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I just go and die...
I am using and i cant attack, i dont do my buff...

I am using in Sequance: ;##############################################################################
; Default sequence is the light sorce one, but you can replace it or edit it
; by whatever you want. Refers the MANUAL to know more about light sorce & merc.
; Lightning sorce is the easiest & cheapest character to proceed Pindle +
; and Eldritch runs for MFing and eventually Shenk runs.
; BUT Much others builts are possible, of course!
; Dont forget to check your keys settings in \Config\mm.BOT.ini !!
; Replace below the keys your character use in game for these skills:
; Note; All skills are at right click in these sequences:
@TP_Scroll_Key = h ; TP Scroll Skill key (must have it and a TP tome...)
@Teleport_Key = k ; Teleport Skill Key (must have it)
@Lightning_Key = k ; Lightning Skill Key (must have it)
@Chain_Lightning_Key = k ; ChainLightning Skill Key (must have it)
@Telekinesis_Key = q ; Telekinesis Skill Key (must have it)
@Frozen_Armor_Key = k ; Frozen Armor Skill Key (put a blank if you dont have)
@Mana_Shield_Key = k ; Mana Shield Skill Key (put a blank if you dont have)
@Battle_Commands_Key = ; Battle Commands Skill Key (leave blank if you dont have)
@Battle_Orders_Key = ; Battle Orders Skill Key (leave blank if you dont have)
;NOTE: to use CTA uncomment the CL_Sorc_Will_Use_Cta sequence in the [MAIN] below
; Eventually change the settings below to resolve problems or increase speed.
@Random_Delay_Before_Eldritch = 100,200 ; <mini>,<maxi> TOWN random delay (ms.)
@Random_Delay_Before_Pindle = 100,200 ; <mini>,<maxi> TOWN random delay (ms.)
@Wait_End_Of_Teleport_Delay = 1200 ; Delay before retry to teleport (ms.)
@Timeout_Eldritch_Pre_Attack = 4000 ; Maximum primary attack time on Eldritch (ms.)
@Timeout_Shenk_Pre_Attack = 4000 ; Maximum primary attack time on Shenk (ms.)
@Timeout_Pindle_Pre_Attack = 4000 ; Maximum primary attack time on Pindle (ms.)
@Timeout_Eldritch_Attack = 20000 ; Maximum main attack time on Eldritch (ms.)
@Timeout_Shenk_Attack = 20000 ; Maximum main attack time on Shenk (ms.)
@Timeout_Pindle_Attack = 20000 ; Maximum main attack time on Pindle (ms.)
@Timeout_Council_Attacks = 15000 ; Maximum main attacks time on Council (ms.)
@Pre-Cast_Random_Delay = 300,400 ; Random Delay when casting CTA or Pre-Cast (ms.)
@Attack_Loop_Delay = 100 ; Tweak it to change attacks loop/cast speed (ms.)
@Key_Push_Delay = 100 ; Delay to let the Skills appears at right click (ms.)
@WP_Menu_Delay = 400 ; Delay x2 to wait the WP menu appears at screen.
; CODE; Default sequences below (uncommented) will do Pindle, Eldritch
; CL Sorce MAIN
CL_Sorc_Pre_Cast, 0 ; Here the pre-cast sequence in town. At downstairs, near WP.
CL_Sorc_Goto_Eldritch_Wp, 0 ; We choose to go to Eldritch Way Point (Frigid Highlands).
; CL_Sorc_Will_Use_Cta, 0 ; If you want use CTA uncomment this sequence.
CL_Sorc_GoTo_Eldritch, 0 ; Here the sequence to go to Eldritch, not a loop.
CL_Sorc_Pre_Attack_Eldritch, @Timeout_Eldritch_Pre_Attack ; Primary simple light attack against Eldritch.
CL_Sorc_Attack_Eldritch, @Timeout_Eldritch_Attack ; Chain Lightning Eldritch attack.
CL_Sorc_Eldritch_Pickit, 0 ; Eldritch drop and Pickit ...
;CL_Sorc_Eldritch_GoTo_AnyaTP, 0 ; Now lets return to town, and go to Anya TP.
;CL_Sorc_GoTo_Pindle, 0 ; From Anya TP go to Pindle.
;CL_Sorc_Pre_Attack_Pindle, @Timeout_Pindle_Pre_Attack ; Primary simple light attack against Pindle
;CL_Sorc_Attack_Pindle, @Timeout_Pindle_Attack ; Lightning Pindle Attack.
;CL_Sorc_Pindle_Pickit, 0 ; Pindle drop and Pickit ... Run finished.

