08-21-2005, 07:31 PM
Shadowclaw1750 Wrote: hey asshole guess wut it was i no cause im ***in smarter then half if not more then anyone u eva gonna meet i though i would help you so u dont get ****ed over by blizz but *** u ill use the mh i made and if ur nice i may send it to u....oh yeah guess wut no virus on it and its the best u can get spent till yestaday on it and i got contacts to *** blizz over...but im sure u dont care or think im telling the truth but guess wut idc wut u think...im just glad i dont gotta put up with ur shit in real life id kill your ****** ***!!!
there agrrement says u can not use third party programns they never said they would not make them to catch you its there agreement so technicaly its not illegal
prove it want made by blizz thye could there smart enuff they have the resourses sp why couldnt they or wouldnt they.... if u ran bnet and didnt want mh users wouldt u find a way to get rid of them and that is one of the easiest ways...so think then reply... night yall
Chill with the cursing man.. and seriously maphack wasnt made by blizzard.. they dont care THAT much about d2 and they wont make that much off d2.. soo many ppl are playing WOW that they make crap money with d2 because of the Buy + monthly subscription of WOW.. get over it.. just because you read a post by some newb that blizzard made the maphack you dont need to say that and im tired and i cant see straight so im goin to go to bed..