; CL Sorce MAIN
CL_Sorc_Pre_Cast, 0 ; Here the pre-cast sequence in town. At downstairs, near WP.
CL_Sorc_Goto_Eldritch_Wp, 0 ; We choose to go to Eldritch Way Point (Frigid Highlands).
; CL_Sorc_Will_Use_Cta, 0 ; If you want use CTA uncomment this sequence.
CL_Sorc_GoTo_Eldritch, 0 ; Here the sequence to go to Eldritch, not a loop.
CL_Sorc_Pre_Attack_Eldritch, @Timeout_Eldritch_Pre_Attack ; Primary simple light attack against Eldritch.
CL_Sorc_Attack_Eldritch, @Timeout_Eldritch_Attack ; Chain Lightning Eldritch attack.
CL_Sorc_Eldritch_Pickit, 0 ; Eldritch drop and Pickit ...
;CL_Sorc_Eldritch_GoTo_AnyaTP, 0 ; Now lets return to town, and go to Anya TP.
;CL_Sorc_GoTo_Pindle, 0 ; From Anya TP go to Pindle.
;CL_Sorc_Pre_Attack_Pindle, @Timeout_Pindle_Pre_Attack ; Primary simple light attack against Pindle
;CL_Sorc_Attack_Pindle, @Timeout_Pindle_Attack ; Lightning Pindle Attack.
;CL_Sorc_Pindle_Pickit, 0 ; Pindle drop and Pickit ... Run finished.
; CL Sorce will precast at downstairs
SR(@Random_Delay_Before_Eldritch) ; This delay is in town, at downstairs, before pre-cast.
K(@Frozen_Armor_Key) ; Push Frozen Armor Skill Key.
S(@Key_Push_Delay) ; Little delay to let the Skill appears at right click.
RC(400,60) ; Right Click to cast Frozen Armor.
SR(@Pre-Cast_Random_Delay) ; Sleep a little random time (Casting delay).
K(@Mana_Shield_Key) ; Push Mana Shield Skill Key.
S(@Key_Push_Delay) ; Little delay to let the Skill appears at right click.
RC(400,60) ; Right Click to cast Mana Shield.
SR(@Pre-Cast_Random_Delay) ; Sleep a little random time (Casting delay).
;SEND(/NOPICKUP) ; Optional, uncomment it to avoid accidental pickups.
;EXEC:Example.au3 ; Optional, If you installed Autoit V3 uncomment it for a test.
EXIT ; End of the sequence; it's a no loop sequence.
; CL Sorce Goto Frigid Highlands (Eldritch WP)
FUNC:A5EWP ; This function will go from downstairs to Eldritch WayPoint.
EXIT ; End of the sequence; it's a no loop sequence.
; Optional: CTA
S(@WP_Menu_Delay) ; Wait a bit before switch (entering Frigid Highlands).
SWITCH1 ; Internal SWITCH1 command (Switch to secondary gear).
K(@Battle_Commands_Key) ; Push Battle Commands Skill Key.
S(@Key_Push_Delay) ; Little delay to let the Skill appears at right click.
RC(500,60) ; Right Click to cast Battle Commands.
SR(@Pre-Cast_Random_Delay) ; Sleep a little random time (Casting delay).
K(@Battle_Orders_Key) ; Push Battle Orders Skill Key
S(@Key_Push_Delay) ; Little delay to let the Skill appears at right click.
RC(500,60) ; Right Click to cast Battle Commands.
SR(@Pre-Cast_Random_Delay) ; Sleep a little random time (Casting delay).
SWITCH2 ; Internal SWITCH1 command (Switch back to primary gear).
EXIT ; End of the sequence; it's a no loop sequence.
; Go to Eldritch
K(@Teleport_Key) ; Push the Teleport Skill Key.
S(@Key_Push_Delay) ; Little delay to let the Skill appears at right click.
BRC(155,-60) ; Teleport to these coordinates (relative to Green Block).
WEOT(@Wait_End_Of_Teleport_Delay) ; Wait End of Teleport.
CLM ; Check Life and Mana, and drink if needed.
CML ; Check Merc Life, and heal him if needed and defined in mm.BOT.ini.
BRC(70,-330); Teleport to these coordinates (relative to Green Block).
WEOT(@Wait_End_Of_Teleport_Delay) ; Wait End of Teleport.
CLM ; Check Life and Mana, and drink if needed.
CML ; Check Merc Life, and heal him if needed and defined in mm.BOT.ini.
K(@Lightning_Key) ; Push Lightning Key Skill for next attack (optionnal but helps)
S(@Key_Push_Delay) ; Little delay to let the Skill appears at right click.
EXIT ; End of the sequence; it's a no loop sequence.
; Eldritch Primary Light Attack(loop)
K(@Lightning_Key) ; Push the Lightning Skill Key.
RCD(450,50) ; "Blind" Right Click Down Attack in monsters direction (cast in the whole group).
S(@Attack_Loop_Delay) ; Little delay to avoid excessive cast (because this sequence is a loop).
CLM ; Check Life and Mana, and drink if needed.
CML ; Check Merc Life, and heal him if needed and defined in mm.BOT.ini.
CMDO ; Check if monsters are dead, if yes, jump go to next sequence.
CTOE ; Chech if End of Time Out (defined in MAIN) if expired jump to next sequence.
; Eldritch Chain-Light Attack
K(@Chain_Lightning_Key) ; Push the Chain Lightning Skill
RCD(MFOC,OUT) ; Right Click Down Attack on detected monsters (Chain Light to finish all them).
S(@Attack_Loop_Delay) ; Little delay to avoid excessive cast (because this sequence is a loop).
CLM ; Check Life and Mana, and drink if needed.
