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all guides, come4 help
I've been playing this game for about 4 years now and i saw someone else who made a "ill help u make any char" guide's on howto make chars, but all his chars sucked. If anyone needs help with a char just post here n ill help u Out as much As I can (i aint a nub). Just post ur char type and ill tell u how to make it Smile
i need a complete pvp auradin guide that uses conviction as main aura and aura items.
aight, well lemme start it up, im Real tired so i might make mistakes, I'll check on it tommorow morning and make it all better><

For firsts, Auradin is a godly character if u make it correctly, u can either makea 2 aura auradin or a 1 aura auradin, i say fire must be better or so i hear, ive seen many auradins but never made one, they are way too cheap.

conviction 20, Duh..
Charge 20, right...
20 holy shield,
the synergies to the charge/conviction if there are any
im not sure if that is all, correct me if im wrong

fOr pally with both aura's (light, fire)
Dream helm, Preferably grim *looks alot better*
dream shield, grim or troll nest, Low str
Dusk dragon, low str.
HOJ zerk.. u need some dmg
maybe resis rings? or if you'd like some sojs to make convic Stronger.
Seraphs, or maras.
belt dungos, so u can take a hit, atleast?
9 pally offence, obviously life if u can get.
torch (high stat so u dont need any str)
anni (high stat again)
20life/5 resis scs, *u dont need frw.*
Oh and imps, Fhr, resis, str.

Alright ur resis should be pretty good, since u have those charms, hopefully. *u dont need the 20 life as much as u need the resis:\

The second build is plain fire, plain light sucks.

just trade the shield for a dragon shield, and then the helm for a shako Or a COA, so again, u can take a hit, and u have resists.

The way to duel with this character with melee is to charge away from them and then as they come after u they should go around in a circle charging, and when their life goes down all u do is charge them because ur dmg should be about 50k-60k and there is the convic, they shall die. The ele is pretty easy, any ele char should die one hit charge, just charge em... and Never Forget Holy shield, I dont know if i fergot anythingm but its past my bedtime and i still havent done my homework from like 5 days ago, and i can do this hit much easier then homework, I hope u make a good char and i hope i helped.
ok, sounds good but ive got some questions. if u get lvl 16 holy fire from hoj and lvl 14 from dragon, would u have a lvl 30 holy fire or just 2 seperate ones... same with the lvl 15 holy shocks.. also do the offensive gcs add to the lvl of the auras given from items?? and conviction shouldnt be maxed. it should be at lvl 25 with all ur gear and bc bcuz it cant go higher than -150 resists. also wut gloves and boots..
gloves, i dont know, no clue watsoever, lol... but boots imps, i already said that i think, Srry i was really tired last night, ummmm yes The Auras stack on eachother. so 16+14=30. otherwise auradin would SuCk
wut about offensive gcs and other +skill items.. i dont think they would add to it, rite? so y use 9 offensive gcs?

EDIT: another question.. if u maxed the synergies for holy fire and holy shock, would the aura from the item get that extra % dmg?
no, im pretty sure they don't. And i guess i was wrong, thats why i said i wasnt sure about this build, combat would be good for charge dmg
ya theres a lot of uncertaintys. this is practically the only build that i dont know about.. if theres any1 who has personally had experience creating an auradin plz fill us in.
my buddy had one, that is wat im going off of, he was pretty good, i think that build wouldnt be ALL that bad @ all, im sure u could own.
i dont think im actually gonna make it, i was just curious on how i would cuz i didnt know. there was one that owned my smiter in a team duels game. but i just turned on my salvation and he couldnt even touch me. Tongue they have great potential, but too easy to counter.
thats why u could also max fanta and just Charge with Hoj on and still rape people Smile
aight ill clear it up here max these skills
holy fire synergies
if you go for holy fire +light max light synergies after
only put enough into convict where u will get the maximum- res
without maxing charge i did 10k dmg with a hoj zerk
yes teh synergies to holy shock and holy fire do get added to the dmg from the weop if you max them
and i dont know y u would max charge if ur gonna run aroudn like a chicken without a head and then jsut charge for the last hit, y not jsut charge form the get go and be a charger if ur gonna max charge
ok cool so how does this sound..

