11-11-2005, 02:24 AM
haha i have a good'n for you guys. ok my friend josh who works with me plays alot of counter-strike on Xbox but has never played online. so one day we hooked up the boxes and i started saying stuff like Oh man i just P-owned your *** (pwned) w00t L-O-L and he looked at me like... "wtf?" so i was like d00d... you've never heard that before? and he's like no i don't play xbox live. so i took him over to my house and let him play CS on my computer and that dude kept gettin owned because he was laughing so hard at all the little kids actually saying "Oh man you got P-owned!" but he also got pissed off and having NEVER played cs before on computer that dude whipped out a glock and took out every single person on the other team... i was like holy shit man i've been playing for years and i've done that like once after years of practice!. Anywho i thought that was pretty funny this is more of a small talk but its got the CS theme so here ya go.