CML ; Check Merc Life, and heal him if needed and defined in mm.BOT.ini.
CMDO ; Check if monsters are dead, if yes, will go to next sequence.
CTOE ; Chech if End of Time Out (defined in MAIN) if expired jump to next sequence..
; Eldritch Pickit
S(300) ; Added a delay to ensure a good teleport into Eldritch area for pickit.
K(@Teleport_Key) ; Push the Teleport Skill Key.
S(@Key_Push_Delay) ; Little delay to let the Skill appears at right click.
RC(440, 140) ; Righ Click Teleport in Eldritch monster area.
WEOT(@Wait_End_Of_Teleport_Delay) ; Wait End of Teleport.
CLM ; Check Life and Mana, and drink if needed.
CML ; Check Merc Life, and heal him if needed and defined in mm.BOT.ini.
PICKIT(600) ; Perform a pickit, with life check every 600 ms.
EXIT ; End of the sequence; it's a no loop sequence.
; Go to Anya TP
RC(430, 510) ; Teleport back to way point.
WEOT(@Wait_End_Of_Teleport_Delay) ; Wait End of Teleport.
CLM ; Check Life and Mana, and drink if needed.
CML ; Check Merc Life, and heal him if needed and defined in mm.BOT.ini.
RC(430, 510) ; Continue to Teleport back to way point.
WEOT(@Wait_End_Of_Teleport_Delay) ; Wait End of Teleport.
CLM ; Check Life and Mana, and drink if needed.
CML ; Check Merc Life, and heal him if needed and defined in mm.BOT.ini.
RC(430, 510) ; Continue to Teleport back to way point.
WEOT(@Wait_End_Of_Teleport_Delay) ; Wait End of Teleport. Now we have the way point at screen.
CLM ; Check Life and Mana, and drink if needed.
CML ; Check Merc Life, and heal him if needed and defined in mm.BOT.ini.
K(@Telekinesis_Key) ; Push Telekinesis Skill to catch the WP.
S(@Key_Push_Delay) ; Little delay to let the Skill appears at right click.
BMV(169,182) ; Relative to green block move mouse onto the WP
FOCWP ; Validate WP focus, and search/move mouse arround if dont get it.
SRC ; Simple Right Click (telekinesis cast on the WP by the way)
S(@WP_Menu_Delay) ; give time to way point menu appears...
CLM ; Check Life and Mana, and drink if needed. ; give time to way point menu appears...
S(@WP_Menu_Delay) ; give time to way point menu appears...
LC(115, 160) ; Left Click on "harrogath" button !
SR(@Random_Delay_Before_Pindle) ; This delay is in town, before going to Anya TP
PTPT ; Now lets use the TPTP command to go to from Town WP to Pindle TP
EXIT ; End of the sequence; it's a no loop sequence.
; Go to Pindle
K(@Teleport_Key) ; Push the Teleport Skill Key.
S(@Key_Push_Delay) ; Little delay to let the Skill appears at right click.
BRC(400,-310); Teleport to these coordinates (relative to Green Block).
WEOT(@Wait_End_Of_Teleport_Delay) ; Wait End of Teleport.
RC(735,35) ; No green blocks in the screen, lets do a "Blind" Teleport click here.
WEOT(@Wait_End_Of_Teleport_Delay) ; Wait End of Teleport.
BRC(600,-30); Teleport to these coordinates (relative to Green Block).
WEOT(@Wait_End_Of_Teleport_Delay) ; Wait End of Teleport.
K(@Lightning_Key) ; Push Lightning Key Skill for next attack (optionnal but helps)
S(@Key_Push_Delay) ; Little delay to let the Skill appears at right click.
EXIT ; End of the sequence; it's a no loop sequence.
; PindleSkin Primary Light Attack
K(@Lightning_Key) ; Push the Lightning Skill
BRCD(285,-13) ; Right Click Down in monsters direction (cast in the whole group).
S(@Attack_Loop_Delay) ; Little delay to avoid excessive cast (because this sequence is a loop).
CLM ; Check Life and Mana, and drink if needed.
CML ; Check Merc Life, and heal him if needed and defined in mm.BOT.ini.
CMDO ; Check if monsters are dead, if yes, will go to next sequence.
CTOE ; Chech if End of Time Out (defined in MAIN) if expired jump to next sequence..
; Pindle Light Attack
K(@Lightning_Key) ; Push the Lightning Skill
RCD(MFOC,IN) ; Right Click Down Attack on detected monsters (cast on the last monsters).
S(@Attack_Loop_Delay) ; Little delay to avoid excessive cast (because this sequence is a loop).
CLM ; Check Life and Mana, and drink if needed.
CML ; Check Merc Life, and heal him if needed and defined in mm.BOT.ini.
CMDI ; Check if monsters are dead, if yes, will go to next sequence.
CTOE ; Chech if End of Time Out (defined in MAIN) if expired jump to next sequence..
; Pindle Pickit
S(300) ; Added a delay to ensure a good teleport in Pindle area for pickit.
K(@Teleport_Key) ; Push the Teleport Skill Key.
S(@Key_Push_Delay) ; Little delay to let the Skill appears at right click.
BRC(60,90) ; Relative to Green Block Right Click Teleport in Pindle area.
WEOT(@Wait_End_Of_Teleport_Delay) ; Wait End of Teleport.
CLM ; Check Life and Mana, and drink if needed.
CML ; Check Merc Life, and heal him if needed and defined in mm.BOT.ini.
PICKIT(600) ; Perform a pickit, with life check every 600 ms.
SR(200, 300) ; Why not a little random delay after pickit...
EXIT ; End of the sequence; it's a no loop sequence. END OF RUN.