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**FAQ** Q. What if Cd-Key is in use?
A. it sleeps for 5 minuts and tries again.

I did a simple test, i logged on with a different computer with my cdkey and then tried running the bot.

These where my results


10/24 20:51:58 [I]> ========================================
10/24 20:51:58 [I]> mm.BOT.543B3 was launched for Battle mode.
10/24 20:51:58 [I]> ========================================
10/24 20:51:58 [I]>
10/24 20:51:58 [I]> Autoit Options, mm.BOT.ini, and HotKeys loaded.
10/24 20:52:00 [I]> Compilation by mmcl.PKID.Compiler.exe was successful!
10/24 20:52:00 [I]> Empty Inventory, Stash, Npc, Cube, and Belt references loaded.
10/24 20:52:01 [I]> PKID loaded 172 XUniques statistics in iding database.
10/24 20:52:01 [I]> PKID loaded 4612 XRares statistics in iding database.
10/24 20:52:01 [I]> PKID loaded 15 Sets statistics in iding database.
10/24 20:52:01 [I]> PKID loaded 183 Grays statistics in iding database.
10/24 20:52:01 [I]> PKID loaded 56 Whites statistics in iding database.
10/24 20:52:01 [I]> PKID loaded 894 Magics statistics in iding database.
10/24 20:52:03 [I]> PKID loaded 5932 Total statistics in iding database.
10/24 20:52:03 [I]> PKID loaded 135 XUniques items to pickup.
10/24 20:52:03 [I]> PKID loaded 380 XRares items to pickup.
10/24 20:52:03 [I]> PKID loaded 15 Sets items to pickup.
10/24 20:52:03 [I]> PKID loaded 43 Grays items to pickup.
10/24 20:52:03 [I]> PKID loaded 29 Whites items to pickup.
10/24 20:52:03 [I]> PKID loaded 94 Magics items to pickup.
10/24 20:52:03 [I]> PKID loaded 696 Total items to pickup.
10/24 20:52:03 [I]> 2 Cd-key sets available.
10/24 20:52:04 [I]> Cd-Key set id 2 correctly injected into .mpq files
10/24 20:52:05 [I]> SEQUENCER loaded CL_Sorc_Town_Pre_Cast with 10 commands.
10/24 20:52:05 [I]> SEQUENCER loaded CL_Sorc_Town_GoTo_PindleTP with 1 commands.
10/24 20:52:05 [I]> SEQUENCER loaded CL_Sorc_GoTo_Pindle with 11 commands.
10/24 20:52:05 [I]> SEQUENCER loaded CL_Sorc_Pre_Attack_Pindle with 7 commands.
10/24 20:52:05 [I]> SEQUENCER loaded CL_Sorc_Attack_Pindle with 7 commands.
10/24 20:52:05 [I]> SEQUENCER loaded CL_Sorc_Pindle_Pickit with 10 commands.
10/24 20:52:05 [I]> SEQUENCER loaded CL_Sorc_BackA5Town with 5 commands.
10/24 20:52:05 [I]> SEQUENCER loaded CL_Sorc_Town_Goto_Eldritch_Wp with 2 commands.
10/24 20:52:05 [I]> SEQUENCER loaded CL_Sorc_GoTo_Eldritch with 13 commands.
10/24 20:52:05 [I]> SEQUENCER loaded CL_Sorc_Pre_Attack_Eldritch with 7 commands.
10/24 20:52:05 [I]> SEQUENCER loaded CL_Sorc_Attack_Eldritch with 7 commands.
10/24 20:52:05 [I]> SEQUENCER loaded CL_Sorc_Eldritch_Pickit with 11 commands.
10/24 20:52:05 [I]> SEQUENCER loaded 12 Total sequences.
10/24 20:52:05 [I]> Bot process priority: Medium speed.
10/24 20:52:06 [I]> Diablo II processes closed successfully.
10/24 20:52:07 [I]> Diablo 2 will be launched with these parameters:
10/24 20:52:07 [I]> C:\Program Files\Diablo II\Diablo II.exe  -w -ns -lq -direct -txt -title "Diablo II" (title: Diablo II)
10/24 20:52:13 [I]> Bot process priority: Medium speed.
10/24 20:52:13 [I]> Diablo II started.
10/24 20:52:43 [E]> Unable to get the Login fields. Exit and wait ~5 minutes. Hope it's just an Ip ban.
10/24 20:52:50 [I]> Diablo II processes closed successfully.
10/24 20:52:50 [I]> Sleep : 5 Minutes (Randomized)

so in summary it sleeps for 5 minutes and tries again.
it logs off but does it switch keys i dont think so
idk ill test that right now and ill have the answer in apx 5 mins.

ok it doesn't change cd-key witch amazes me because it is smart enough to tell what the last key used was.

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