; CL Sorce will precast at downstairs
SR(@Random_Delay_Before_Eldritch) ; This delay is in town, at downstairs, before pre-cast.
K(@Frozen_Armor_Key) ; Push Frozen Armor Skill Key.
S(@Key_Push_Delay) ; Little delay to let the Skill appears at right click.
RC(400,60) ; Right Click to cast Frozen Armor.
SR(@Pre-Cast_Random_Delay) ; Sleep a little random time (Casting delay).
K(@Mana_Shield_Key) ; Push Mana Shield Skill Key.
S(@Key_Push_Delay) ; Little delay to let the Skill appears at right click.
RC(400,60) ; Right Click to cast Mana Shield.
SR(@Pre-Cast_Random_Delay) ; Sleep a little random time (Casting delay).
;SEND(/NOPICKUP) ; Optional, uncomment it to avoid accidental pickups.
;EXEC:Example.au3 ; Optional, If you installed Autoit V3 uncomment it for a test.
EXIT ; End of the sequence; it's a no loop sequence.

; CL Sorce Goto Frigid Highlands (Eldritch WP)
FUNC:A5EWP ; This function will go from downstairs to Eldritch WayPoint.
EXIT ; End of the sequence; it's a no loop sequence.

; Optional: CTA
S(@WP_Menu_Delay) ; Wait a bit before switch (entering Frigid Highlands).
SWITCH1 ; Internal SWITCH1 command (Switch to secondary gear).
K(@Battle_Commands_Key) ; Push Battle Commands Skill Key.
S(@Key_Push_Delay) ; Little delay to let the Skill appears at right click.
RC(500,60) ; Right Click to cast Battle Commands.
SR(@Pre-Cast_Random_Delay) ; Sleep a little random time (Casting delay).
K(@Battle_Orders_Key) ; Push Battle Orders Skill Key
S(@Key_Push_Delay) ; Little delay to let the Skill appears at right click.
RC(500,60) ; Right Click to cast Battle Commands.
SR(@Pre-Cast_Random_Delay) ; Sleep a little random time (Casting delay).
SWITCH2 ; Internal SWITCH1 command (Switch back to primary gear).
EXIT ; End of the sequence; it's a no loop sequence.

; Go to Eldritch
K(@Teleport_Key) ; Push the Teleport Skill Key.
S(@Key_Push_Delay) ; Little delay to let the Skill appears at right click.
BRC(155,-60) ; Teleport to these coordinates (relative to Green Block).
WEOT(@Wait_End_Of_Teleport_Delay) ; Wait End of Teleport.
CLM ; Check Life and Mana, and drink if needed.
CML ; Check Merc Life, and heal him if needed and defined in mm.BOT.ini.
BRC(70,-330); Teleport to these coordinates (relative to Green Block).
WEOT(@Wait_End_Of_Teleport_Delay) ; Wait End of Teleport.
CLM ; Check Life and Mana, and drink if needed.
CML ; Check Merc Life, and heal him if needed and defined in mm.BOT.ini.
K(@Lightning_Key) ; Push Lightning Key Skill for next attack (optionnal but helps)
S(@Key_Push_Delay) ; Little delay to let the Skill appears at right click.
EXIT ; End of the sequence; it's a no loop sequence.

; Eldritch Primary Light Attack(loop)
K(@Lightning_Key) ; Push the Lightning Skill Key.
RCD(450,50) ; "Blind" Right Click Down Attack in monsters direction (cast in the whole group).
S(@Attack_Loop_Delay) ; Little delay to avoid excessive cast (because this sequence is a loop).
CLM ; Check Life and Mana, and drink if needed.
CML ; Check Merc Life, and heal him if needed and defined in mm.BOT.ini.
CMDO ; Check if monsters are dead, if yes, jump go to next sequence.
CTOE ; Chech if End of Time Out (defined in MAIN) if expired jump to next sequence.

; Eldritch Chain-Light Attack
K(@Chain_Lightning_Key) ; Push the Chain Lightning Skill
RCD(MFOC,OUT) ; Right Click Down Attack on detected monsters (Chain Light to finish all them).
S(@Attack_Loop_Delay) ; Little delay to avoid excessive cast (because this sequence is a loop).
CLM ; Check Life and Mana, and drink if needed.
CML ; Check Merc Life, and heal him if needed and defined in mm.BOT.ini.
CMDO ; Check if monsters are dead, if yes, will go to next sequence.
CTOE ; Chech if End of Time Out (defined in MAIN) if expired jump to next sequence..

; Eldritch Pickit
S(300) ; Added a delay to ensure a good teleport into Eldritch area for pickit.
K(@Teleport_Key) ; Push the Teleport Skill Key.
S(@Key_Push_Delay) ; Little delay to let the Skill appears at right click.
RC(440, 140) ; Righ Click Teleport in Eldritch monster area.
WEOT(@Wait_End_Of_Teleport_Delay) ; Wait End of Teleport.
CLM ; Check Life and Mana, and drink if needed.
CML ; Check Merc Life, and heal him if needed and defined in mm.BOT.ini.
PICKIT(600) ; Perform a pickit, with life check every 600 ms.
EXIT ; End of the sequence; it's a no loop sequence.

