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My two cents...
I originally posted a version of this on Jan's site, but since I am active in defending him on this site, I feel that it is somewhat necessary to at least respond to this situation. Take my words for what they are or leave them. I honestly don't mean to start any sort of "flame war", I, like the thread's title states, just want to give my final two cents on the situation - with the hopes of course that people will try to understand what it is I am saying Smile

"To those that were banned - Sorry that it happened, it's rather unfortunate... Keep your head up I guess, shit happens.

IMO, easyplay is a project which Jan is using to expand his programming knowledge. While it sucks major ass that this version is getting people banned, I hold no regrets or harsh feelings. If anything, this will help him understand his mistakes and continually work to make a better product. If for you, this was unexusable, ok I guess, You were told this would probably be safe but it wasn't so - go use another mh. For me though, it's not so much about getting the "leet hacks" to use on this game(because that's all it is), it's about giving support to a new programmer. It's not about the better programmer (in regards to mp and Jan). Look at the internet/computer world. Microsoft dominates it. Yet there are many other OS that are either free or don't cost your arm and/or leg. While these OS may not be as good as Microsoft's in one or more aspects (eh, sometimes they actually are better I guess), people still use them. They support a different person/group also attempting to create a quality product. So whether or not you are mad that you got banned, don't give up on supporting a developing programmer. We need more of this in the world - more diversity and more willingness of a community to work together, than to rely on one or two main producers.

That's my two cents. I'm sure some people might think my heads stuck up someone's ass - and if you think so, then I am sorry that you cannot at least see my words for what they are, and I am sorry that you cannot get over the "game" aspect of this and look at it with different eyes."
jan.. i got a idea for u... try hack tetris.. and im sure u will still get banned
lol twa is mean

I C but it sux so bad we all got banned
but im moving on no more d2!
The_Klaggel2 Wrote:I originally posted a version of this on Jan's site, but since I am active in defending him on this site, I feel that it is somewhat necessary to at least respond to this situation. Take my words for what they are or leave them. I honestly don't mean to start any sort of "flame war", I, like the thread's title states, just want to give my final two cents on the situation - with the hopes of course that people will try to understand what it is I am saying Smile

"To those that were banned - Sorry that it happened, it's rather unfortunate... Keep your head up I guess, shit happens.

IMO, easyplay is a project which Jan is using to expand his programming knowledge. While it sucks major ass that this version is getting people banned, I hold no regrets or harsh feelings. If anything, this will help him understand his mistakes and continually work to make a better product. If for you, this was unexusable, ok I guess, You were told this would probably be safe but it wasn't so - go use another mh. For me though, it's not so much about getting the "leet hacks" to use on this game(because that's all it is), it's about giving support to a new programmer. It's not about the better programmer (in regards to mp and Jan). Look at the internet/computer world. Microsoft dominates it. Yet there are many other OS that are either free or don't cost your arm and/or leg. While these OS may not be as good as Microsoft's in one or more aspects (eh, sometimes they actually are better I guess), people still use them. They support a different person/group also attempting to create a quality product. So whether or not you are mad that you got banned, don't give up on supporting a developing programmer. We need more of this in the world - more diversity and more willingness of a community to work together, than to rely on one or two main producers.

That's my two cents. I'm sure some people might think my heads stuck up someone's ass - and if you think so, then I am sorry that you cannot at least see my words for what they are, and I am sorry that you cannot get over the "game" aspect of this and look at it with different eyes."

my 2 cents, how can you support someone that uses his customers as testers. how many times does this same thing have to happen before he changes. you test this way once ok it not work. wouldn't you test it out yourself first to ensure it not happen a secodn time. or to make sure tehre no 3rd time? i sorry but i think there shown a 100% that he cares less about anyone. he needs to stop trying to rush putting something out. he should take his time an make sure it works before it released
drunkie Wrote:my 2 cents, how can you support someone that uses his customers as testers. how many times does this same thing have to happen before he changes. you test this way once ok it not work. wouldn't you test it out yourself first to ensure it not happen a secodn time. or to make sure tehre no 3rd time? i sorry but i think there shown a 100% that he cares less about anyone. he needs to stop trying to rush putting something out. he should take his time an make sure it works before it released

it did work
He had no idea that the warden was going to change.

Im still satisfied with the production of Easyplay
joshisback Wrote:it did work
He had no idea that the warden was going to change.

Im still satisfied with the production of Easyplay

thats cool your happy with it. to me it not working when people get banned cuz it didn't unload like ti should have. now i not try to make a mouse vs netter. but to me mouse's workked cuz it unloaded. an his isn't even a finial release. we all know warden is a bitch, but i just don't think it right to use customers as testers.

it like finding some mushroom in the woods, you just make your friends try it to see if they die. but everything gots tehre own view on it, i just share mines Smile
new programer? netter has been around for quite a while and also backdoored a program and stole thousands of accounts

so it has nothing to do with a new programer
yes, that is true, here is the truth: NETTER DOES NOT CARE ABOUT WHETHER U GET BANNED OR NOT
netter wont live a long time.. most ppl did not get ban the first time.. but now there lot of hacker better than him got banner for other hacks.. he will get hacked to bad for sure and he gonna cry.

i hope for this
"new programer? netter has been around for quite a while and also backdoored a program and stole thousands of accounts

so it has nothing to do with a new programer"

- These are his first attempts at a legit program / maphack, so in that aspect, why yes he is new Smile

Compared to MP, he is new.

