12-23-2005, 07:25 PM
ok guys good news i am getting to the first way point then uses cta then tele's to eldrich but once their leaves games anyone know why please help.
Better question for you smart ones
12-23-2005, 07:25 PM
ok guys good news i am getting to the first way point then uses cta then tele's to eldrich but once their leaves games anyone know why please help.
12-24-2005, 03:21 AM
just a guess but your left click attack probably is the same when you do a weapon switch
12-24-2005, 03:27 AM
That was the problem befor this one but now he tele's to the group where eldrich is and then once there just goes to save and exit. if you know the answer to this question please help.
12-24-2005, 03:31 AM
To help us out a little, do you mind posting your sequence? I might be able to help you then.
12-24-2005, 03:51 AM
oh sry kyle didn't know you posted here is my sequence
;=================================================================================================================================================== ; ; Program Name: Ramadash's hammerdin Sequence (mm.bot v5.44) ; ; Description: Sequence to kill Pindle, Eldrich, Shenk and Trav ; ; Version: 1.1 ; ; Changes: ; 1.1 ; -Changed the way Eldrich is attacked: Bot should no more get to far and fail to go to shenk after. ; -BIG Stability Improvment for TRAV, the bot now cast BO After Pindle (cuz the Bo-after-trav-wp is buggy) ; and also I rewrite the A3ToA5 Function so it search the waypoint. ; -Added a new config file: Rama.Config.au3 in Scripts Directory, but it's not used yet (only needed for preattack in trav) ; I will later add all configurable variables of ALL this script in this file, you can also make request of a ; variable you would like to see in this file. ; -Switched back to .au3's instaed of .exe ; -added beta trav PreAttack 1&2, disabled by default ; -Other fixes and tweak that I don't remember ![]() ; 1.0 ; -ALOT of new stuff in this version ![]() ; -Tweaked MouseToRed Script to detect the 3 different act5 monster colors, no more missed teleports! ; -Included two (yes 2) modified smorg "find center" script to kill shenk ALOT FASTER ![]() ; ; Credits: -BIG BIG BIG BIG CREDITS TO SMORG FOR HIS AMAZING IDEA AND BASE SCRIPT! ; -BIG BIG BIG BIG CREDITS TO MANUS MAGNUS FOR OBVIOUS REASONS! ; -BIG BIG BIG BIG CREDITS TO NICOTINE FOR THE NICE IRC SERVER (irc.omnesia.net) and file hosting ; go there if you need support, channel mm.bot.support ; you can also visit us at d2trade forums: http://forums.d2trade.pl/index.php?showforum=117 ; or omnesia forums: http://mmscripts.omnesia.net/forum2.html...20c3e9fd3f ; ; IMPORTANT: BE SURE TO READ THE FOLLOWING COMMENTS VERY CAREFULLY, ; IF YOU DO NOT DO SO, YOU WONT RECEIVE SUPPORT! ; ; First of all you need to put all the .exe files that are in the SCRIPTS folder from rama.scripts.zip to ; your mm.bot.544\Scripts\ folder ; Also the "ClearScreenKey" in mm.bot.ini is NOT the key to clear messages! (Default in-game key is SPACE) ; ; If you don't want to use CTA, put a ; in front of all the CTA,0 commands in your [MAIN] sequence ; Example: ;Cta,0 (or simply delete it if you don't know what im talking about..) ; I won't provide any support