; Go to Anya TP
RC(430, 510) ; Teleport back to way point.
WEOT(@Wait_End_Of_Teleport_Delay) ; Wait End of Teleport.
CLM ; Check Life and Mana, and drink if needed.
CML ; Check Merc Life, and heal him if needed and defined in mm.BOT.ini.
RC(430, 510) ; Continue to Teleport back to way point.
WEOT(@Wait_End_Of_Teleport_Delay) ; Wait End of Teleport.
CLM ; Check Life and Mana, and drink if needed.
CML ; Check Merc Life, and heal him if needed and defined in mm.BOT.ini.
RC(430, 510) ; Continue to Teleport back to way point.
WEOT(@Wait_End_Of_Teleport_Delay) ; Wait End of Teleport. Now we have the way point at screen.
CLM ; Check Life and Mana, and drink if needed.
CML ; Check Merc Life, and heal him if needed and defined in mm.BOT.ini.
K(@Telekinesis_Key) ; Push Telekinesis Skill to catch the WP.
S(@Key_Push_Delay) ; Little delay to let the Skill appears at right click.
BMV(169,182) ; Relative to green block move mouse onto the WP
FOCWP ; Validate WP focus, and search/move mouse arround if dont get it.
SRC ; Simple Right Click (telekinesis cast on the WP by the way)
S(@WP_Menu_Delay) ; give time to way point menu appears...
CLM ; Check Life and Mana, and drink if needed. ; give time to way point menu appears...
S(@WP_Menu_Delay) ; give time to way point menu appears...
LC(115, 160) ; Left Click on "harrogath" button !
SR(@Random_Delay_Before_Pindle) ; This delay is in town, before going to Anya TP
PTPT ; Now lets use the TPTP command to go to from Town WP to Pindle TP
EXIT ; End of the sequence; it's a no loop sequence.

; Go to Pindle
K(@Teleport_Key) ; Push the Teleport Skill Key.
S(@Key_Push_Delay) ; Little delay to let the Skill appears at right click.
BRC(400,-310); Teleport to these coordinates (relative to Green Block).
WEOT(@Wait_End_Of_Teleport_Delay) ; Wait End of Teleport.
RC(735,35) ; No green blocks in the screen, lets do a "Blind" Teleport click here.
WEOT(@Wait_End_Of_Teleport_Delay) ; Wait End of Teleport.
BRC(600,-30); Teleport to these coordinates (relative to Green Block).
WEOT(@Wait_End_Of_Teleport_Delay) ; Wait End of Teleport.
K(@Lightning_Key) ; Push Lightning Key Skill for next attack (optionnal but helps)
S(@Key_Push_Delay) ; Little delay to let the Skill appears at right click.
EXIT ; End of the sequence; it's a no loop sequence.

; PindleSkin Primary Light Attack
K(@Lightning_Key) ; Push the Lightning Skill
BRCD(285,-13) ; Right Click Down in monsters direction (cast in the whole group).
S(@Attack_Loop_Delay) ; Little delay to avoid excessive cast (because this sequence is a loop).
CLM ; Check Life and Mana, and drink if needed.
CML ; Check Merc Life, and heal him if needed and defined in mm.BOT.ini.
CMDO ; Check if monsters are dead, if yes, will go to next sequence.
CTOE ; Chech if End of Time Out (defined in MAIN) if expired jump to next sequence..

; Pindle Light Attack
K(@Lightning_Key) ; Push the Lightning Skill
RCD(MFOC,IN) ; Right Click Down Attack on detected monsters (cast on the last monsters).
S(@Attack_Loop_Delay) ; Little delay to avoid excessive cast (because this sequence is a loop).
CLM ; Check Life and Mana, and drink if needed.
CML ; Check Merc Life, and heal him if needed and defined in mm.BOT.ini.
CMDI ; Check if monsters are dead, if yes, will go to next sequence.
CTOE ; Chech if End of Time Out (defined in MAIN) if expired jump to next sequence..

; Pindle Pickit
S(300) ; Added a delay to ensure a good teleport in Pindle area for pickit.
K(@Teleport_Key) ; Push the Teleport Skill Key.
S(@Key_Push_Delay) ; Little delay to let the Skill appears at right click.
BRC(60,90) ; Relative to Green Block Right Click Teleport in Pindle area.
WEOT(@Wait_End_Of_Teleport_Delay) ; Wait End of Teleport.
CLM ; Check Life and Mana, and drink if needed.
CML ; Check Merc Life, and heal him if needed and defined in mm.BOT.ini.
PICKIT(600) ; Perform a pickit, with life check every 600 ms.
SR(200, 300) ; Why not a little random delay after pickit...
EXIT ; End of the sequence; it's a no loop sequence. END OF RUN.
and in

;========= Manus-Magnus Diablo2 Lod Global MM.BOT.5.xx configuration ==========
;================= =====================
; This file can be case sensitive, pay attention to write "Yes" and not "yes".
; All lines starting with a ";" are comments... All others are real variables.
; Commented information is important: Read all whatever is your bot experience.

