11-23-2005, 09:38 AM
I Say Post ur Keys Here...not the numbers but they game its 4
(exm) ft - call of duty
(exm) iso - Diablo2
ya that kinda stuff it make it ezer 2 find and/or trade 4 the keys u need or want....its kinda like the reg d2 trade forums
ft - Diablo 2 classic- Lod (will add my useast Account)
iso - WoW keys
(exm) ft - call of duty
(exm) iso - Diablo2
ya that kinda stuff it make it ezer 2 find and/or trade 4 the keys u need or want....its kinda like the reg d2 trade forums
ft - Diablo 2 classic- Lod (will add my useast Account)
iso - WoW keys