if you get the error: ; ->12/04 10:15:29 [I]> You must select a different left skill/skin for secondary weapon Tab to make the bot able to see switch. ; ; be sure to configure your mm.bot.ini file and also the values that start with @ in this file! ; if you have problems it is probably because you didnt do so! ; ; ;=================================================================================================================================================== ;hotkeys, i dont think they need further explanation @Skill_BattleCommand=f5 @Skill_BattleOrder=f4 @Skill_HolyShield=f3 @Skill_Teleport=f1 @Skill_Concentration=f2 @Skill_HoldPosition=g ;aka standstill @Skill_Vigor=f @Skill_Redemption=v ;set same as vigor if you dont have @Skill_TownPortal=a ;a must ;delays @Del_SwitchSkill=50 ;this is the smallest delay (used after a hotkey press, but also in other conditions that require small sleeps) @Del_Precast=400 ;how much to wait after sending a right click to cast a precast @Del_WEOT=2200 ;the timeout for WEOT(timeout) @Del_AttackTele=900 ;this is how much time you sleep after teleporting on top of a monster (we dont want to use WEOT because it screw the game if it fail, wich is not a big deal) @Del_AttackKeyDown=400 ;how long to sleep btw each attack click (default is same as smorg sequence, and should not be changed) @Del_PickitCheckLife=600 ;this is the PICKIT(delay) delay @Del_AfterTownPortalCast=600 ;how long to wait after casting town portal ;attacks timeout's @Timeout_Eld=7000 ;how long to attack eldrich after PreAttack @Timeout_Shenk=20000 ;how long to attack Shenk after PreAttack @Timeout_PreAttack=2000 ;how long to standstill doing hammers befor starting tele-on-those-bastards attack @Timeout_Pindle=10000 ;timeout for pindleskin (remember there is no PreAttack here) @Timeout_TravPreAttack=5000 @Timeout_Trav=45000 ;main [MAIN] Vigor,0 ToEldShenk,0 CTA,0 HolyShield,0 GoToEld,0 PreAttack,@Timeout_PreAttack Attack,@Timeout_Eld Pickit,0 GoToShenk,0 PreAttackShenk,0 AttackAndPick,@Timeout_Shenk Pickit,0 ;SmartShenkPickit,0 Vigor,0 TownToPindle,0 ;DirectPindle,0 PreAttack,@Timeout_PreAttack Attack,@Timeout_Pindle Pickit,0 CTA,0 ;Vigor,0 PindleTownTrav,0 ;DirectTrav,0 HolyShield,0 ;CTA,0 MoveToTrav,0 ;TravPreAttack1,0 AttackAndPickTrav,@Timeout_Trav QuickPickit,0 QuickTeleTrav,0 AttackAndPickTrav,@Timeout_Trav PostTrav,0 ;sequences ;///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ;// TOWN & PRECAST STUFF [Vigor] K(@Skill_Vigor) S(@Del_SwitchSkill) EXIT [CTA] SWITCH1 K(@Skill_BattleCommand) S(@Del_SwitchSkill) RC(400,300) S(@Del_Precast) K(@Skill_BattleOrder) S(@Del_SwitchSkill) RC(400,500) S(@Del_Precast) SWITCH2 EXIT [HolyShield] K(@Skill_HolyShield) S(@Del_SwitchSkill) RC(400,300) S(@Del_Precast) EXIT [TownToPindle] S(@Del_SwitchSkill) K(@Skill_TownPortal) S(@Del_SwitchSkill) FUNC:TOWNTP K(@Skill_Vigor) S(@Del_SwitchSkill) FUNC:A5TownPoint ;K(@Skill_Vigor) ;S(@Del_SwitchSkill) FUNC:A5WPtoATP K(@Skill_teleport) S(@Del_SwitchSkill) BRC(280,-300) WEOT(@Del_WEOT) S(@Del_SwitchSkill) RC(780,50) WEOT(@Del_WEOT) S(@Del_SwitchSkill) RC(775,90) WEOT(@Del_WEOT) S(@Del_SwitchSkill) BRC(258,81) WEOT(@Del_WEOT) S(@Del_SwitchSkill) CML CLM