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Wtf X(
Wtf, I was going into a friends game and i was banned, maybe i have mistyped the password but still it dosent usually do that. Heres what happened..... On the first try i go to join game and type my friends game and then the password, it took a while b4 anything happened , I yhought ah not an other bad connexion, but no i have a realm down problem, i dont get it I didnt spam or anything like that, i've been playing for a while now and I have never been banned because of my hacks, plus I have antidection and zoids pickit and mousepads maphack could it be they have finnally fixed a patch for pickit, but even so it would probably only pick up that I have pickit when its on effect no??? Anyways does anyone have an idea of Why I got banned like that???
What did they say?
U sure ure banned?
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