str: enuff
dex: max block?
vita: rest
ene: none

max fire resist
max light resist
max salvation
25 - (+skills) conviction
max holy shield
rest charge

helm: dream bone visage
armor: dragon archon
shield: dream troll nest
weap: hoj zerk
ammy: maras
rings: bk/rfrost
belt: dungos
gloves: up'd bloodfists (40 life)
boots: ik boots (40%frw/44life)
well good except the shield get aa dream or dragon akaran targe for the resis and also dont get max block when ur charging aorund the lil ppl and watching them die tou without them even touching u melee shouldnt hit u, only other chargers and possibly a wwer but thats it, o and in ur invent use a hellfire anni and 37x20 life watever else mod scs i suggest probably mana but u choose.
Avenger guide please?

items,stats,gear etc...
srry i have no clue what the hell an avenger us, maybe im just a stupid *** lol...
I have a smiter and want to make him better, help if you can.

Items, UM'd shako, Helm
COH, Amour
CTA, Second weapon
Doom, First weapon
Exile, Shild
Bloodfist, Gloves
Sandtreks, Boots
Aracnid, Belt
Mara, Amu
Soj, Ring 1
Bk5, Ring 2

Charms, Anni
pala hellfire
3 pala skillers (not so bothers about charms)
3 x 3 20 20's

Stats Strenth whats needed ---- Dex rest ----- Vita none ---- Ene none
Skills, 20- Smite, Holy shild, Fantasism, Defiance (pure smite no charge)

Perfect block (based on hell baal) --- resitances 85 85 75 75 (hell) --- damage 4.5k (cant remember if thats with or without bo)
avenger is a pally that uses vengeance with conviction as main aura. with my experience they're not very good.. if u wanna go for it then i would suggest concentrating mostly on speed cuz mine was too slwo when i built it.. i would suggest going for a grief phase blade for great speed and dmg that vengeance will add a bunch of elemental too.

its_me, your smiter culd use some work..
try and get berber coa for helm, if not ber'd shako is better than um'd.
u MUST change ur doom for a grief, grief is where all ur dmg comes from, without it u will suck big time.
change arachs for 15dr dungos.
change soj for 20 dex rfrost.
i would change coh for enigma, mostly cuz of massive str boost (about 70).. which could be used for vita. (u mite have to remake smiter for this, u dont have to if u dont want to)
also wut is the base shield for ur exile? does it have resists or ed? how much? (high resist elite shield is best.. i like zakarum for consistency)
also, 32020s dont do anything for smite except the life.. just use 20 life scs instead.

its_me Wrote:Dex rest ----- Vita none

WTF is that?!?!? u dont even need much dex with holy shield.. with ur items u should only need a few more points for 75%lock. smiters are ALL about life! none is life is just ridiculously stupid.. if u ask me ALL of ur points should be in vita.

The-Grim-Reaper Wrote:its_me, your smiter culd use some work..
try and get berber coa for helm, if not ber'd shako is better than um'd.
u MUST change ur doom for a grief, grief is where all ur dmg comes from, without it u will suck big time.
change arachs for 15dr dungos.
change soj for 20 dex rfrost.
i would change coh for enigma, mostly cuz of massive str boost (about 70).. which could be used for vita. (u mite have to remake smiter for this, u dont have to if u dont want to)
also wut is the base shield for ur exile? does it have resists or ed? how much? (high resist elite shield is best.. i like zakarum for consistency)
also, 32020s dont do anything for smite except the life.. just use 20 life scs instead.
i think COH is better for smiter than enigma
soj for 20 dex rfrost --- have enough dex
shako ----- just ber'd it
Grief ---- trying to find a trade
dungos --- ill take a look (aint sure yet)

My stats for shild:
15% to cast lvl 5 lifetap
lvl 13 defiance aura
2- defence auras
30% faster block
Freezes target
235 enhanced def
life regen +7
+5 to max fire and cold resist
resist all + 42
25 mf
reapirs 1 duribility in 4 secs
The-Grim-Reaper Wrote:WTF is that?!?!? u dont even need much dex with holy shield.. with ur items u should only need a few more points for 75%lock. smiters are ALL about life! none is life is just ridiculously stupid.. if u ask me ALL of ur points should be in vita.


My life is 1.5k when i bo plus my life never touches the half way point (unless dueling)
i only just got 75 block with the last 5 stats i added

So basicly i need more damage not life

Any one who wants to trade grief with me ill offor up to 2 soj leave message here Smile
Ok, hmm how about a guide on a PoleArm Barb? Thinking of using Eth Tombreaver, but im really unsure on how much dex to put into it, and armor and what not, if you got the time, i'd appreciate it a lot.

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