Posts: 463
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Joined: Dec 2004
yea yea i know there are many guides to zealots and things but can someone tell me the best armor,weop,helm, shield they thinkf or a zealot is but plz dont say fort grief or coa or exile i alreayd have those and they r okay i wanna find some other ideas. ty all in advance
Posts: 44
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Joined: Aug 2005
hey i had a zealot b4 and i found that the best stuff for me was
wep plague
armor nigma
hat berber coa
shield i forget the name but the runes r vexvexlojah
Posts: 388
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Joined: Nov 2004
ive never made a zealot but ive dueled quite a few.
best weapon is zod'd eth death cleaver. or if u cant get that then an eth 5 soc rune master socketed with zod/2 Lo's/2 40-15s
u can choose a mixture of armor setups depending on where you want your damage reduction to come from.
a great helm if u dont wanna use coa for dmg red is a rare helm with visionary mod (xx% to attack rating based on char lvl) with other good mods (+str, +dex) socketed with 40/15(s).
for shield you can go with eexile for def and life tap. or if want dr to come from here use a 40/15 SS. i dont see too many of these, but a phoenix mite also work well.
for armor fort is pretty dam nice. but if you dont wanna use the other dr items, eth zod'd Up'd Shaftstop has nice def and 30 dr.