10-09-2005, 07:33 AM
Protoss is a race with strong units that depends upon a thriving economy.
Zealot: Probably the backbone of the Protoss army, with 100/80 hitpoints and 16 blade dmg, makes it a invaluable unit for the protoss army.
COMBO WITH: zealots and dragoons, a classic combo works very well, however zealots can be used with almost any other groups of units, they are very versatile.
BAD AGAINST: Hordes of firebats eve with the firebats concussive dmg, any air unit, and lurkers.
Dragoons: Also a great unit, 20 explosive dmg, kills most units without a problem, however their cooldown time, or attack speed is a little under par
COMBO WITH: zealots goons cannot fight without zealots, high templars to back them up is good too.
BAD AGAINST: infested terrans, not enough dmg fast enough and the 500 dmg will rape you, lings, once again, not enough dmg fast enough, esp against cracklings.
HIgh Templars: If u dont know hwo to use them... quit sc they are indispensable, and rape massed units like nothing else
hallucination: creates 2 replicas of a selected unit, does no dmg, used as cannon fodder
psionic storm: a wave of psionic energy comes over youand kills any units trapped over or under it. good for riot controlling.
form archon: hah when u use all your energy and 2x hts are in imminent danger just turn them into archons immidiate 300/10 hp.
Combo With: ANYUNIT keep themi nthe back and storm once in a while
Bad Against: everyone? no real self defense.
Dark Templar: low hp but always cloaked and 40 dmg! but high cool down but can kill many things fast.
COMBO WITH: send them in with zealots and goons, and use the zealtos as a distraction while your stealthy assassins kill everything in their path.
Bad Against: all the weaknesses od a zealot.
Archon: 300/10 hit points is really good, just stay away from emp shockwaves, and ther splash dmg of 30 dmg per hit is good. too
Combo With: any unit jsut dont mass archons, they get locked in choke points and such.
Bad Against: sci vessel and one rine can take it out.
Dark Archon: no self defense, but cnan cast feedback, maelstrom, mind controll
feedback: gets a units energy and cuts down on the untis hp with it, more energy then hp? your screwed.
maelstrom: all organic units get locked up and cant move, like a lockdown for organit units. but short freeze time, kill fastm preferable storm.
mind control umm you take the mind of a unit BUT you shield drops to 1 so careful.
Reaver: fully upped is 125 dmg and 8 capacity, good dmg and range but very slow and unlike the tank splash doesnt affect own units and can attack units directly upon them.
Combo with: anything just have anti-air
Scouts: low anti-ground dmg but decent 20 anti-air missiles. they are mostly for scouting like the name says
Good With: other air untis preferble sairs
Bad Against: gols and other good anti-air ground units.
Carrier: When most people see a fleet of these monsters they immidiately thing they have lost, and most times this is true, unless u havea mean focre to counter with and or you have good microing knowledge.
Combo With: Arbiters dto cloak the carriers and to recall when they are weak and stasis fiel when unitw try to kill the arbiter.
BAD AGAINST: scorges, they move too fast and if they are able to hit you then goodbye carrier, also valkyries, they do splash dmg and even if they aim for the carrier and interceptors near the rockets will aslso get hurt, so careful.
Corsairs: very fast speed and attack rate, however low dmg, if u dont upgrade and the enemy upgrades the shields you will do less then 1dmg, best to upgrade them asap.
Combo with, other air units or use them and anti air when your using reavers, and to web over any unitsd that are ranging the reaver.
BAD AGAINST: any other unit that can tank and any ground untis. also scourges.
Arbiters. Very usefull for when it comes to microing, can freeze many units so u only finght a little at a time, helps more then u might like to think. also they have a recall ability to teleport any own unit anywhere right to the arbiter,
Combo With: best with other air units esp carriers and sairs
Bad Against. Almost every unit, there 10 explosive dmg with a moderate cool down isnt very great. they should be kept in the back.. like medics.
