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SCrewed up hex editing guide
I don't know what to say but that hex guide located here is incomplete and lacks serious explination of crucial need to know things:

I completely undersatnd how to count in hex, how to convert hex to decimal and decimal to hex I even understand BYTES and the other stuff

But I have to tell you that guide on this site Is incomplete and is missing some severe explinations.

For starters it never explains how to go about changing the experience values or how to find them


secondly it never explains what is and how to change the checksome value because I can change my level...But I can't load the game with the hexed character...Always tells me the file is corrupted. And it is because of something I'm guessing it's the check some value. If the game can't match the checksome with the current hex editing then you can't load the game.

It should also explain what settings the hex workshop needs to be on.

On top of all that...All the address values for things are all wrong as well as the find proceedure that's described doesn't work.

For example:
My level is 9
However you can't search for 9 because 9 is just 9. and when your searching for hex you need to have an even amount of numbers so you can't search for a nuber such as 438 because in hex value that is 1B6 so it make it odd so you can't search for it.
So this needs to be cleared up as well.
I know how to search but if someone reading this doesn't then they are going to run into this problem

I'm sorry to say this but that guide is very poorly written and should be removed until it's fixed and or and changed....Because in it's current state it's useless. As of right now I can't do anything.

One last thing I don't know why the author of the gude put this e-mail address for anyone having questions:
[email protected]

It is a non-existing account
so You can't e-mail this person with any questions

I really would lke these problems taken care of

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