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Fun, and hope to try it!
5 38.46%
Ok, needed more information.
2 15.38%
I'll give it a shot!
4 30.77%
Terrible! Just Terrible!
2 15.38%
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-The Bowassin is a Assassin which uses the skill Venom, and the Bow. Being that most the damage isn't mostly poison, you don't need some aura to finish off your opponent.Since there isn't a such thing as poison absorb, there is resistances, which can easily be decreased by a mercenary with infinity(runeword with a conviction aura when equipped.

STR-Enough for your items, with Annihilus on, and Andy's Visage, little should be put here.

DEX-From items +65 Dex, since your using a bow though, put enough as what you define as "Needed."

VITA-Rest goes here.

NRG-About just making it no higher than 45.

Venom(20)-This will make u a vicious "B"-u know what!
BoS(20)-FRW, IAS? No way!Smile
MindBlast(20)-When melee chars get too close, blast'em!
Blade Shield(20)-Your defense
SM(20)-Your body guard, your friend, your shadow...

+Can max everything at level 98!?! You can max everything!
Helm: Andariel's Visage (socketed with a 5/-5die psn facet)
-+2 to all Skills, 20%IAS, 10%LL, +30 STR, +10%max psn resistance, +70%psn resist.

Armor: "Bramble"Archon Plate (Ral+Ohm+Sur+Eth)ROSE<<
LvL21 Thorns aura when equipped, +50%FHR, +50 psn dmg!, IMM 5%!, RM+5, +5% max cold resist, +30%Fire Resist, +100%Psn Resist.

Weapon: WidowMaker (socketed with a shael rune-+20%IAS-)
ITD, 33%DS, +5 to Guided Arrow!!!

Belt: Verdungo's Hearty Cord
10%FHR, +40 Vitality, RL+13, 15%DR, +120Max Stamina.

Gloves: LavaGout
2% chance to cast LvL10 Enchant on striking, 20%IAS, HFD, +24%Fire Resist.

Boots: Shadow Dancer
+2 to Shadow Disciplines(Sin only) 30%FRW, 30%FHR, +25 Dexterity

Amulet: The Cat's Eye
30%FRW, 20%IAS, +25 Dexterity, +100Defense Vs. Missle, + 100 Defense

Ring: RavenFrost
+250 to AR, CBF, +20 Dexterity, +40 to Mana, CA 20%

Ring: BK
+1 to all Skills, 5% LL, +98 to life(based on lvl)

CTA/Lidless, Arach's, SOJ, Mara's, Enigma(BP preferred)

10 x SD GC's of Life/ +1 to SD, +40 to life
-or u could try to balance it out with some FHR one's.
W/E floats ur boat!
01 x Annihilus/ a 20/20 would be very nice for this build!
09 x 3/20/20's
-very helpful, helps ur AR, and add's life

STR- Strength
DEX- Dexterity
VITA- Vitality
NRG- Energy
Andy- Andariel, boss in Act 1
B- B-Word, afraid I might get troubltized Captain!
IAS- Increased Attack Speed
FRW- Faster Run/Walk
BoS- Burst of Speed
SM- Shadow Master
LL- Life Leech
Psn- Poison
FHR- Faster Hit Recovery
LvL- Level
IIM- Increased Maximum Mana
RM- Regenerate Mana
Dmg- Damage
ITD- Ignore Target's Defense
DS- Deadly Strike
RL- Regenerate Life
DR- Damage Reduced
HFD- Half Freeze Duration
SD- Shadow Discipline's
AR- Attack Rating
CbF- Cannot be Frozen
CA- Cold Absorb
CtA- Call to Arms
Arach- Arachnid Mesh
SOJ- Stone Of Jordan
GC- Grand Charm
Gloss- For u exceeding special folk, Glossary!

Any questions PM me, I'd be greatful if someone who didn't need to use points stickied this, thanks, and enjoy.
y wouldnt u use trang gloves for way more psn dmg? if u need the ias then use nosferatus belt.
and how much dmg does she do?
and ur wrong bout the infinity thign it doesnt give -poison resist
Infinity is a polearm runeword that gives a conviction sura, which minus's defense and resistance of target.

Grim: The reason is the 10% Chance of enchant, which should happen after 10 or less hits, when your pumping out guided hours u'll most likely hit alot. I don't remember the poison dmg on her, my internet with D2 goofed on me, so I can't find out. Also the lgoves give IAS, in which nosferatu's wouldn't be a bad idea, it goes against verdungo's with nothing, verdungo's gives you DR, Vitality, and these are useful mods when not having a shield.
conviction doesnt minus poison resistance. only light cold and fire.
I don't think you'll really be able to take hits anyway though, pretty much 1 hit and your done, so you'll have to keep running. Does widowmaker give knockback? Because you might want to do something about that too.
i made a bowsin but its kinda different then urs i use gskull wit ias jewels, nos belt, 2x 3 shadow skill claws and fire traps.. knock back is nice wit gskull... the only probably is ppl wit a shield hard to kill have to run away alot and doesnt ignore def like is a auto hit except if they have a shield?? so u dont need atk rating???:confused:
try adding a pre-buffing section.
helm: +3 to shadow skills 2 soc 2x 5/5 die psn facets in it
ammy: +3 to shadow skills ammy
armor: bramble
weapons: 2 +3 to shadow discipline +3 to venom claws with 4 (2 each) 5/5 die psn facets
gloves: trangs
rest: sojs arachs perf shadow dancers

ps: pre-buff with cta+spirit first for that extra 1 skill
inventory: anni+10 sd charms.
can be good if made perfect, but is no comparision to .09 bowas
iv nvr made a bowasin but ill try 1
heh...this guide is not goood :Confusedorry if that hurts u::

like wat someone said in the above u should use trang gloves and nosfuerto.
o and just to tell u..i never saw a good, pwning, godly bow sin before.. the only ones that pwns is the ones that nk and tg and does all those noob shit lol i rather make a sexy ww sin instead ^^

and yah...bowsins..means 1 hit ko..

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