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Guild Wars newb FAQ
ok here is a little info about guild wars for all y wonderen about it i will be updaten as needed


Q: What's the best profession to be?
A: GW is a very well-balanced game. Every profession combination has the potential to be very good or very bad depending on which skills you bring along, and how effectively you use them. You should make a point of playing a character that you enjoy rather than the character that everyone says is best.

Q: What non-combat skills are available in GW? Can I fish/mine/skin/craft?
A: Crafting is all done via NPCs in town. They will craft armor for you (and sometimes weapons) using resources that you have acquired in combat, or salvaged from other items using a salvage kit. This is the only form of crafting available; GW has no trade skills.

Q: What's the penalty for dying?
A: If you're in pre-searing, there is no penalty. Otherwise, your "death penalty" is increased by 15%, to a maximum of 60%. This percentage is a negative modifier to your maximum HP and mana. For instance, if you have 200 hp and 30 energy, then die twice, you'll have -30% death penalty, making your actual stats 140 hp and 21 energy. You can remove one point of death penalty by earning 75 xp, or you can return back to a town or outpost to negate your death penalty completely. Morale boosts can also offset your death penalty. You will never lose XP or items for dying.

Q: Which professions can dual-wield?
A: None.

Q: How do I call targets for my party to attack?
A: Press Ctrl-space. This will generate a message to your team: "I'm attacking <enemy>!" Then, all your teammates can press T to select this target. In general, holding down control while doing any action will broadcast that action to your team.

Q: How can I get more skill points?
A: You get 1 skill point each time you level up. You can continue to get skill points after level 20 by filling your XP bar as before; however this requires progressively more XP as you gain more points. You also gain a skill point for completing a mission for the first time, or advancing a fame rank.

Q: What's the best way to get more money?
A: There are several ways. First, don't spend more money than you need to. Replacing your armor frequently is useful but expensive. You can save a lot of money by hitting up the collectors instead. Second, be selective about which items you expert-salvage. Make sure you're planning to get a decent item out of it. Basic unimportant items should either be sold outright, or use a basic salvage kit.

Q: Can I change my profession?
A: In pre-searing, you have the opportunity to try out skills from multiple secondaries before choosing one to keep. Once you chooose your secondary, you must keep it until after you reach level 20 and complete the Ascension missions. After this point you can complete a quest to change your secondary profession. The quest will be called "The _____'s Path" where ____ is the new secondary profession you wish to change to. Your primary profession can never be modified without deleting and recreating your character.

Q: How do I take a screenshot?
A: PrintScreen.

Q: How do I hide the graphical interface so that I can take a clean screenshot?
A: Ctrl-shift-H.


Q: What is pre-searing Ascalon?
A: When you start the game with a role-playing character (at level 1), you are placed in Pre-Searing Ascalon. This is "******land", so to speak. There is a lot to do, but several things work differently than the rest of the world. For instance, there is no death penalty, and the maximum party size is 2, whereas other locations in the world permit a party of 8. Most interesting NPCs, like armor crafters, materials merchants, and henchmen, are not available in pre-searing. Once you leave pre-searing, you may not return.

Q: How do I leave pre-searing Ascalon?
A: Once you are level 3, return to Ascalon and talk to Tydus. Accept the academy mission. Note that once you accept this mission, you will leave the region forever.

Q: When is the right time to leave pre-searing Ascalon?
A: Firstly, it should be pointed out that it is impossible to permanently weaken your character by failing to complete some task in pre-searing Ascalon. All of the items, skills, experience, and other rewards available in pre-searing can still be acquired in Post-Searing Ascalon. Generally, before leaving pre-searing, you should try to get a second profession and find all the skill quests available to both professions. You'll know that you've found all the trainers when your last trainer tells you to go back to your first trainer. Some people suggest that you should be about level 5 before leaving, but a level 3 character should do fine.

Q: Where can I find my last piece of armor from the pre-searing collectors?
A: Not every class can get a full set of replacement armor in pre-searing Ascalon. Don't worry too much about this, since you will have access to better stuff anyway when you continue to post-searing.

Q: Why is post-searing so difficult?
A: Some people don't realize that the maximum party size has increased in post-searing, and they try to wander off alone. This is really difficult, since you're much more likely to encounter groups of monsters in post-searing, and you'll need a group of your own to fight them. Try picking up a couple extra party members or henchmen before you leave town. You'll get less loot, but you'll advance through the game much faster.


Q: How many pets can I have?
A: Rangers can have at most one pet. Necromancers can have an unlimited number of minions, but all their minions gradually lose health over time. A Ranger/Necromancer or Necro/Ranger can have pets in both categories.

