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Need some help with my ping.
ok hey everyone I have been playing c/s on my comp right now with 56k and my ping is around 150 - 200 ping and i see everyone else at 20- 50 ping. Now c/s lets people play with as low as 14.4k modem and i mean thats got to be slow. Well i dont lagg at all I can hear all my footstep so that's a good sign and even with a full server i still dont lagg but when people die of course they blame it on my ping although i dont lagg. Now I know ping is based on you internet speed and i am getting dsl soon but i am not sure when. But until then I am trying to find a way to get my ping lower. I have done disc defrag and cleaned up my hard drive and even removed some unneeded programs is there any other way to get my ping lower cuase i know that all those people cant be playing on cable or dsl if there laggin more then i am.
well if your using router your gunna slown down ALOT i have cable and im prtically on a modem, jk but that might be it.
Your ping, if you don't know, is the lag (in milliseconds) from you to the server. So you can't really lower your ping that much, but you can tweak it like you can tweak the internet connection itself. I would shut down any other programs that use the internet (other than your internet client itself of course), like AIM and whatnot. But other than that there isn't a whole lot you can do, just make sure whatever program you use to connect is updated, and your modem drivers are updated as well.
Well unfortinatly I am running aol and I am not using a router. I get mixed signals on wether to use on or not some people say there good to have some say why bother.
If there was some other way I could connect to aol without having the whole aol page up that would be nice. I mean I play just fine i dont have much lagg or any at all i played all day yesterday and only lagged twice.
And i was playing on a san jose server that is not to close but closer than most. If anyone knows of a server in the san jaquine vally around modesto let me know maybe ill get some better ping there well thanks for you guy's help.
well - No there is nothing u can do. Lagg and ping relate to the connection not the computer. If you are dial-up, your modem finds a sever to run through, so you should probly Dial a very clear conncetion. Think of it this way 2 ppl: both with a cell phone - call eachother:: but if the connection is bad you can get static, and not get all the info as fast. Thats how your comp laggs, it speed the ping up to try and read it faster, and keep up with your demands.
so basically your saying change the number my aol dials up too something different and see if that changes it?
right now i live in escalon cali and i dial up to some number in modesto.

but if i change the number out of my area code wont i get charged more saying it might be considered long distance? damn i hate dial up
you cant really fix it - its a connection thing, you MUSt have a good connection for good ping. Like if 2 ppl called eachother, and they couldn't quite hear because its a bad connection:::your comp is the same, it Speeds up the ping to try and catch up to the info, and bombard u with missed info. (kinda like microsoft saying Sorry when the 360 realesed and only like 2 ppl in the world got one..Sad )
Opps Srry I kinda re-said my whole topic, sorry i dis-connected JUST as i sent that 1st one, anywayz ya if you have other #'s to dial-up too, thats ur best bet, and also ya shutdown other internet useing Appz.
Play around with the numbers though. While you should try close numbers first, the amount of traffic the server gets will be much more important than it's vicinity to you (within reason).
And yell at your parents to get you DSL.
Also : Some Computers that run with firewalls cause a great deal of lag- feedback, due to the amount of info To the comp, the firewall should be programed to allow a Stream(feed) from certain places, so it doesn't scan those and cause a back up outside ur wall. it may seem confusing but It works, not all firewalls are like this either, so do what you can.
ya I have my firewall on full force right now. Maybe I should change it i am running macafree and some crap from aol that cost me 3$ more a month lol.
but i mean isnt 200ping kinda hi for 56k?

although I remeber when i had my bot on in my clan channel on d2 i did pingme and my ping at logg on was 93 if i could get it around there again thar would be even better.

p/s thanks for your help Ill try it when i get off work i can get dsl but my and my g/f live in a studio above her parents garage and they were going to get dsl in there house and up there i just gotta be patient and wait i guess.
If you're comfortable with it, turn off your firewall and play a game, see how your ping is affect.
Yeah good idea ill try that when I go home. I post on this thread whether it helped or not It just seem's to me that 200ping is kinda high I mean aol broadband is suppose to be getting faster now. I mean even if i can get it down to like 100ping that will be alot better.
You have 56K though, not broadband. Although I personally think 'fast AOL' is an oxymoron.
yeah well aol keeps saying there getting faster on there web surfing lol.
AOL says a lot of things.
That's the 3rd time this has happened in 3 years, and it will probably keep on happening too. One more reason AOL sucks.
I wounder if i change my internet to something else other then aol if i will be a better responce.
Probably. AOL has about the worst user ratings/speeds for dial-up. Check out DSL Reports for some good dial-up ISPs that may be available in your area.
One get DSL or Cabel or a faster internet speed first
[Image: Untitled-1-copy.jpg]
msn dial up runs pretty good, but i like my dads laptop with netzero, even though he uses ie and wont get firefox like i keep tellin him... and i also have no idea why he pays for 2 dial up brands, having a total bill that is more than 1 broadband connection...

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