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Joined: Mar 2005
Ive been trying to get a grush for a while, so i thought to post it. i need a grush, You can have all of my forges (though i don't think youll want the norm forge).
please post here, pm me or whisper me in the game. my account is *ixle.
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Its Kinda hard because you need someone that needs baal quest...but mebe sum time i would beable to help. account name is lilsheldon Or Bladex71. UsWESt NL
Posts: 950
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Joined: Mar 2005
Its not that hard, i used to do it for ppl all the time, you just rush them till ancients, then make a game, Kill Baal 4 Quest or something like that. then you tell the people to join the game that the rushee was in, have the rusher kill baal. just repeat in nm.
and i accidently forgot to include that i am USeast Ladder :p
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If u were nonladder i would be all up for it....i can mayb take u to the end of nm with my sorc if i get luck but she sux since i only play ladder for the combining part so i can be rly rich on nonladder lol
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im ur man if you want. just pm me to let me know if you still need it or not i could even make chaos runs for you up to lvl 60 and you could join my baal runs afterwards if youd like, btw they are private baals, only bots are in there. youd just need to lvl up to lvl 80 then you could go on with doing w/e
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Joined: Jun 2005
how u do a grush???? if u can help me too that be appriciated