; * D2_Path => Specify your Diablo II path here (C:\Program Files\Diablo II)
; * D2_MultiKeys => <Yes> or <No>. If you got multiple Diablo2 keys for botting
; write Yes here and go complete the config\mm.MultiKeys.ini file. Simply!
D2_Path = C:\Program Files\Diablo II
D2_MultiKeys = No

; *Extra_CreateGameDelay => Delay in milliseconds before each game creation.
Extra_CreateGameDelay = 11000
; *Extra_RunsAmount => Maximum of runs before PAUSE the bot and apply the
; Extra_RunsAmountSleepTime. If you got more than 1 Cd-Keys set the bot will
; swap Keys sets each time the Extra_RunsAmount is reached!
; *Extra_RunsAmountSleepTime => This is the PAUSE Delay in minutes that apply
; once the Extra_RunsAmount is reached.
Extra_RunsAmount = 10
Extra_RunsAmountSleepTime = 15
; *Extra_RDGNE_SleepTime => PAUSE in minutes when IP BAN/Realm Down happen.
; NOTE: If you got more than 1 Cd-Keys set: the bot will swap Keys each time
; A IP BAN/Realm Down happen!
Extra_RDGNE_SleepTime = 20
; *Extra_RDGNE_Executable => Will execute this file ( ie: MYSCRIPT.EXE )
; *Extra_RDGNE_ExecutablePath => Full path of this File ( ie: C:\D2SCRIPTS )
; NOTE:Executable & ExecutablePath are here for IP RESET Scripts...
Extra_RDGNE_Executable = No
Extra_RDGNE_ExecutablePath = No
; *Extra_D2LogsDelete => If "Yes" will delete systematicly D2 logs files...
Extra_D2LogsDelete = No
; Fast help about settings above...
; - Use the default settings above: the bot will make 10/ runs and sleep 15/
; minutes. If a Realm Down or IP ban happen it will sleep 20/ minutes...
; 2/ IF YOU GOT 2 CD KEY SETs: try 12/10/20
; 3/ IF YOU GOT 3 CD KEY SETs or more: 14/0/20
; Note: if you got an Ip Reset Script you can setup Extra_RDGNE_SleepTime = 0
; Note settings i give here are only as example, you can try others.

; * Char_Mode => Mode <Single> for single player or <Battle> for
; ==> <SEQ> special mode will help for sequences building: the bot will
; directly run the sequences that are in the mm.BOT.Sequences.ini file. Thats
; means you have launch Diablo 2 yourself (via a shortcut with the correct
; parameters: -direct -txt -w -ns -title "Diablo II" ) and to put your char
; just after the desired TP or WP. Once done; launch the
; * Char_Account => Your account (Only required if <Battle> mode selected)
; * Char_Password => Your password (Only required if <Battle> mode selected)
; * Char_Slot => Character position in account screen (<1> to <8>)
; * Char_Difficulty => Difficulty: <Normal>, <Nightmare> or <Hell>
; * Char_BNGamePass_String => Suit of keys the bot will use randomly
; to create your games names and passes. You can put the same key multiple
; times (not too much). Set 20+ characters. Personalize it.
; * Char_MessageSent => /away or /dnd is recommended since messages from
; friends/wispers have colors that -will- disturb the bot!
; * Char_StartRunDelay => Hightly randomised delay at the absolute start of
; each run, when -in game- status is detected. (50-150)
Char_Mode = Battle
Char_Account = *****
Char_Password = *****
Char_Slot = 1
Char_Difficulty = Hell
Char_BNGamePass_String = 123456789abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNO PQRSTUVWXY
Char_MessageSent = /dnd
Char_StartRunDelay = 100