"yes, that is true, here is the truth: NETTER DOES NOT CARE ABOUT WHETHER U GET BANNED OR NOT"
-Not only is this post entirely useless, but it is completely unfounded and only proves your ignorance. Go away.

"my 2 cents, how can you support someone that uses his customers as testers. how many times does this same thing have to happen before he changes. you test this way once ok it not work. wouldn't you test it out yourself first to ensure it not happen a secodn time. or to make sure tehre no 3rd time? i sorry but i think there shown a 100% that he cares less about anyone. he needs to stop trying to rush putting something out. he should take his time an make sure it works before it released"

-It's hard to test against warden when warden doesn't update :\
He would have to wait for an unknown time to happen - we didn't even know if warden would update again. About not caring, please refer to what I just got done saying to that ugly little troll.

Twa - you've already shown your feelings for this community (didn't you say something to the degree of "I don't care"?). I'm amazed at the fanaticism you have with being anti-netter. It appears to be the only thing that draws you here. Please go away - maybe try playing tetris, or is that too hard for you???
The_Klaggel2 Wrote:"new programer? netter has been around for quite a while and also backdoored a program and stole thousands of accounts

so it has nothing to do with a new programer"

- These are his first attempts at a legit program / maphack, so in that aspect, why yes he is new Smile

Compared to MP, he is new.

"yes, that is true, here is the truth: NETTER DOES NOT CARE ABOUT WHETHER U GET BANNED OR NOT"
-Not only is this post entirely useless, but it is completely unfounded and only proves your ignorance. Go away.

"my 2 cents, how can you support someone that uses his customers as testers. how many times does this same thing have to happen before he changes. you test this way once ok it not work. wouldn't you test it out yourself first to ensure it not happen a secodn time. or to make sure tehre no 3rd time? i sorry but i think there shown a 100% that he cares less about anyone. he needs to stop trying to rush putting something out. he should take his time an make sure it works before it released"

-It's hard to test against warden when warden doesn't update :\
He would have to wait for an unknown time to happen - we didn't even know if warden would update again. About not caring, please refer to what I just got done saying to that ugly little troll.

Twa - you've already shown your feelings for this community (didn't you say something to the degree of "I don't care"?). I'm amazed at the fanaticism you have with being anti-netter. It appears to be the only thing that draws you here. Please go away - maybe try playing tetris, or is that too hard for you???

dawg i respect you trying to defend him. but as you say it hard to test against warden, why is it the other maphacks where able to unload. he has openly admitted he rushes them to be released. he cares about getting a maphack out there. he bitches on mousepads forums all teh tiem about how he gets it out there aspa, he says being able to have a working maphack right now means more then being banned for it later. now this isn't word for word i just saying things he has said. i think you are being mislead by him if you think he cares about the bans
"dawg i respect you trying to defend him. but as you say it hard to test against warden, why is it the other maphacks where able to unload"
- MP's was the only one to do this wasn't it?

"he bitches on mousepads forums all teh tiem"
-If defending himself can be considered bitching. If sending out an open apology can be considered bitching (well, I can think of one post that could be classified as bitching, but one! hardly enough to say he goes over there all the time doing it)

He can only care about the bans to a certain degree. What do you expect of him. Should Jan out of despair for the banning of his mh users end his life? While it might make some of you happy, this would obviously not be the logical approach.

Now, a MP user wrote this:
" not true in my opinion all answers begin with the questin why peeps often fail but if you can stand up dust yourself off and move on itts all good integrity is the key i think as long as you put your heart in somthing and are totaly open if you fail so what just try again one day yull sucseed"
-The key point being that when you fail, get back up and dust yourself off and move on. That's all that Jan can do, and of course attempt to make his products better. Even though his products have continually gotten users banned, they have improved in quality (both feature wise and antidetect) with every new version. This just means we aren't there yet. It doesn't by any means mean (heh) that we should just quit and give up.

*I can't confirm this, but someone on mp's forum said Jan was offering money back to people on eplay gold forums. Would he give them money back if he didn't care? Would he keep the post private if he just wanted attn (no, obviously) - So I think he does care. (All of this of course aside from his statements on the matter i.e. accepting full responsibility, apologizing..)
The_Klaggel2 Wrote:*I can't confirm this, but someone on mp's forum said Jan was offering money back to people on eplay gold forums. Would he give them money back if he didn't care? Would he keep the post private if he just wanted attn (no, obviously) - So I think he does care. (All of this of course aside from his statements on the matter i.e. accepting full responsibility, apologizing..)

well if you cant confirm, dont bother posting it, if you had been around here long enough you would know that the users here are mostly anti netter so go elsewhere to defend him, we already hated him.
Mousepad is our god Tongue no bans from his maphack due to his programming (only people who got banned were the ones who did not follow intructions)
Ask yourself why so many people were using his maphacks from the start of 1.11, if they could have used a different maphack instead if they had waited for c3po/mousepad/sting to be released several weeks later.

