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My Necro. --Revised!
Alright , I took some suggestions and came to this. This is how I am going to build my necromancer.

Helm: Godly 2 skill, 20% FHR, life, res and 20% fcr circlet
Ammy: (vs casters)Maras/Gheart(for melee/necros)
Weapon: Hoto(vs casters)/8spear white(for melee/necros), 6 bo cta on switch
Armor: Mageplate Enigma
Shield: 2-3-2 Darkforce Spawn, another 30% for fcr, lidless on switch
Rings: 1 Soj, 1 Eturn.
Gloves: Trang gloves, 20% fcr and cold res.
Belt: Arachnid Mesh, 20% fcr again
Boots: Dread Greaves
Inventory: 9 Fungal GCs with some life (15-30), Hellfire Torch, Anni, Some 5 res and 20 life scs

Stash: Hoto/8spear white, Hommy, Some sorb, some tps and trade stuff

I use 8 spear white/gheart vs melee and pallies, hoto/maras for casters. gg

This build gets just past the fcr bp for necs and it will mean I will have a really strong spear with some fhr aswell. This necro will be fast and dangerous.
What will be ur fhr?

Maybe use some 7fcr 24fhr str life res belt.

Please throw tp away :p

I'd prefer Bk over soj tho.
[Image: spidermancopy.jpg]
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Oh, I forgot to say what I'm socketing with. Helm hopefully will have 2 sockets, meaning 40% FHR, possibly a shael in DF but I'd probably put Jah or Um in it. Also the boots will have 30% so I'll have atleast some FHR.

As for the tp... I don't know what i was thinking. Soj>Bk... My nec will have enough life trust me Big Grin And btw, A|FzZz, can you tell me the skill tree? I'm mad because there is no more marrow bug and I would've put the extra pts into summons but now I'm uncertain.
Lol...some duped rare boots rofl xD

I would build it like this

Helmet: Like you said, +2 skills, fcr, res, str circlet.
Ammy: Blue +3 skills 10% fcr, crafted rare +2 skills 20% fcr 15 res or so. OR Maras.
Armor: Well I think eni MP would be test best :/ b/c I added a calculation down there..there you see how much +str you can gain. It will not be enough for eni ap.
Belt: Arach. There is nothing else better.
Gloves: Magefist.
Boots: Eth Treks. There the best at all b/c they got fhr, +15 str and vit when they are perf. Also they got nice psn ress.
Rings: SoJs.
Weapon: White on a +3 bone spear and maybe some other adds wand.
Shield: Hommy with beats every other nec shield in every point imo. BUT b/c you get a nice str boost with eni, you also could use spirit for more fcr, fhr, life and mana.
Switch: CTA with spirit. Spirit b/c of the nice str boost.
Inventory: Torch, anni, skillers +40 life, tp tome.

STR calculation:
Starting str: 15
Anni: +20
Torch: +20
Treks: +20
If you use Maras: +5
80 str without stating anything into it.

STR: B/c of eni, you don't need to put anything here.
DEX: B/c of hommy has got a nice blocking chance, you should think about making max block on the nec. I know, it sounds crazy, but you could try it in sp. Build two necs in sp with hero editor where one has max block and the other one has not. Play them a little bit. Do some hell baals. You'll make a decision.
VIT: Rest goes here.
NRG: Nothing here.

Bone spear (Your main PVM attack): 20
Bone spirit (Your main PvP attack and maybe in baalruns good for cleaing the throne. Also synergy for bone spear.): 20
Teeth (Good for cows xD and synergy for your attacks): 20.
Bone armor (Your dmg absorb): 20, b/c its a synergy to bone spear and bone spirit.
Also it gives a nice dmg absorb on lvl 20 and plus skills.
Bone wall (Synergy for your attacks): 1, if you are done, put the rest in here. +skills does not affect synergys, so you don't need to put 1 into bone prison. So like I said put the rest in here.
Lower Resist (Your main curse): Lower the magical res of your enemys. 1 point here, b/c you have enough +skills.
Life tap (Smiters will thank you in uber trists Wink): You must put 1 in here for getting to lower resist. In uber trist, it's nice for the smiters Wink
I don't know. If you got a tough merc, you don't need an additional tank. So nothing here.

I calculated, that if you are lvl 88, you're done. (I didn't calcute with the bone wall and +skills from quests.) So, you get 12 additional skills in all difficulties, and play until level 90, you can put 14 points into bone armor.

I hope I helped you. Greetz
Hey thx but... I won't meet the last fcr bp
lol, pssht pure bones..... if you wanna duel my summoner on us east NL contact me at /w *groovyg You'd have a good battle.
kk i know u all got opinions but guess what this shield>all nec shields/spirit

take a look comeon u know ull like it
[Image: screenshot0035zp.jpg]
oh and if anyone has any feedback i want to know what u think i should put in nec head runes are not a problem i can get anyone i want so just post what u think best combo is for it

u cant get +20 str from treks so thats a lie
MAGEPLATE enigma = GG~
one question
WTF!?!?!? U USE BONESHADE FOR???!??!?!?!?
best options......
3base spear nec wand
or no wep at all lmao
homunuculus shield sucks no offence to u people that think its good.... res are nothing ur a god **** nec u aint gona get hit. get high res torch/anni +30-40 FROM HOTO OMG GG~
and uh use 2/20/20/life/mana/str circlet
2nec or +3 pnb/15+fcr/life/mana/str amulet

EDITED- was thinkin of my sassy when i wrote bp enigma

Wait till the best necs hear this.
"Homo is shit"
For those reaching mb...Homo=Fren

Wtf bp?

If u cant even get some str from torch and anni...Please find better ones.

Almost u have to reach the 125 bp btw.
A 3/3/2 beats that shield Pro.
[Image: spidermancopy.jpg]
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RaZzor Wrote:Switch: CTA with spirit. Spirit b/c of the nice str boost.

u kidden right?

mods on spirit as follows:
+2 skills
25-35 fcr
250 def. vs missle
22 vita
Cr, Pr, Lr - 35%
Magic abosrb
Attacker take dmg of 14

i dun see no +str

just a huge str of 156 on a monarch.....
I believe he meant skill boost.
[Image: spidermancopy.jpg]
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Lol yeah sorry skill boost.. Btw i pwn with this nec.
NvC NvA or NvN?
[Image: spidermancopy.jpg]
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NvA= Nec vs All? Yes.
pk me now?
Sure, what's ur acct?
Highly desych charger is gonna get u...

And doesnt look much res to me.
[Image: spidermancopy.jpg]
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why dont people use storm cicrlet its a far better ammy then maras n a 3PB +10% FCR
how do u have +8 spear???
On white? If you get a wand, with +3 bone spear, then add the mods of white runeword, you get 8 [SIZE=-1]
Hit Causes Monster To Flee 25%
+10 To Vitality
+3 To Poison And Bone Skills (Necromancer Only)
+3 To Bone Armor (Necromancer Only)
+2 To Bone Spear (Necromancer Only)
+4 To Skeleton Mastery (Necromancer Only)
Magic Damage Reduced By 4
20% Faster Cast Rate
+13 To Mana
Whoever posted the second build is smoking somethin because when he calculated the res, he said Sandstorm 20 str... even though it maxes at 15. Unless he was talkin bout Marrows

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