg, to bad you cant use fade and BoS[Image: undecided.gif]
just buy ur trap claws!!! get a char in hell that has a about 100k gold and go to anya. then leave town and come back (go through red portal by anya). way better then tradin for get one. go with Etreks if u can get but if not then just use Treks. for helm if u dont need extra life and mana then go with the +3 circlet, but if u need the mana and life then go with shako. and the biggest thing that matters the most about a trap sin is u will never see how good they are at their bests without 10x trap gcs... or just get as many as u can. that is where all their power comes from. and dont use any lite facets cuz it is already soon that it dont work
Lol Ack? Ive used both coh and enigma and lemme tell you coh is so much better. When you lay traps ias affects the speed not fcr so bloodfists are better than trangs. Plus it has Fhr which helps greatly. And ya trust me i have a +3 circlet and a +2 rare and the rare is much better. If any of you have doubts meet me in a game uswest ladder. I pwn all. Wisper me at Violentjay[ck] or TheLeader[Ck]. Im telling you i am an assy pro....shes my fav char. You get the 20%fcr helm and arachs because 40%fcr is enough to use mind blast effectively. Traps are Ias not Fcr!!! And ya if your being attackd you wont have enough fcr to tele away. I do so much dmg that i never have to teleport. If they get close enough to attack you...MINDBLAST is a wonderful thing. So if you dont belive me...duel me.
have fun getting wasted by other characters with your godly 40% fcr. jesus.. u need to either teleport or run fast on an assasin. and shael your weapons too.
Ok u dont think i know this?!? With Bursts of speed arachs and sojs and the helm and maras and cta and anni you get plenty of run walk..and you only need fcr for mind blast...if you have doubts ****in duel me and ill show you. ****in noobs...jesus
sure ill duel you if your east nl... meet my barb. lvl 95, 150 (capped at 75) to all resists 5k life with about 5.5k ww dmg and enigma... since you seem to lack dr, and teleport. your speed wouldnt do shit when i can just click on your name and watch the blood splatter.

back to topic.

might i suggest some pts into fade?
Slow down on the flame ClanCk...

Ill suggest more on fcr....slow fcr=bs mb...any char with decent fhr isnt gonna get affected...
[Image: spidermancopy.jpg]
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woah buddy slow it down
Yeah man, you should already be warned twice for flaming out of the Flames section, but I guess the mods were feeling generous. I can't see why, because you're acting like a complete ***, but they were.
well im gunna have to give you a warning for flaming since i just noticed you having an ulcer... if you want, feel free to continue arguing about trappers on this thread...developing the best character is what this section is here for... and, maybe some forum members can bring up a few more pts.

as for traps... laying traps is based on ias like you said, mb is fcr, tele is fcr.

im still wondering why you think any poster said traps are fcr...

im also wondering why you use 20 life scs and insist on bloodfists, sure you can get fhr... but you can get fhr from scs, you cannot get fcr from scs, 6 fhr+ all resist scs would cover bloodfists freeing up your gloves for w/e else you might want.

alfzz look closely at what i said... 6 fhr all resist scs.... 6x 5%fhr all resist scs=30 fhr.
Max fhr o a sc is 5....
[Image: spidermancopy.jpg]
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