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ePidemik Wrote:And also my stance on The Bible is that it is pure fictitious, a fake story, created by people to entertain, not to fanatacize.

But that's just me.

wow i completely agree with that. alot of its stories are complete bullsh*t like the moses parting waters and the plauges. it did not rain frogs, locusts, leeches whatever. its impossible.
people know nothing of god. they always say "god was just there he had no beginning". then i ask "but how there has to be a beginning?" and they just say "there just is". they know NOTHING. and other questions such as "how do you know there really is a heaven or a hell?". again they simply respond with "there just is. i believe in it."
it drives me crazy that they cant just go with something that is proven 98% than their "god did everything" crap
The evolution theory is not 98% proven. I know you are exaggerating but it is FAR from 98%. I'd say it's around 30% proven.
How can you say it's only 30% proven when scientists have practically found remains for every step of human evolution? Not every theory related to evolution is proven, but I would say it's closer to 98% than it is to 30%.
yes i know its not actually 98 but its been proven very much. 80 if not that
I agree that many "steps of human evolution" have been discovered. That is obvious. No doubt humans have been evolving for thousands of years. That is obvious.

The theory of evolution DOES NOT SAY that humans evolve, because that is just plain obvious. The theory of evolution states that humans evolved from monkeys (excuse the informality). If the theory of evolution merely stated that "humans evolve" why would this be so controversial? The fact is that it doesn't just say that.

Nobody can argue that humans don't evolve becuase that's just foolish. What people CAN argue is that humans were created by some supreme being in a primitive form. Then, that primitive form eovlved into a human. That is not what I'm arguing.

Scientists have not even come close to proving that humans evolved from monkeys. They speculate and it is a very possible explanation. Any imbecile can see that.

Edit: by the way, the Bible is NOT completely fictional. There are facts in it as well such as Jewish slavery under the Egyptians.
even though i strongly believe in evolution, i would have to say that it is far far far far from complete. the steps we have found in evolutionary history are so small that it would only amount to knowing a small insignificant battle in the revolutionary war

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