; * Char_MalahHealLifePercent AND Char_MalahHealManaPercent => The life or
; Mana needed to heal at Heal NPC (10% step precision, minimum 10% mana,
; less than 10% will make the bot ignore mana need, and minimum 50% for life)
; * Char_DrinkPotionLifePercent AND Char_DrinkPotionManaPercent => The Life or
; Mana percent needed to drink Potion (10% step precision....)
; * Char_UseMerc => Detect and ressurrect merc if dead <Yes> or <No>
; * Char_HealMerc => Will gave rejuv to merc if life is ~1/3 <Yes> or <No>
; * Char_PreventiveChicken => Chicken if, after a drink the bot see there
; is only 1 column of potions left ? <Yes> or <No>
; * Char_StopIfNoPots => Stop the bot if no more pots in belt ? <Yes> or <No>
; * Char_MaxDrinks => Maximum of drinks allowed per sequence (ie: Eldritch
; attack sequence) if this number is overrided the bot will chicken.
; * Char_CharHealTimer => Minimum time interval in ms between 2 char drinks.
; * Char_MercHealTimer => Minimum time interval in ms between 2 merc drinks.
; * Char_MercWeaponSwitch => Will switch merc weapon when resurrect (infinity!)
Char_MalahHealLifePercent = 90
Char_MalahHealManaPercent = 70
Char_DrinkPotionLifePercent = 60
Char_DrinkPotionManaPercent = 10
Char_UseMerc = No
Char_HealMerc = No
Char_PreventiveChicken = Yes
Char_StopIfNoPots = No
Char_MaxDrinks = 4
Char_CharHealTimer = 400
Char_MercHealTimer = 800
Char_MercWeaponSwitch = No

; * Char_StashGold => How much in inventory before stashing it ?
; * Char_GambleItem => Gambled item can be <Rings> OR <Amulets> OR <Circlets>
; * Char_GambleGoldStart => Gold amount to start gamble at Gamble NPC
; * Char_GambleGoldStop => Gold amount to stop gamble at Gamble NPC (>200k)
; * Char_GambleDelay => Delay before scan & iding, dont go below 600...
; * Char_IpFinderLastByte1,2,3 => Last byte of the server you are looking for.
; If good server is detected the bot will repeat the Precast Sequence Over &
; Over: thats means you need to have "cast in town" sequence to allow IDLE.
; As example Holy shield for pala, frozen armor for sorce, or others... Usage
; is No to ALL if you are NOT looking for a specific server. However put simple
; Bytes (ie: 66) if you search server(s). You can check up to 3 different IP.
; * Char_IpFinderExecutable => Name of the executable/script to launch when IP
; is found. (ie: MyWav.wav or MyScript.bat...)
; * Char_IpFinderExecutablePath => full path of the executable (ie: C:\MyFolder)
; NOTE: D2 window is re-maximized once your script/wav terminated to properly
; continue the IDLE using Precast to prevent bot focuse loose. Dont use a script
; or sound that runs too long. If ip found splash screen will spawn automaticly.
; NOTE: Make D2Clone appears at Eldtich and carry him to Shenk (easy kill).
Char_StashGold = 300000
Char_GambleItem = Circlets
Char_GambleGoldStart = 1100000
Char_GambleGoldStop = 300000
Char_GambleDelay = 1200
Char_IpFinderLastByte1 = No
Char_IpFinderLastByte2 = No
Char_IpFinderLastByte3 = No
Char_IpFinderExecutable = No
Char_IpFinderExecutablePath = No

; * Char_MiniFreeSpaces => At how much free spaces letf in inventory the bot
; will stop. Never let the bot continue to run while inventory & stash are full.
; NOTE: If you make multiple monsters and pickup rare you should have 24+ !
; If you are only pickup few uniques you can decrease the value to 12-16.
; * Char_ForceRepairCycle => Will force a repair to Larzuk every xx runs.
; If value = 0 auto check repair is activated at the start of each run.
; Damaged armors/Helms/etc... And -melee- weapons are automaticly detected.
; Its recommended to force/define a cycle, since the auto check burn ~500 ms
; If you have a sorce give 100 (repair every 100 runs...It's an example.)
Char_MiniFreeSpaces = 24
Char_ForceRepairCycle = 100