Q: How do I permanently get rid of my pet?
A: Talk to the Tamer outside post-searing Ascalon. He'll take your pet away so that you can go charm a new one.

Q: How do I rename my pet?
A: /namepet <name>


Q: What is the Hall of Heroes?
A: The Hall of Heroes is the final map of the tournament progression known as the Tombs of the Primeval Kings. A team entering the tournament must usually beat several other teams before having the opportunity to fight in the Hall of Heroes. Unlike other maps in GW, only one instance of the Hall of Heroes is ever created. So, if you're holding the Hall, you really are on top of the world.

Q: How do I get a guild hall?
A: You need a Celestial Sigil, which can either be acquired by winning the Hall of Heroes or by trading from another player. The guild hall is purchased from an NPC near the water at Lion's Arch.

Q: How do I get a guild cape?
A: Go to the Guild Registrar in post-searing Ascalon or Lion's Arch. He'll get you a cape for 2000 gold.

Q: How do I get fame points?
A: Play in the Tombs of the Primeval Kings, the PvP tournament, and win a few rounds. The more consecutive wins you get, the more fame you will get.

Q: What's the benefit of having more fame?
A: Each rank of fame gives an extra skill point. There are also some nifty emotes (/fame and /rank) that are only available to players with high fame.


Q: How does armor work?
A: Each time you get hit, a body location is randomly chosen. Torso has probability 3/8, legs have probability 2/8, and each of (head, hands, feet) has probability 1/8. Some spells bypass this check and always hit the torso. Other spells bypass armor completely and always hit for the same damage. Once a hit location is chosen, only the armor on that body part matters. For every 40 armor you gain, you take half damage; for every 40 armor you lose, you take double damage.

Q: Is there a way to preview an armor, or the way a particular dye color will look?
A: The best way is to create a PvP character, since you can choose armor sets and dyes during creation. Eventually, more of this information will be available on the web.

Q: How does armor penetration work?
A: Several effects have a percentage armor penetration on them. When these hit, damage on your opponent is calculated as if they had that percentage less armor than they really do. Therefore you'll see an increase in damage. The amount of the increase will vary, depending on how much armor the target had before the penetration was applied.

Q: How do runes work?
A: One rune may be applied to each piece of armor. Multiple runes of the same type do not stack. Minor runes give +1 to a particular attribute. Major runes give +2 to an attribute but also reduce your maximum HP by 50. Superior runes give +3 to an attribute but reduce your max HP by 75.

Q: Where do I find runes?
A: Unidentified salvage items have a high probability of containing a rune. Identify them, then use an expert salvage kit on the item, and you may extract the rune. Note that you are not guaranteed to get the rune out; there's a roughly 1/4 chance that you'll simply get crafting materials instead.

Q: Can I take runes out of my old armor?
A: You can try, using an expert salvage kit. The armor will be destroyed, and you'll have a chance of recovering the rune (not a guarantee, see previous question).

Q: How do I get rid of my starting armor, since I can't sell it or salvage it?
A: Drag it to the little trash can that's located to the right of the bags on your inventory screen.


Q: What do colored item names mean?
A: In order from most common to least common, the colors are white, blue, purple, gold. Rare items are very likely to produce an upgrade component if you use an expert salvage kit on them.

Q: Can I use an item even though I don't meet its requirement?
A: You can, but the effects of the item will be greatly weakened. Even if your item is very powerful, if you don't meet its requirements, it will be little more than a ****** weapon in your hands. Also note that you don't get "partial credit" if you're close to meeting the requirement; you either do or you don't.

Q: What is the maximum weapon damage?
A: Swords are 15-22, Axes are 6-28, Hammers are 19-35(?), Bows are 15-28, and Wands and Staves are 11-22.

Q: What speed do weapons attack at?
A: All times are listed in seconds per swing: Sword/Axe=1.33; Hammer/Staff/Wand=1.75; Halfmoon/Shortbow=1.8; Flatbow=2.0; Longbow=2.4; Composite/Deadbow/Recurve=2.7. (Data borrowed from OGaming.)

Q: How do I know how effective a skill will be if I invest X points into it?
A: On skill lists such as those linked from the previous question, there will be a range of damage or duration. The minimum value of the range corresponds to a score of 0 in that attribute, and the maximum value of the range corresponds to 12 in that attribute. To figure out the value for damage or duration of other attribute values, do a simple interpolation: given a range of A to B and an attribute level S, the damage will be (A+(S*(B-a)/12)).

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