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Best Teams for PvM
Hello I just wondered... what are some good combinations for 2 people playing against the computer?

I LAN this game with my cousin and we were going to create a new game. Now we have already have 2 teams going. The first(which is pretty good I think) is his Frenzy Barb and my Blizz Sorc. And the second is his MA Assassin and my WW Barb.

I was leaning towards playing an Elemental Druid. What what be a good support for him to play as?

barbs are always good to have for BO and shout. sorcs are also always nice for telly, static, and high elemental damage.
If u both are melee (Frenzy barb and MA Sin) you might encounter some problems with some monsters with Physical Immunities or ones that cast "Iron Maiden". Druid is a great helper i would recommend using a wind druid with a barb. Druid has tornado+hurricane+oak sage life bonus along with barb's Shout+Battle Orders+Command. You should both get massive life which makes us pretty much unstoppable in PVM
a barb, for a tank, and massive life/def/skill bonuses.
Well he wanted to do something different that he has already done. So no barb or sin. Would a Zealot or Avenger be good? Or an enchantress? Or a poison or bone necro?
Well i'd agree with you on the avenger for conviction which would help both of the chars play and jus rely on mercs for most physical immunes.

I personally like a Hammerdin + Barb combo Big Grin Damage/Tank/Life/no immunes/easy sailing
my sorc will kill faster than ur barb and druid combined. she does 42k with all of her gear and with her mercs PERF infinity... PWNAGE i can take hell baal in under 1.5 seconds. and uber izzy in under 7 seconds
dkim Wrote:my sorc will kill faster than ur barb and druid combined. she does 42k with all of her gear and with her mercs PERF infinity... PWNAGE i can take hell baal in under 1.5 seconds. and uber izzy in under 7 seconds

Umm okay...I was just looking for decent PvM teams. But that's cool too...
markulous Wrote:Umm okay...I was just looking for decent PvM teams. But that's cool too...

whoa sry, i just read them over and saw how much of a butt i sounded like, well a pvm build, i will tell u this, is NOT 2 barbs,

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