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Meph Patterns
Anyone got an idea of Meph's patterns, the map in hell
I have about 600+mf with extremely low mana..So i run out pretty quick (Yes i carry mana potions )

I was wondering if someone would make my life easier. If they knew the patterns to get to mephs.

Thanks to Dracoy of

Familiar yourself with the bottom maps to see how meph maps are spawned. This will help you with the page above which contains all the maps put toghether. I inverted the picture so it's easier to see imo, when it's all dark the map is kinda hard to see. I know i'm not finished with the maps, im still collecting. But if you follow these maps 90% of the time they will bring you easier Mephage. The maps correspond with what direction the wp spawns. So if wp spawns to the right to leave then find the maps to the right.

There may be more than one map for a wp side so make sure if you don't find the place try another map. I will add more soon!

Tell me if they work for u ^_^ Map One
[Image: Meph1.JPG]

Map Two
[Image: Meph2.JPG]

Map Three
[Image: Meph3.JPG]

Map Four
[Image: Meph4A.JPG]

[Image: Meph4B.JPG]

[Image: Meph4C.JPG]

Map Five
[Image: Meph5.JPG]

Map Six
[Image: Meph6A.JPG]

[Image: Meph6B.JPG]

Map Seven
[Image: Meph7.JPG]

Map Eight
[Image: Meph8.JPG]

Explanation Below (Thanks to Wuhan_Clan):
Every time you go to the Durance 2 WP, you will find yourself enclosed in a small chamber/room. In this chamber, you will be bounded by three sides with walls. The fourth side of the chamber will contain either a door or opening that lets you enter the rest of the Durance lvl2.

Ok, now leading off Dracoy's screenshots, lets look at the four different possibilities. Though Dracoy's lists 8 maps, many are actually duplicates of the same pattern. I will now go through his maps stating the Map # and then pattern #...


Notice on the mini-map that the chamber containing the WP has an opening facing the NORTH-EAST direction. Follow the black line on the mini-map until you see the Stairs. Notice that the stairs are found in a similar chamber, bounded by 3 sides with walls. The fourth side is left open and faces the SOUT-EAST direction.

Pattern 1 Rule - going clockwise from a N-E facing WP chamber, you get a S-E facing stairs chamber


Notice on the mini-map that the chamber containing the WP has an opening facing the SOUTH-EAST direction. Follow the black line on the mini-map until you see the Stairs. Notice that the stairs are found in a similar chamber, bound 3 sides with walls. The fourth side is left open and faces the SOUTH-WEST direction.

Pattern 2 Rule- going clockwise from a S-E facing WP chamber, you get a S-W facing stairs chamber.


Notice on the mini-map that the chamber containing the WP has an opening facing the SOUTH-WEST direction. Follow the black line on the mini-map until you see the stairs. Notice that the chamber containing the stairs has an opening facing in the NORTHWEST direction. (Note that even though the stairs themselves are facing S-W, the opening to that chamber is facing N-W)

Pattern 3 Rule - going clockwise from an S-W facing WP chamber, you get an N-W facing stairs chamber.

MAP FOUR:Tongueattern 3

notice on the mini-map that the chamber containing the WP has an opening facing the SOUTHWEST direction. This is exactly the same as Map Three. However, this map spawned much larger and the Stairs was farther away. However, notice that when he finally found the stairs, the chamber with the stairs had an opening facing N-W, just like in Map Three. The Rule holds true.


Notice on the mini-map that the chamber containing the WP has an opening facing the NORTHWEST direction. Follow the black line on the mini-map until you find the stairs. Notice that the chamber containing the stairs has an opening facing the NORTHEAST direction.

Pattern 4 Rule- going clockwise from an N-W facing WP chamber, you get an N-E facing stairs chamber.

MAP SIX:Tongueattern 1

This is just like Map One (pattern 1) except this map is larger. Just like in map one, an N-E facing WP chamber leads to an S-E facing stairs chamber.

MAP SEVEN:Tongueattern 3

This another pattern 3 map. Try to spot the features of pattern 3 yourself.

MAP EIGHT:Tongueattern 1

Another pattern 1 map. Try to sport the features of pattern 1 yourself.

THESE RULES WORK 100% OF THE TIME!!! I already know some of you won't believe me but you are just tricking yourself. The key behind this is not the direction the stairs are facing. The stairs themselves can only face 2 directions (S-E and S-W) due to the isometric interface of Diablo II.

The KEY behind this as you have discovered, is the chamber/room that holds the Stairs and also the chamber/room that holds the WP. These chambers can open only in one direction, and the direction that the WP chambers open up to will correlate directly to a Stairs chamber with a specific opening direction. This correlation is clockwise if you start from the WP chamber. The clockwise rule refers to the DIRECTION that the opening of a chamber is facing. This is NOT the same as the ORIENTATION of the chamber relative to the rest of the map. Unfortunately, it’s the orientation of the chambers that we are interested in.

The reason this rule worked so well in 1.09 is that most of the time, both the WP chamber AND the stairs chamber both lie at the edges of the map. Therefore, you can follow the clockwise rule by following the edge of the map. This method still works most of the time in 1.10. However, since the maps have increased dramatically in size, either chamber can spawn in the middle of the map. Although the clockwise rule still applies, the orientation of the chambers relative to each other isn't apparent.

My advice is to still hug the edge of the map following the clockwise rule. 75% of the time you will find the stairs quickly.

20% of the time, the clockwise rule is still in effect, but you'll find that the stairs chamber is right next to the WP chamber, except in the counter-clockwise direction. I advise that after you have been hugging the edge of the map and have revealed half of the perimeter, chances are that the stairs chamber is next to the WP. This is when you should head straight back to the WP and hug the edge, going in the counter-clockwise direction.

The remaining 5% of the time, the stairs chamber will be somewhere in the middle of the map and you'll usually need to explore the whole durance lvl2 before finding it. Try to systematically teleport in a spiral fashion, gradually working your way to the center of the map.

hey thanks or the maps
Dude turn up gamma to take secreenshots... those pictures are usless, I can't make anything out of them. I would appreciate if you could post them normally, just take off fade for the map and increase gamma. I'm interested in the patterns aswell btw. Thanks in andvace....
there are a good amount of maps,so unless you have a good memory or maphack your boned....those are your 2 options
Actually thank's man i just had to tinker with my monitor settings and now the maps are visible. It's not too hard momorizing ~10 maps....
Everything depends on how the waypoints are mapped out with someof their surroundings. Plus i didn't make this, as i said in the first sentence.
its either just me or everybody cant see the font. if everyone cant, its prolly in whote
Ya it's white i'll change it.
just save the screenshots and invert the colors in photoshop or paint
Thxs for Finding the maps for me, It was very helpful
No more wasting 5 mins looking ^^
ehh i am too lazy to read it just start going clockwise along the edges and you should find it ez 9/10 times
Just download and use Stings MH. I 99% guarentee you won't get banned.
rofl...Finding meph is ez.

ANti clockwise from direction of wp
[Image: spidermancopy.jpg]
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