08-19-2005, 11:06 PM
I have two guildwars accounts up for trade, one with a lvl 20 w/mo with max BLACK knights armor and the helm that gives +1 to swordsmanship with ALOT of skills unlocked for pvp, theres another lvl 14 mo/me and two other charactors, this account has about 40k gold on it.
the second accnt i was letting my friend use so its got a lvl 12 w/mo on it also with not alot of gold, still its a 50 dollar account. Im looking to trade one of these if not both or even just some gold for some d2 item. I need LADDER ONLY items, anything thats WORTH something, i really dont want or need entire accounts, just ladder items. i play d2 on EAST realm, i have no need for west items as all of my friends play east and i will not switch. you can reach me anytime on MSN at: [email protected] I will have no interest in ripping anyone off i can give you positive feedback from former cdkey trades and such. Just to clarify, Guild Wars is NOT pay to play, you buy the game once for 50 dollars and you play for free for life, or until they shutdown the servers, lol. the best way to contact me is via MSN.
(edit) I can provide you with screenshots to verify the content of each account.
the second accnt i was letting my friend use so its got a lvl 12 w/mo on it also with not alot of gold, still its a 50 dollar account. Im looking to trade one of these if not both or even just some gold for some d2 item. I need LADDER ONLY items, anything thats WORTH something, i really dont want or need entire accounts, just ladder items. i play d2 on EAST realm, i have no need for west items as all of my friends play east and i will not switch. you can reach me anytime on MSN at: [email protected] I will have no interest in ripping anyone off i can give you positive feedback from former cdkey trades and such. Just to clarify, Guild Wars is NOT pay to play, you buy the game once for 50 dollars and you play for free for life, or until they shutdown the servers, lol. the best way to contact me is via MSN.
(edit) I can provide you with screenshots to verify the content of each account.