Right, people didn't want to wait because they didn't want to play without MH! They wanted an advantage over the non-MH players, they didn't want to have to actually search around, they did not care at that time that it was released in a hurry to get a maphack out as soon as possible!

You chose speed above safety, so do not complain now. You know the risks, you know you may well get a safer version when you wait, and you can always choose not to use MH. Netter even warned the moment he saw Warden update, and Mousepad's survived just because he had updated it just the day before (and therefor the Warden checks didn't find what they were looking for anymore).

Whether Netter cares or not does not even matter, as no one forced you to use his MH, and seeing the number of people banned from all his previous 1.11 and 1.11b hasty MH releases should have set off a few warning signals for even the most moronic people. You knew there was a chance of getting banned, and you took it. Now don't be a whiner and take the consequences of your choices like a man (m/f).
skyclad, i not see any of the banned people whine on here, the stated there view an thats it.

now as for the letter trying, you bring that up still. but my view is if you trying wouldn't you learn from your mistakes? wouldn't you learn rushing to just put it out there doesn't work. i would think he would learn to test it out an make sure before it me when you keep doing the same thing shows you don't care.

as for the who netter saying he sorry. look at his actions, he says sorry for 1 lie then tells another. do you recall netter bitching how it so wrong for mouse to charge an saying he would never charge. he used to say how wrong paul an mouse was for charging. then does the same thing like 2 weeks later. thats like me telling my girl i sorry for cheating on her then going an ****ing her best first. if i was sorry wouldn't i stop doing the same shit

in my view if netter wants to prove he cares about making a real maphack, then he should take his time. test it for 6 months or whatever is needed to make sure it safe. now we all know warden can change at anytime. but just has to make it unload like the other programs do. then we can update for the patches. this like how mouse doing it. yes it sucks having to wait an it being so slow. but isn't it better to wait then to be banned

as i think the reason netter got blizzard to notice him, is cuz of the gold not the free. the tele pick shit, so all these 12 year olds will scam people with. i sure people reported that to blizzard right away. if he would just release a maphack an not have 1 with all these other cracks i think he wouldn't be having as many problems
When mentioning the whining I didn't mean this threat in particular, but just have a look at d2-general on the forums. as well as some posts on here.

And as far as whether or not Netter is trustworthy:

If a guy comes up to you in the street and offers you the latest digital camcorder with a market value of over $2000, but only asks $150 'because it is surplus and his boss does not want him to return with them' anyone with half a functioning braincell will smell something is not right. If you not only buy the recorder and get caught by the cops for it, but buy _several more recorders_ from the same guy, getting caught each and every time, it simply indicates that you probably voted Bush and still think WMDs will be found in Iraq.

Netter didn't make anyone use his MH. He was wrong in stealing accounts back then, but people who complain about getting caught and then proceed to install the next version are just plain dumb. Learn from the first ban and stop your whining.
If you want to post about people whining, make a new thread, that particular aspect has nothing to do with the thread I started. I hoped to start an intellecutal discussion on the matter that wouldn't be drowned out by 11 year olds pointing fingers at each other and yelling names. Seeing as that won't happen (maybe if I waited for some of you to, well, mature a little in your thoughts, but I don't have that long...), please just let this thread be, or mods, please lock it.

I tried to set a good foot foward. The community rejected it.
Skyclad Wrote:Netter even warned the moment he saw Warden update, and Mousepad's survived just because he had updated it just the day before (and therefor the Warden checks didn't find what they were looking for anymore).

First of "Skyclad", Mousepad did not update his maphack, if you knew better you would realise he hasnt updated it in months. The reason no one was banned for mousepads was because mousepad has skill and has been in this game far longer then netter, Mp mh unloads if it sees warden updating, (just for interest that was what netter said his would do)
Wozza Wrote:First of "Skyclad", Mousepad did not update his maphack, if you knew better you would realise he hasnt updated it in months. The reason no one was banned for mousepads was because mousepad has skill and has been in this game far longer then netter, Mp mh unloads if it sees warden updating, (just for interest that was what netter said his would do)

My apologies, I saw someone mention that and assumed it was true. I have not payed much attention to MH versions lately.

I know MP is quite skilled compared to Netter, but that only strengthens the argument that people who go for the maphacks that is released first rather than waiting for a safe one only have themselves to blame.

And The_Klaggel2: My apologies for focussing on the wrong part of your post. It indeed is a hobby project for Netter, and whether or not he is good enough at it, he still is one of the few people who actually invest a significant amount of time in making D2 easier for others.
Skyclad Wrote:My apologies, I saw someone mention that and assumed it was true. I have not payed much attention to MH versions lately.

I know MP is quite skilled compared to Netter, but that only strengthens the argument that people who go for the maphacks that is released first rather than waiting for a safe one only have themselves to blame.

Thats ok mate, im very happy to accept your apology, you have earned yourself a great deal of respect in my eyes, to accept when one is wrong is a very good skill. On another note if you wish to see if mp mh has updated etc go to his site (

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