; * Char_Key_Switch => The key you use to switch weapons (CTA or Eshield Switch)
; * Char_Key_AutoMap => The keyboard key you use to show the automap
; * Char_Key_Inventory => The keyboard key you use to view inventory
; * Char_Key_ShowItems => The keyboard key you use to view items on the floor
; * Char_Key_PotionsRow1 => Key for Potion 1 (from left to right)
; * Char_Key_PotionsRow2 => Key for Potion 2 (from left to right)
; * Char_Key_PotionsRow3 => Key for Potion 3 (from left to right)
; * Char_Key_PotionsRow4 => Key for Potion 4 (from left to right)
; NOTE : Example of keys: <SPACE>, <SHIFT>, <ALT>, <CTRL>, <F1>, <z>, <6>...
; NOTE : Use -simple- keys like SPACE or a, b, c, z.. instead of F1, F2, ALT
; if you are experiencing problems. Because -simple- keys can be more 'fast'.
; NOTE : Only rejuvenations potions are picked & recongnized by the BOT
; => Fill up the belt with REJUV or FULL REJUV potions only.
; => If you want only drink full rejuvs go to the Xrare section of mm.PkId.ini.
Char_Key_Switch = w
Char_Key_AutoMap = TAB
Char_Key_Inventory = i
Char_Key_ShowItems = ALT
Char_Key_PotionsRow1 = 1
Char_Key_PotionsRow2 = 2
Char_Key_PotionsRow3 = 3
Char_Key_PotionsRow4 = 4
[Advanced Settings]
; If you dont know leave these settings as default.
; * (A)D2_FastClickDelaysRange = <mini>,<maxi> => Fast Clicks are most "actions"
; clicks like attacks, moves, hide mouse...etc.. this is the randomized time
; from <mini> to <maxi> in milliseconds mouse will be pressed: down,delay,up.
; * (B)D2_SlowClickDelaysRange = <mini>,<maxi> => Slow Clicks category, same thing
; as above, but this concern only slow speed required delays like out-of-game
; menus, Npc menus, repair button...etc...
; * ©D2_MouseClickDownDelay => Length a click is held down before release (ms).
; This delay is the autoit minimum press time for all clicks.
; * (D)D2_SendKeyDownDelay => Length a key is held down before release (ms).
; This delay is the autoit minimum press time for all keys.
; - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
; All these delays can be tweaked to fix problems OR to increase performances:
; => Total Click time = © + (A OR B) + little value (internal & randomized)
; => Total Press Key time = (D) + little value (internal & randomized)
; D2 game have a worst sensivity for clicks and keypresses on low speed comps.
; Increasing a few © or/and (D) if you think the game does not receive
; properly the clicks/keys orders, Also search around for all others settings
; like delays in sequences.
; - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
; Test these delays if you need speed: A = 10,15, B = 120,140, C & D = 15
D2_FastClickDelaysRange = 20,30
D2_SlowClickDelaysRange = 120,140
D2_MouseClickDownDelay = 20
D2_SendKeyDownDelay = 20

; If you dont know leave these settings as default.
; * Char_CheckMoveDelay => End of move detection Delay; more is low, more it
; will increase moves reactivity. If too much low the interacts or moves can
; become erratics...(milliseconds). Only concern walk/run moves
; - Try - values starting from 80 to 300 with steps of 20
; * Char_NpcMenuDelay => A small delay after stop move when focusing an NPC
; the time to get his menu appears (varies, ms) And focus time on the menu.
; - Try - values starting from 300 to 600 with steps of 50
; * ItemFocusDelay => time to wait before starting an iding scan, too much low
; delay can cause iding errors, too much high is time loss. >5 and <200.
; Usually is as low as computer is fast.
; * Weot_MiniDelay => When using the WEOT command: Minimum delay to wait before
; starting to check if the teleport was done or not. >100 and <600
; * Weot_ScanDelay => When using the WEOT command: Delay between each scan. A
; scan serve to check if teleport was effective or not. >40 and <500
; - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
; Test this delay if you need speed: Char_CheckMoveDelay = 100
; If you got a sorce with fast cast rate test this: Weot_MiniDelay = 350 !
Char_CheckMoveDelay = 120
Char_NpcMenuDelay = 600
ItemFocusDelay = 50
Weot_MiniDelay = 500
Weot_ScanDelay = 100

