03-20-2004, 02:00 PM
I was at my friend's house playing D2 on his computer, and I was in a chat channel. Someone says that they would give me pictures (upfront) if I rushed them, so, you know, I thought [Hey, I'm just gonna get the pics, and not rush.] So, you know, I told "her" I would do it, and so "she" made a game. We went into the game and she told me I had to have a yahoomail account. So, I made one. She sent me the email, I minimized the game, and opened the letter. So it says, "Pics in page at bottom" I clicked to open the file (foolishly failing to see .exe tagged on the end) and I ran it. Once it was downloaded I opened the file. Horror struck. All of the sudden, my game window reopened, and I immediately (and uncontrollably) began dropping everything in my inventory. My friend dove behind the table and shut off the power.... I was horrified. Of course, I knew it was only a game, so I was not gambling my soul over it... but this is insane. I heard the stories of people being hacked, and their items being picked up by zPickit, but I never thought it would happen to me.