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You might be a Redneck if...
You might be a redneck if...
  • You think a 401K is your Mother-In-Law's Bra Size
  • You think NSYNC is where your dirty dishes are..
  • You think Taco Bell is a Mexican Phone Company
  • Your state's got a new law that says when a couple get divorced, they are still legally brother and sister.
  • Your house still has a "WIDE LOAD" Sign on the Back of it.
  • If you've ever carried a fishing pole into Sea World.
  • If you think a Quarter-Horse is the Ride outside of the nearest Wal-Mart
  • If you think Safe Sex is a Padded HeadBoard
  • If you think a Sub-Division is part of a Math Problem!
  • If you and your dog both use the same tree to use as a Bathroom!
  • If you believe Dual Air Bags refer to your Wife and Mother-in-law.
  • If you've ever ridden an Electric floor Buffer!
  • If you think the O.J. Trial was a SunKist and MinuteMaid taste Test!
  • You think Fast Food is hitting a Deer at 65 MPH
  • If an episode of Walker Texas Ranger changed your life.
  • Your Senior year was the 5th Grade.
  • A Seven course meal is a Jumbo Bucket of Chicken from KFC and a Six Pack.
  • Your dad walks you to scohol because you are both in the same grade.
  • Your baby's first word's were "Attention K-Mart Shoppers!"
  • You have ever been too drunk to fish
  • Your house has more mileage than your vehicle
  • Your house has wheels and your car does not.
  • If you pay money to see jeff foxworthy because you can't afford basic cable
  • Everyone in your state belongs to the same family tree
  • You were concieved, born, and raised in the same car.
  • You think the stock market has a fence around it
  • Your favorite T-shirt is offensive in thirteen states.
  • Your secret family recipe is illegal.
  • You've ever hitchhiked naked

If you have more, Please post them and I might add them to this growing list!
Wow, I didn't even think rednecks could afford a computer let alone setup a whole new version. lol. Kinda hard to read, but, sad thing is I understood all of it. =\
I changed it to you might be a redneck if...

Considering the Winders 98 wouldnt work right Sad
Those aren't as good as normal Redneck jokes. Believe me I've heard ALL the good ones, after all I live in the south.
[Image: fuggyleetsignj8il7.jpg]
Nobody can handle the leetness of this sig.
' Wrote:Who loves orange soda?
Kel'thuzad loves orange soda!
Is it true?
i must have gotten off track somewhere along the line
i dont know what windows 98 has to do with anything. i dont even see it anywhere in the joke post
Ya i was wondering the same thing.. but i think he changed the post..
Considering I'd have to have an ADMIN change the Title, I cant change the title, mainly because the Winders 98 Joke really bombed up.
My additions:
if- you like nascar
- you think redneck jokes are funnier than any other kind
- if you pay money to see jeff foxworthy because you can't afford basic cable
- you were concieved, born, and raised in the same car.
- if you think country music is enjoyed by the whole country, in which case, kill yourself
- you own a winnebago
- you live in the south (the joke says might be, settle down)
- everyone in your state belongs to the same family tree
- you do not know what a redneck is, but are jealous of 'dem rich folk wit 'der monie

You might be a redneck if:
You have ever been too drunk to fish
You go to family re-unions to meet women.
Uh, pyro and nightcrow, your posts had several of the jokes the first post had.....
i think the 1st post was edited to include them...could be wrong
You might be a red neck if:
You think the stock market has a fence around it
Your front porch collapses and kills more than three dogs.
Your favorite T-shirt is offensive in thirteen states.
You've ever hitchhiked naked
You're turned on by a woman who can field dress a deer.
Your secret family recipe is illegal.

And lopty its Hawk, not crow....
nightcrow was funnier than the jokes....
Yes, I added NightCrow's and PyroCrow's Jokes, I'll update when I add them now.

Four of NightHawk's Jokes have been added:
Your secret family recipe is illegal.
You think the stock market has a fence around it
You've ever hitchhiked naked
Your favorite T-shirt is offensive in thirteen states.

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