EXIT [DirectPindle] FUNC:A5WPtoATP SWITCH1 K(@Skill_BattleCommand) S(@Del_SwitchSkill) RC(400,300) S(@Del_Precast) K(@Skill_BattleOrder) S(@Del_SwitchSkill) RC(400,500) S(@Del_Precast) SWITCH2 K(@Skill_HolyShield) S(@Del_SwitchSkill) RC(400,300) S(@Del_Precast) K(@Skill_teleport) S(@Del_SwitchSkill) BRC(280,-300) WEOT(@Del_WEOT) RC(780,50) WEOT(@Del_WEOT) RC(775,90) WEOT(@Del_WEOT) BRC(258,81) WEOT(@Del_WEOT) CML CLM EXIT [PindleTownTrav] S(@Del_SwitchSkill) K(@Skill_TownPortal) S(@Del_SwitchSkill) FUNC:TOWNTP K(@Skill_Vigor) S(@Del_SwitchSkill) FUNC:A5TownPoint FUNC:A5WPtoTrav EXIT [PostTrav] K(@Skill_Redemption) S(@Del_SwitchSkill) PICKIT(@Del_PickitCheckLife) S(@Del_SwitchSkill) K(@Skill_TownPortal) S(@Del_SwitchSkill) FUNC:TOWNTP K(@Skill_Vigor) S(@Del_SwitchSkill) S(500) ;FUNC:A3TownToA5 EXEC:WaypointFocus.au3 S(500) EXIT ;////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ;// PRE ATTACKS [PreAttack] KD(@Skill_HoldPosition) S(@Del_SwitchSkill) K(@Skill_Concentration) S(@Del_SwitchSkill) LCD(700, 350) CLM CML S(200) CMDEAD CTOE [PreAttackShenk] EXEC:MiddleTele.au3 KD(@Skill_HoldPosition) S(@Del_SwitchSkill) K(@Skill_Concentration) S(@Del_SwitchSkill) LCD(700, 350) CLM CML EXEC:ScreenDump.au3 LCD(700, 350) CLM CML S(100) LCD(700, 350) CLM CML S(500) LCD(700, 350) CLM CML S(200) KU(@Skill_HoldPosition) LCU K(@Skill_Teleport) S(Del_SwitchSkill) EXEC:ScreenCompute.au3 KD(@Skill_HoldPosition) S(@Del_SwitchSkill) K(@Skill_Concentration) S(@Del_SwitchSkill) LCD(700, 350) CLM CML S(500) LCD(700, 350) CLM CML S(500) LCD(700, 350) CLM CML S(500) LCD(700, 350) CLM CML S(500) EXIT ;///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ;// ATTACKS [Attack] CMDEAD K(@Skill_Teleport) S(@Del_SwitchSkill) S(100) CLM CML ;EXEC:MouseToRed.au3 EXEC:MouseToEld.au3 S(@Del_SwitchSkill) K(@Skill_Concentration) KD(@Skill_HoldPosition) CMDEAD LCD(700, 350) S(@Del_AttackKeyDown) CMDEAD LCD(700, 350) CLM CML S(@Del_AttackKeyDown) CMDEAD LCD(700, 350) S(@Del_AttackKeyDown) CMDEAD LCD(700, 350) CLM CML S(@Del_AttackKeyDown) CMDEAD LCD(700, 350) CTOE S(@Del_AttackKeyDown) KU(@Skill_HoldPosition) LCU [AttackAndPick] CMDEAD K(@Skill_Teleport) S(@Del_SwitchSkill) CMDEAD EXEC:MouseToRed.au3 CLM CML S(@Del_SwitchSkill) K(@Skill_Concentration) CMDEAD KD(@Skill_HoldPosition) LCD(700, 350) S(@Del_AttackKeyDown) CMDEAD LCD(700, 350) CLM CML S(@Del_AttackKeyDown) CMDEAD LCD(700, 350) S(@Del_AttackKeyDown) CMDEAD LCD(700, 350) CLM CML S(@Del_AttackKeyDown) CMDEAD LCD(700, 350) CTOE KU(@Skill_HoldPosition) LCU CMDEAD S(@Del_AttackKeyDown) K(@Skill_Redemption) S(@Del_SwitchSkill) CMDEAD PICKIT(@Del_PickitCheckLife) [AttackAndPickTrav] CMDEAD K(@Skill_Teleport) S(@Del_SwitchSkill) CMDEAD EXEC:MouseToTrav.au3 K(@Skill_Concentration) S(@Del_SwitchSkill) CMDEAD KD(@Skill_HoldPosition) LCD(700, 350) CMDEAD CLM CML S(@Del_AttackKeyDown) LCD(700, 350) CLM CML CMDEAD CTOE S(@Del_AttackKeyDown) LCD(700, 350) CLM CML S(@Del_AttackKeyDown) LCD(700, 350) CLM CML CMDEAD CTOE LCD(700, 350) CLM CML CMDEAD CTOE S(@Del_AttackKeyDown) LCD(700, 350) CLM CML S(@Del_AttackKeyDown) LCD(700, 350) CLM CML CMDEAD CTOE S(@Del_AttackKeyDown) LCD(700, 350) CLM CML S(@Del_AttackKeyDown) KU(@Skill_HoldPosition) LCU