; MISC & SPECIAL OPTIONS (some of them deserve support)
; If you dont know leave these settings as default.
; * BotProcessPriority => can be: Normal or Medium or High; default is medium
; but you can select High if you need more iding & pickit speed.
; ATTENTION: This option boost seriously the bot and all delays are impacted.
; * D2_RunStartKey => You can specify a Key that will be pressed at the
; start of each run. Designed to clear all messages from MapHack or any module.
; Must be done when third programs/hacks are used and disturb the bot due to
; screen messages. Leave it to <No> to dont use this option.
; * Misc_ByPassCheckCorpse => ByPass the Check of Corpse <Yes> ONLY if you are
; immortal... Maybe HC. This one will cute ~500 ms of game run time.
; * D2_PickitRescans => number of screen scans after the last pickup (pickit)
; * D2_PickitMaxRetries => max number of clicks done in a whole pickit action.
; * D2_SlowIntMDelay => Mouse Move speed for slow actions (fastest is 0)
; * D2_FastIntMDelay => Mouse Move speed for fast actions (fastest is 0)
; * D2_IdingMouseSpeed => Same thing as D2_Slow/FastIntMDelay usually at the
; same speed than D2_FastIntMDelay, But if you get iding errors set it to 2.
; * D2_MouseClickDelay => Length of the brief pause in between mouse clicks.
; * D2_SendKeyDelay => Length of the brief pause in between sent keystrokes.
; * LogScanDrop => <Yes> or <No> Will log all scanned on the grounds.
; * LogPicked => <Yes> or <No> Will log all picked/clicked on the ground items.
; * LogSold => <Yes> or <No> Will log all sold items and their statistics.
; * SleepMouseMoves => <Yes> or <No> If yes will move the mouse while sleep.
; * D2_WName => Name of the Diablo II window that the bot will look for.
; * D2_Executable => Name the the Diablo II executable file.
; * D2_CmdParameters => Diablo II executable parameters.
; * D2_SplashBotTitle => Defaut title you want for the bot splash window.
; * If you set nothing (default) title will be [email=Username@Computername]Username@Computername[/email] .
; * Bot_STOP_HotKey => HotKey that stop the bot, default is END
; * Bot_PAUSE_HotKey => HotKey that pause the bot, default is PAUSE
; * Bot_INILOAD_HotKey => HotKey that load .ini settings, default is INS
; (Insert key): Near all settings are reloaded, include PkId & Sequences !
; Note: Do not execute the INILOAD while attacking monsters... O_o
BotProcessPriority = Medium
D2_RunStartKey = No
Misc_ByPassCheckCorpse = No
D2_PickitRescans = 1
D2_PickitMaxRetries = 8
D2_SlowIntMDelay = 2
D2_FastIntMDelay = 1
D2_IdingMouseSpeed = 1
D2_MouseClickDelay = 5
D2_SendKeyDelay = 5
LogScanDrop = Yes
LogPicked = Yes
LogSold = Yes
SleepMouseMoves = Yes
D2_WName = Diablo II
D2_Executable = Diablo II.exe
D2_CmdParameters = -w -ns -lq -direct -txt -title "Diablo II"
D2_SplashBotTitle =
Bot_STOP_HotKey = END

