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I want to start...
Ok, I'd like to get started with programming and coding basic programs, anyone got any suggestions or reccomendations for me to follow? and what program should I use?
java is a pretty basic program to start with, i started to learn it once but that was a while ago...
Learn some basic code like HTML and Javascript. Once you can code around easily with those, you can learn C++ and stuff like that. Not really sure if that make programs, but I learned basic HTML and Java awhile back and it helps me understand coding a bit more.
[Image: pantoj9.jpg]
yea html and php will help you alot if your looking for scripting webpages and forums
but dont know bout programming.
if u want to make like mini games use turning.
PantallicA Wrote:Learn some basic code like HTML and Javascript. Once you can code around easily with those, you can learn C++ and stuff like that. Not really sure if that make programs, but I learned basic HTML and Java awhile back and it helps me understand coding a bit more.

Using HTML and Javascript is called scripting while using something along the lines of C++ is called coding. Just thougth I would clear that up.

But anyways I would start with something easy like web scripting first. Learn HTML,Javascript (this will be your biggest help if you want to get into coding with Java and the such), XML and CSS. Once you have learned those then try Java or C++ or Visual Basic. Out of the three I hear alot of people say that Visual Basic is the easiest while its a close race between Java and C++ for the hardest to learn.
"One murder makes a villain, millions a hero. "
- Beilby Porteus, Death, A Poem
Well, you could buy microsoft visual studio to learn C++ and visual basic.

I did about a month ago but I need to work with it more often. I only figured out how to make really really annoying programs that make like 10000 things popup lol.
i used VB for 4 years awhile back.. it's by far the EASIEST. after VB, i got into HTML and java pretty big, now I lay dormant. I took a college c++ class around a year ago, and without my prior vb/java/html/PHP skillszsz, I would have been lost. translation: Learn HTML(it does help, HTML is similar to VB/C++ coding in alot of ways) first, and learn it all the way through. Don't quit when you can make pretty tables and outlines perfect, keep going until you can do ANYTHING without needing outside Scripts. Then, Learn the useless shit[well, by useless, nobody really uses VB in the professional world] aka visual basics second. VB is what most schools start you on with coding, as if you jump straight into hardcore Java/C++ you're totally lost. Once you get a concept for coding, variables, strings, etc. you MAY want to go into Private C++ study, but you will probably need the aide of a REAL instructor. C++ is insanely complex and picky.. one misplaced space ( ) can determine success or failure in a code. Not just in a section either, as a WHOLE. VB and HTML isn't like that at all... at the worst you'll screw a section. Not with C. Java's tough in it's own areas though, I never got into WRITING java much.

Yes, I'd also have to agree with VB being the easiest. C++ is very hard according to my friend. He would often times get errors with bots he would make for D2. He made a clientless bot that I used to use to level myself. It was private, though. Wink
to start on the basics, learn HTML, its pretty helpful later when you get into the other stuff
Hey, but what about learning a language like Ruby first? That's what I first started learning.
pffft VB is the easy thing i ever tried, i tough my self to use it in less than 2 hours
I started with some BASIC languages like dark basic and blitz basic. those are easy, and pretty powerful. I would not really learn html unless you are going to use it, because that really has nothing to do with coding languages and is just for formatting text and stuff. its fine if you are going to make websites, but otherwise, dont waste time. I'd say go for the big stuff if you know what you want to do with it. dont learn useless languages. just learn what you need and be done with it.
My way in programming is : pascal->OOP (object o.programming)->Delphi (for Win32 & Database programming)->Visual C++ (with DirectX & OpenGL).
When you learned the OOP, you can try the Java/HTML/PHP.
Start with HTML if u think u really need help, but if your confident start off with Python and then move onto C/C++
I'm at a computer camp right now. I'm here to learn Java. It's really quite simple to do simple things. You have to type a lot of code to get good programs that are worth things, but a friend of mine at this camp wrote a simple chat program and now all of his friends use it. It's awesome. Java's really easy.
Java can get very complex very fast
Yes it can. But at that point it can do some very powerful things. and it's always logical. P.S> if anyone has any questions about java and basics, I can answer them.
i learned on liberty basic which you can get free at the library from a sam's teach it yourself book then upgraded to dark and java
i learned from my sister ^^ ask anyone if they have time to learn you, its much easier cuz you can ask them questions about the problem that you have and learn much faster

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