Posts: 35
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Joined: Jul 2008
nowhere in this entire site, nor in MMforums is there a single Bowzon bot. i would expect this to be one of the classic bots as to the possabiilities with a charcter that can solo uber trist with ease. but alas, none are posted... if one could get one for me... it would be appreciated... or detailed instructions on how to create my own. all it needs are the pindle shenk and eld... trav would be a plus, but not nessicarry... and also post the autoit files... that would be nice.
Posts: 1
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Joined: May 2009
Hey guys. I actually just came back to D2 after at least a 4 year hiatus. I got my first character, a throwing barbarian up to level 82, and now I want to let the bot take over and get him some more exp and good items.
b/c i don't have great gear, he can only do eldritch for now. I'll have him do pindle later once he can.
I tried converting a ww/conc sequence into a double-throw/frenzy sequence, but I'm just not that good at this stuff.
So.... basically, I was wondering if someone could help me make a throwbarb sequence.
My attack strategy is a few whacks with Frenzy (F5 - left click) to bulid up attack speed, then rapid fire double-throws (F1 - right click). Precasts are Battle Command (F3 - right click) and BO (F4 - right click).
I also use War Cry (F2 - right click) for stun/crowd control, but it's close range, and probably not necessary for these runs.
If possible, make it so it won't do pindleskin (just eldritch for now), but if i change an option (pindle=0 --> pindle=1 -- or something simple like that) it will.
can't post the link to the ww/conc sequence, but if you want to use it as a template (i didn't understand it), the thread is called "Can some 1 help me witha barb script plz"
I'd really appreciate the help if someone wants to undertake this task for me.
Thanks guys!