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Ladder 3 Group EAST
Well im starting a ladder 3 group on EAST this time. If we get enough ppl in this then we'll make more groups. But seeing that most ppl in D2S are on West i doubt that we'll get very many.

Cold Sorc (blizz, or orb)
Fire Sorc
WW/BO Barb
Ele Druid
Trap Assasin
Bone/Summon Necro
Light Sorc
Wolf/Bear Druid

You can play around with these builds, just pm me or tell me in this what character youd like.

I'd like to be a Hammerdin, good ol' hammerdin. I'll get into this more as Ladder 3 becomes closer (If Ever).:toilet:
Lol, yall be ready when ladder ends, thats when I quit d2, 25% of my fortune will be given away. (rest will be sold to ebay lol)
Business & Computer Science major
I don't know if i'll be in your group, but I'm planning on making a blizz sorc. And how are you going to get an enigma for your hammerdin in the beg. of ladder?
ill be fire sorc
hopefully by then my comp will be fixed
[The Reaper] Wrote:I don't know if i'll be in your group, but I'm planning on making a blizz sorc. And how are you going to get an enigma for your hammerdin in the beg. of ladder?

Idk, ill work around it:laugh: . Im hoping we find the runes and they just 'happen' to be given to meWink . I might switch over to a sorceress tho.Wink

good luck selling your items Dyna
can you keep the light sorc and summon necro spots open? it depends if my buddies are gunna do this with me or not
i'm gonna be building a light sorc when ladder resets, whether i'm in a group for it dep[ends if there are any.. and if i'm still playing d2
BUMP(double post to promote bumpism, warn m eif you must)

as .11 is coming out (supposedly) tomorrow ~11AM pacific, all my east coast homies are prolly gonna be sleeping. A select few of us(the lifeless ones, you know, the ones with no jobs who play guitar and d2 all day [ME]) NEED to hold it off utnil atleast 12PM so I can get in on the action. cheers.

Oh, and the post above says light sorc. If .11 nerfs it too bad, I may be something useful to a group, like a Bo/Conc/WW baba.
It depends on what classes get NERFED or IMPROVED but this is what I want to be (i'll be only one) ordered from highest prefience to lowest. So probably a cold sorc unless its nerfed then barb if its improved otherwise druid. If all else fails ill go with pally or necro. IF that fails then screw d2 I dont like any other class

Cold Sorc
Ele Druid
Im out guys, im not participating in a ladder group right now and i havent been running this group cuz theyre wasnt many people in it, you guys can keep it up, just know im out.
Well if anyone still wants to participate please sign up. Otherwise I'm going to abandon it.
Ya im making my fire fire sorc on East and its coming out pretty well Smile
Ill be buildin the good old smiter.... U Can never go wrong with a smitrer Smile
id be interested in being in a group and making trap assy
i'll take the bowzon since i've pretty much mastered it.
im planning to make a light sorc ill play with anyone =)

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