Written by JAKEX1 coprights to JAKEX1 2005 and unauthorized distribution it no permitted.
Zealot: Probably the backbone of the Protoss army, with 100/80 hitpoints and 16 blade dmg, makes it a invaluable unit for the protoss army.
COMBO WITH: zealots and dragoons, a classic combo works very well, however zealots can be used with almost any other groups of units, they are very versatile.
BAD AGAINST: Hordes of firebats eve with the firebats concussive dmg, any air unit, and lurkers.
Dragoons: Also a great unit, 20 explosive dmg, kills most units without a problem, however their cooldown time, or attack speed is a little under par
COMBO WITH: zealots goons cannot fight without zealots, high templars to back them up is good too.
BAD AGAINST: infested terrans, not enough dmg fast enough and the 500 dmg will rape you, lings, once again, not enough dmg fast enough, esp against cracklings.
HIgh Templars: If u dont know hwo to use them... quit sc they are indispensable, and rape massed units like nothing else
hallucination: creates 2 replicas of a selected unit, does no dmg, used as cannon fodder
psionic storm: a wave of psionic energy comes over youand kills any units trapped over or under it. good for riot controlling.
form archon: hah when u use all your energy and 2x hts are in imminent danger just turn them into archons immidiate 300/10 hp.
Combo With: ANYUNIT keep themi nthe back and storm once in a while
Bad Against: everyone? no real self defense.
Dark Templar: low hp but always cloaked and 40 dmg! but high cool down but can kill many things fast.
COMBO WITH: send them in with zealots and goons, and use the zealtos as a distraction while your stealthy assassins kill everything in their path.
Bad Against: all the weaknesses od a zealot.
Archon: 300/10 hit points is really good, just stay away from emp shockwaves, and ther splash dmg of 30 dmg per hit is good. too
Combo With: any unit jsut dont mass archons, they get locked in choke points and such.
Bad Against: sci vessel and one rine can take it out.
Dark Archon: no self defense, but cnan cast feedback, maelstrom, mind controll
feedback: gets a units energy and cuts down on the untis hp with it, more energy then hp? your screwed.
maelstrom: all organic units get locked up and cant move, like a lockdown for organit units. but short freeze time, kill fastm preferable storm.
mind control umm you take the mind of a unit BUT you shield drops to 1 so careful.
Reaver: fully upped is 125 dmg and 8 capacity, good dmg and range but very slow and unlike the tank splash doesnt affect own units and can attack units directly upon them.
Combo with: anything just have anti-air
Scouts: low anti-ground dmg but decent 20 anti-air missiles. they are mostly for scouting like the name says
Good With: other air untis preferble sairs
Bad Against: gols and other good anti-air ground units.
Carrier: When most people see a fleet of these monsters they immidiately thing they have lost, and most times this is true, unless u havea mean focre to counter with and or you have good microing knowledge.
Combo With: Arbiters dto cloak the carriers and to recall when they are weak and stasis fiel when unitw try to kill the arbiter.
BAD AGAINST: scorges, they move too fast and if they are able to hit you then goodbye carrier, also valkyries, they do splash dmg and even if they aim for the carrier and interceptors near the rockets will aslso get hurt, so careful.
Corsairs: very fast speed and attack rate, however low dmg, if u dont upgrade and the enemy upgrades the shields you will do less then 1dmg, best to upgrade them asap.
Combo with, other air units or use them and anti air when your using reavers, and to web over any unitsd that are ranging the reaver.
BAD AGAINST: any other unit that can tank and any ground untis. also scourges.
Arbiters. Very usefull for when it comes to microing, can freeze many units so u only finght a little at a time, helps more then u might like to think. also they have a recall ability to teleport any own unit anywhere right to the arbiter,
Combo With: best with other air units esp carriers and sairs
Bad Against. Almost every unit, there 10 explosive dmg with a moderate cool down isnt very great. they should be kept in the back.. like medics.
Written by JAKEX1 coprights to JAKEX1 2005 and unauthorized distribution it no permitted.