11/02 20:11:56 [E]> User had item at the 0,0 left side of inventory. Stop.
11/02 20:12:08 [I]>
11/02 20:12:08 [I]> ========================================
11/02 20:12:08 [I]> mm.BOT.543B3 was launched for Battle mode.
11/02 20:12:08 [I]> ========================================
11/02 20:12:08 [I]>
11/02 20:12:08 [I]> Autoit Options, mm.BOT.ini, and HotKeys loaded.
11/02 20:12:11 [I]> Compilation by mmcl.PKID.Compiler.exe was successful!
11/02 20:12:11 [I]> Empty Inventory, Stash, Npc, Cube, and Belt references loaded.
11/02 20:12:20 [I]> PKID loaded 375 XUniques statistics in iding database.
11/02 20:12:28 [I]> PKID loaded 12813 XRares statistics in iding database.
11/02 20:12:28 [I]> PKID loaded 32 Sets statistics in iding database.
11/02 20:12:28 [I]> PKID loaded 54 Grays statistics in iding database.
11/02 20:12:28 [I]> PKID loaded 0 Whites statistics in iding database.
11/02 20:12:28 [I]> PKID loaded 0 Magics statistics in iding database.
11/02 20:12:45 [I]> PKID loaded 13274 Total statistics in iding database.
11/02 20:12:48 [I]> PKID loaded 257 XUniques items to pickup.
11/02 20:12:48 [I]> PKID loaded 508 XRares items to pickup.
11/02 20:12:48 [I]> PKID loaded 30 Sets items to pickup.
11/02 20:12:48 [I]> PKID loaded 35 Grays items to pickup.
11/02 20:12:48 [I]> PKID loaded 0 Whites items to pickup.
11/02 20:12:48 [I]> PKID loaded 0 Magics items to pickup.
11/02 20:12:48 [I]> PKID loaded 830 Total items to pickup.
11/02 20:12:53 [E]> Error while reading the mm.BOT.Sequences.ini; CL_Sorc_Pre_Attack_Eldritch. CMDO command doesnt exists or is badly formatted.
11/02 20:12:53 [E]> Error while reading the mm.BOT.Sequences.ini; CL_Sorc_Attack_Eldritch. CMDO command doesnt exists or is badly formatted.
11/02 20:12:53 [I]> SEQUENCER loaded CL_Sorc_Pre_Cast with 10 commands.
11/02 20:12:53 [I]> SEQUENCER loaded CL_Sorc_Goto_Eldritch_Wp with 2 commands.
11/02 20:12:53 [I]> SEQUENCER loaded CL_Sorc_GoTo_Eldritch with 13 commands.
11/02 20:12:53 [I]> SEQUENCER loaded CL_Sorc_Pre_Attack_Eldritch with 7 commands.
11/02 20:12:53 [I]> SEQUENCER loaded CL_Sorc_Attack_Eldritch with 7 commands.
11/02 20:12:53 [I]> SEQUENCER loaded CL_Sorc_Eldritch_Pickit with 9 commands.
11/02 20:12:53 [I]> SEQUENCER loaded 6 Total sequences.
11/02 20:12:53 [I]> Bot process priority: Medium speed.
11/02 20:12:57 [I]> Exiting from D2 with normal escape keys sequence...
11/02 20:13:08 [I]> Diablo II processes closed successfully.
11/02 20:13:09 [I]> Diablo II processes closed successfully.
11/02 20:13:10 [I]> Diablo 2 will be launched with these parameters:
11/02 20:13:10 [I]> C:\Program Files\Diablo II\Diablo II.exe -w -ns -lq -direct -txt -title "Diablo II" (title: Diablo II)
11/02 20:13:29 [I]> Bot process priority: Medium speed.
11/02 20:13:29 [I]> Diablo II started.
11/02 20:13:38 [I]> Login done.
11/02 20:13:41 [I]> Character selected.
11/02 20:13:41 [I]> ==> Cycle: 1 => Run: 1 Started. [Games created yet: 1]
11/02 20:13:55 [I]> Game Created successfully.
11/02 20:13:56 [I]> Starting from Act5.
11/02 20:13:58 [I]> Inventory reference:
== Inventory: ==
o o o o o o o + + +
o o o o o o o + + +
o o o o o o o + + +
o o o o o o o + + +
11/02 20:13:58 [I]> Inventory: 12 used 1*1 spaces.
11/02 20:14:13 [W]> Retry a missed teleport.
11/02 20:14:15 [W]> Retry a missed teleport.
11/02 20:14:16 [E]> Failed while searching the block: BRC 70 -330
11/02 20:14:18 [W]> Retry a missed teleport.
11/02 20:14:19 [E]> Failed while searching the block: BRC 70 -330
11/02 20:14:20 [W]> Retry a missed teleport.
11/02 20:14:21 [E]> Failed while searching the block: BRC 70 -330
11/02 20:14:22 [W]> Retry a missed teleport.
11/02 20:14:23 [E]> Failed while searching the block: BRC 70 -330
11/02 20:14:23 [E]> Teleport failed.
11/02 20:14:23 [W]> Sequence exit required. SEQ8 => WEOT . 1200 . 0
11/02 20:14:23 [E]> Failed or Fast exit required while applying CL_Sorc_GoTo_Eldritch sequence.
11/02 20:14:27 [I]> ==> Cycle: 1 => Run: 1 : Game duration: 31.9 seconds.
11/02 20:14:27 [E]> Emergency stop: first run creation failed.
11/02 20:14:27 [I]> The first run must return successful status everytime.
11/02 20:30:08 [I]>
11/02 20:30:08 [I]> ========================================
11/02 20:30:08 [I]> mm.BOT.543B3 was launched for Battle mode.
11/02 20:30:08 [I]> ========================================
11/02 20:30:08 [I]>
11/02 20:30:08 [I]> Autoit Options, mm.BOT.ini, and HotKeys loaded.
11/02 20:30:11 [I]> Compilation by mmcl.PKID.Compiler.exe was successful!
11/02 20:30:11 [I]> Empty Inventory, Stash, Npc, Cube, and Belt references loaded.
11/02 20:30:16 [I]> PKID loaded 375 XUniques statistics in iding database.
11/02 20:30:20 [I]> PKID loaded 12813 XRares statistics in iding database.
11/02 20:30:20 [I]> PKID loaded 32 Sets statistics in iding database.
11/02 20:30:20 [I]> PKID loaded 54 Grays statistics in iding database.
11/02 20:30:20 [I]> PKID loaded 0 Whites statistics in iding database.
11/02 20:30:20 [I]> PKID loaded 0 Magics statistics in iding database.
11/02 20:30:27 [I]> PKID loaded 13274 Total statistics in iding database.
11/02 20:30:29 [I]> PKID loaded 257 XUniques items to pickup.
11/02 20:30:29 [I]> PKID loaded 508 XRares items to pickup.
11/02 20:30:29 [I]> PKID loaded 30 Sets items to pickup.
11/02 20:30:29 [I]> PKID loaded 35 Grays items to pickup.
11/02 20:30:29 [I]> PKID loaded 0 Whites items to pickup.
11/02 20:30:29 [I]> PKID loaded 0 Magics items to pickup.
11/02 20:30:29 [I]> PKID loaded 830 Total items to pickup.

I am using full tal, 2x30% mf ring(nagels), 40% mf glove(chanseguard), 42% mf boot(Wartrav), P diament lidless, and i got 75% lightning resist.
My merc using Shaftop, 7-8-19 gaze, and Viperfork.
Do i really need tresher troll?

Plz can u help me and say what i am wrong, when i am cliking on for lauch the box, it is ok, but after it is saying me 2 error...
alright look at your sequence, read the top of it and follow the directions you hsould be fine. before asking for help RTFM and then read all other documentations, also when you look at a sequence the default tells you how to set it up. READ THE BEGINNING!!!!

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