S(@Del_AttackKeyDown) K(@Skill_Redemption) S(@Del_SwitchSkill) PICKIT(@Del_PickitCheckLife) ;/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ;// TELEPORTS AND PICK UPS [ToEldShenk] FUNC:A5EWP EXIT [GoToEld] K(@Skill_Teleport) S(@Del_SwitchSkill) BRC(141,-100) WEOT(@Del_WEOT) BRC(126,-385) WEOT(@Del_WEOT) RC(423,170) WEOT(@Del_WEOT) CLM EXIT [GoToShenk] K(@Skill_Teleport) S(@Del_SwitchSkill) RC(275,515) WEOT(@Del_WEOT) S(@Del_SwitchSkill) CLM CML RC(550,550) WEOT(@Del_WEOT) S(@Del_SwitchSkill) ;EXEC:Eldrich.ToBlock.au3 CLM CML BRC(400,110) WEOT(@Del_WEOT) S(@Del_SwitchSkill) CLM CML RC(700,520) WEOT(@Del_WEOT) S(@Del_SwitchSkill) CLM CML RC(700,520) WEOT(@Del_WEOT) S(@Del_SwitchSkill) CLM CML RC(600,550) WEOT(@Del_WEOT) S(@Del_SwitchSkill) CLM CML RC(700,520) WEOT(@Del_WEOT) S(@Del_SwitchSkill) CLM CML RC(690,350) WEOT(@Del_WEOT) S(@Del_SwitchSkill) CLM CML ;RC(700,550) ;WEOT(@Del_WEOT) ;S(@Del_SwitchSkill) ;CLM ;CML EXIT [DirectTrav] FUNC:A5WPtoTrav [MoveToTrav] K(@Skill_Teleport) S(@Del_SwitchSkill) RC(786,334) WEOT(@Del_WEOT) RC(786,334) WEOT(@Del_WEOT) RC(796,459) WEOT(@Del_WEOT) RC(796,459) WEOT(@Del_WEOT) RC(796,459) WEOT(@Del_WEOT) RC(801,243) WEOT(@Del_WEOT) RC(783,95) WEOT(@Del_WEOT) K(@Skill_Concentration) S(@Del_SwitchSkill) EXIT [QuickTeleTrav] K(@Skill_Teleport) S(@Del_SwitchSkill) RC(706,140) WEOT(@Del_WEOT) EXIT [QuickPickit] K(@Skill_Redemption) S(@Del_SwitchSkill) PICKIT(@Del_PickitCheckLife) EXIT [Pickit] K(@Skill_Redemption) S(@Del_SwitchSkill) PICKIT(@Del_PickitCheckLife) S(@Del_SwitchSkill) PICKIT(@Del_PickitCheckLife) S(@Del_SwitchSkill) EXIT ;/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ;// NOT WORKING OR BEING IMPLEMENTED [SmartShenkPickit] K(@Skill_Teleport) S(@Del_SwitchSkill) EXEC:ShenkSmartPickit.au3 PICKIT(600) EXEC:ShenkSmartTele.au3 PICKIT(600) RC(345,62) WEOT(@Del_WEOT) PICKIT(600) S(50) RC(24,488) WEOT(@Del_WEOT) PICKIT(600) S(50) EXIT [TravPreAttack1] EXEC:TravPreAttack1.au3 PICKIT(600) EXEC:TravPreAttack2.au3 PICKIT(600)
OK, here you go. Copy the whole thing(except this writing:p)
Hammerdin Eldritch + Shenk + Pindle ;==========>>Teleport Script Series<<========== ;Script: Hammerdin ;Author: Nicotine ;Based: Gbud ;Monsters: Eldritch, Shenk and Pindle ;Version: 5.43+ ;Date: NOV. 02, 2005 ;Tested: Hell ;WebSite: http://mmscripts.omnesia.net ;============================================= ;==========>>Updates<<========== ; ;Updated: Nov. 13, 2005 --> CTA Support ; ;=============================== ;==========================> Delays @Random_Delay1 = 2500,7500 @Random_Delay2 = 5000,10000 @Switch_Delay = 100 @PreCast_Delay = 100 @WarCry_Delay = 350 @Eldritch_Attack_Length = 9500 @Shenk_Attack_Length = 9500 @Pindle_Attack_Length = 9500 @Tele_Delay1 = 400 @Tele_Delay2 = 300 @Walk_Delay = 400 @Key_Delay = 50 @Loop_Delay = 100 @Pickit_Delay = 600 @Random_Sleep = 300 ;==========================> /Delays ;==========================> Skills @Teleport = f2 @Concentration = f1 @Vigor = f3 @Cleansing = @Holy_Shield = f4 @Battle_Orders = f6 @Battle_Command = f5 @Standstill = G @Town_Portal = f8 ;==========================> /Skills ;==========================> Hammerdin Sequences MAIN [MAIN] HummerPreCast,0 GotoAct5Wp,0 HummerCTA,0 HummerToEld,0 HummerVsEld,@Eldritch_Attack_Length HummerPostEld,0 HummerToShenk,0 HummerVsShenk,@Shenk_Attack_Length HummerPostShenk,0 HummerToTown,0 HummerToAnya,0 HummerToPindle,0 HummerKillsPindle,@Pindle_Attack_Length HummerPostPindle,0 ;==========================> Hammerdin Pre Casts [HummerPreCast] K(@Holy_Shield) S(@Key_Delay) RC(400,300) S(@PreCast_Delay) K(@Vigor) S(@Key_Delay) EXIT ;==========================> Hammerdin Prepares [GotoAct5Wp] SR(@Random_Delay1) FUNC:A5EWP EXIT ;==========================> Hammerdin Shouts [HummerCTA] SWITCH1 S(@Switch_Delay) K(@Battle_Orders) S(@Key_Delay) RC(400,300) S(@WarCry_Delay) K(@Battle_Command) S(@Key_Delay) RC(400,300) S(@WarCry_Delay) SWITCH2 S(@Switch_Delay) ;==========================> Hammerdin Travels to Eldritch [HummerToEld] K(@Teleport) S(@Key_Delay) BRC(130,-60) WEOT(@Tele_Delay1) BRC(80,-335) WEOT(@Tele_Delay1) RC(400,150) WEOT(@Tele_Delay2) K(@Concentration) S(@Key_Delay) CLM CML EXIT ;==========================> Hammerdin Kills Eldritch [HummerVsEld] KD(@Standstill) S(@Key_Delay) LCD(580,320) S(@Loop_Delay) CMDEAD CLM CML CTOE ;==========================> Hammerdin Loots the Corpse [HummerPostEld] K(@Cleansing) S(@Key_Delay) PICKIT(@Pickit_Delay) S(@Random_Sleep) CLM CML EXIT ;==========================> Hammerdin Travels to Shenk [HummerToShenk] K(@Teleport) S(@Key_Delay) RC(275,515) WEOT(@Tele_Delay1) RC(550,550) WEOT(@Tele_Delay1) BRC(400,110) WEOT(@Tele_Delay1) RC(700,520) WEOT(@Tele_Delay1) RC(700,520) WEOT(@Tele_Delay1) RC(600,550) WEOT(@Tele_Delay1) RC(700,520) WEOT(@Tele_Delay1) RC(690,350) WEOT(@Tele_Delay1) RC(700,550) WEOT(@Tele_Delay2) K(@Concentration) S(@Key_Delay) CLM CML EXIT ;==========================> Hammerdin Beats Down Shenk [HummerVsShenk] KD(@Standstill) S(@Key_Delay) LCD(700, 350) S(@Loop_Delay) CMDEAD CLM CML CTOE ;==========================> Hammerdin Loots Shenk [HummerPostShenk] S(@Key_Delay) K(@Vigor) S(@Random_Sleep) PICKIT(@Pickit_Delay) S(@Random_Sleep) CLM CML EXIT ;==========================> Hammerdin Travels to Town [HummerToTown] K(@Town_Portal) S(@Key_Delay) FUNC: TOWNTP S(@Key_Delay) K(@Cleansing) S(@Random_Delay2) S(@Key_Delay) K(@Vigor) FUNC:A5TownPoint EXIT ;==========================> Hammerdin Travels to Anya''s Portal [HummerToAnya] FUNC:A5WPtoATP ;==========================> Hammerdin Charges Pindle [HummerToPindle] K(@Teleport) S(@Key_Delay) CLM CML BRC(400,-310) WEOT(@Tele_Delay1) RC(700,30) WEOT(@Tele_Delay1) BRC(555,-80) WEOT(@Tele_Delay1) BRC(300,0) WEOT(@Tele_Delay2) K(@Concentration) S(@Key_Delay) EXIT ;==========================> Hammerdin Destroys Pindle [HummerKillsPindle] KD(@Standstill) S(@Key_Delay) LCD(700, 350) S(@Loop_Delay) CMDEAD CLM CML CTOE ;==========================> Hammerdin Loots Corpse [HummerPostPindle] S(@Random_Sleep) PICKIT(@Pickit_Delay) K(@Vigor) S(@Random_Sleep) EXIT ;==========================> /EOF EDIT: Added the fixed one, works perfect now. All you have to do is match the keys and change the stand still in game to "g" ![]()
12-24-2005, 05:50 AM
kyle you are a genious ty very much.
![]() |
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