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Two amazing programs
I decided not to put this in the "Hacking" or whatever section because these programs don't give you an upper edge on someone while playing. One is an analysis guide to how you really play, and the other gives you a couple of bells and whistles while you play the game (like saving text on replays and such).

The first is BWChart. Many tournament-style melee players recognize this program. It displays your APM, unit distribution, and structure order/distribution/macro. This is, by far, the most useful program for legit players looking to up their game.

The second is PenguinPlug. This nifty-keen little program allows you to save text on replays, scroll through your text in-game (I'm not sure if this really works, I haven't tested this part yet) and supposively drops anyone using hacks in your game (also not sure about this).

I've personally virus-scanned and used both programs before posting this here, of course.
very nice, those are both useful things to have. glad u posted em
yes, finaly somthing that records messages on replays, when I play single player i sometimes type my thouugts out and now when I watch the replays i can see wut i was thinking.
[Image: koolaidsig.gif]
tg now i can see how to play better

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