03-25-2003, 08:28 AM
I didn't see this as newsworthy, so I'll post it here.
After the module TPPK ver 3.1 was leaked, HellMonkeys (the author of the TPPK module) decided to make TPPK public. So everyone in HC, beware!
What exactly is TPPK? It is a module that automatically opens a town portal, enters it and hostiles everyone. What good does that do, you ask? Well, it makes a hybrid of the hydra sorc PK. A Zon loaded with pdsc's could shoot a couple of GA's, and hit a key to go to town and hostile, and you would die without knowing what happened. (It also has autoaim integrated into it). Here's more info from the readme:
After the module TPPK ver 3.1 was leaked, HellMonkeys (the author of the TPPK module) decided to make TPPK public. So everyone in HC, beware!
What exactly is TPPK? It is a module that automatically opens a town portal, enters it and hostiles everyone. What good does that do, you ask? Well, it makes a hybrid of the hydra sorc PK. A Zon loaded with pdsc's could shoot a couple of GA's, and hit a key to go to town and hostile, and you would die without knowing what happened. (It also has autoaim integrated into it). Here's more info from the readme:
| Hellmonkeys' "TPPK" Module v3.3 |
What is this?
This is a module that will quickly cast a town portal, go to town, and hostile.
This module also has an Auto Aiming system built in to it.
What is the point?
Well, after firing arrows at someone (You can do this with the Aim commands in this module)
you can activate this module and it will go to town and hostile in a flash and the arrows will keep
flying after you do this and will most likely kill the person you aimed at.
What skills does this support?
Well, since currently this doesn't actually CAST the spell it can support any spell.
It was designed for an Amazon's guided arrow but you can use hydra or other stuff if you want.
How do I use this?
1) Unzip the "tppk.d2h" into your D2HackIt! directory.
2) Add "tppk" to the AutoLoad for D2HackIt! (IMPORTANT!! Explained later)
3) Shoot arrows and what not with the Aiming system provided and then quickly go on to step 4 before the arrows disappear.
4) Type ".tppk go" to go to town and hostile... binding this is also good.
How do I use the autoaim?
1) First type ".tppk aimtoggle" to turn autoaim on.
2a) Then type ".tppk aim <person's name>" to aim at that person.
3) RIGHT-CLICK anywhere with any spell to automatically have it hit that person.
Command List
- 'Go' Casts TP, goes to town, and then hostiles.
- 'Hostile' Hostiles everyone in game without casting a town portal.
- 'AutoAttack' Toggles auto attacking before you go ON or OFF. (More on this below)
- 'PlayerList' Toggles showing the player list ON or OFF..
- 'AimToggle' Toggles Aiming ON or OFF.
- 'Aim <Player Name>' AutoAims directly to <Player Name>.
- 'TomeManualSet' Type ".tppk tomemanualset" then pickup your tome of TP and put it down. (Just in case you forgot to have one in your inventory on game join)
Auto Attack Notes
- Type ".tppk autoattack" to toggle it on or off.
- What this does is sends three attacks to the person you are currently aiming at before you goto town with the ".tppk go" command.
- You must select the skill you want it to attack with before typing ".tppk go"
- Type ".tppk autoattack set <NUMBER>" to set how long to wait between attacks. (It is in MILISECONDS) (Default is 300)
-First, you must have a TOME of TP in your inventory at time of game join. (If not buy one then type ".tppk tpmanualset" then pick up the tome and put it down."
-Second, in order for this to work, make sure you load the module BEFORE you join a game in order for it to log players correctly.
I guess that is about it... Have Fun!