The cheapest smiter ever - by .razzor
With this guide, I'll show you how to build a very cheap smiter, that can still solo Ubers in ~1 minute. My idea behind this build was, that if you have a very high chance of crushing blow, you can still get a moderate damage that is enough for ubers.
Hemlet: Guillames Face - Socketed with Um rune or 15 IAS jewel.
Armor: Treachery (Shael Thul Lem) runeword. 45 IAS and chance to gain fade. IAS is exactly what we need and level 15 fade increases your resistances by 61.
Belt: Verdungos - Not that expensive, but if you cant afford that, you also can use string of ears for 15% damage reduced.
Gloves: Dracs - Nothing to say about.
Boots: Gore Rider - If you can't afford that, you can also use goblin toe. It has even 10% more chance for crushing blow and that's exactly what we need for this build.
Shield: Zaka - That's the only quite expensive thing at this build. Socketed with perf diamond. My advice is to upgrade it with perf diamond, Ko and Lem rune. If you can't afford that, you also can go with spirit on sacred targe or zakarum shield with extra +resistances. Go for max block if you use zaka, if you use spirit you'll need too much dexterity.
Weapon: Black (Thul Io Nef) on scourge. 15 IAS and 40% crushing blow. Nothing to say about.
Amulett: Seraph or highlords. Yes, I know that deadly strike doesn't work with smite, but it has 20 IAS and +1 skills. Seraph has +2 skills and demon ED. They're both good.
Ring 1: Nature's Peace. It's necessary because you don't have prevent monster heal yet. If you can't afford that, you can go with some +resistances ring.
Ring 2: Raven Frost. It's annoying to be frozen by baal's attack, and if you fight against baal and meph, you'll die if you're frozen. Also it has +dexterity so you don't need to put that much into it for max block. If you can't afford that you can go with a +resistances ring.
I don't use a torch on this char, because I can't pickup a torch then (lol). I got my whole inventory full with FHR charms. I think that's the best. Only tome of town portal and other 2 free spaces for torch left. If you use 9 12% FHR GC's and 9 5% FHR SC's, you gain 153 FHR, which is between 4 Frames (86% FHR) and 3 Frames (200% FHR).
Smite: 20 points - Your main attack.
Holy Shield: 20 points - Increases your damage and gives +blockchance and +defense.
Fanatiscm: 20 points - Your main aura. Increases your damage and gives IAS.
Defiance: Defense boost for holy shield.
Vigor: 1 point - For moving faster. Not necessary.
Cleansing: 1 point - Not necessary.
Strength: As always, only that much you need.
Dexterity: If you go with zaka, enough for max block. You can simply figure out if you got max block by moving your cursor over your defense. You'll get displayed what % chance to block you have. ACTIVATE HOLY SHIELD BEFORE STATING DEXTERITY (Increases your chance to block as I said). If you're lvl 90 it's about 130 dexterity for max block with zaka. If you don't use zaka, only that much you need for your equipment.
Vitality: Rest.
Energy: Nothing.
Act 2 nightmare offensive merc.
Helmet: Best would be andy face - If you can't afford that, go for crown of thieves or gaze.
Weapon: Obedience eth cryptic axe. It has over 1000 max damage and +resistances. Not bad and really cheap (Hel Ko Thul Eth Fal). If you can't afford that, you could go with eth ariocs needle or spire of honor socketed with amn.
Armor: Treachery on some eth elite armor. If you can afford, leviathan socketed with um or 15 IAS jewel.
That's all!
Hope you liked it. If you use gore riders, you have 90% crushing blow, and if you use goblin toe, you got 100%. I tested it in single player, and I got 1,3k shown dmg and solo ubers in ~1 minute.
With this guide, I'll show you how to build a very cheap smiter, that can still solo Ubers in ~1 minute. My idea behind this build was, that if you have a very high chance of crushing blow, you can still get a moderate damage that is enough for ubers.
Hemlet: Guillames Face - Socketed with Um rune or 15 IAS jewel.
Armor: Treachery (Shael Thul Lem) runeword. 45 IAS and chance to gain fade. IAS is exactly what we need and level 15 fade increases your resistances by 61.
Belt: Verdungos - Not that expensive, but if you cant afford that, you also can use string of ears for 15% damage reduced.
Gloves: Dracs - Nothing to say about.
Boots: Gore Rider - If you can't afford that, you can also use goblin toe. It has even 10% more chance for crushing blow and that's exactly what we need for this build.
Shield: Zaka - That's the only quite expensive thing at this build. Socketed with perf diamond. My advice is to upgrade it with perf diamond, Ko and Lem rune. If you can't afford that, you also can go with spirit on sacred targe or zakarum shield with extra +resistances. Go for max block if you use zaka, if you use spirit you'll need too much dexterity.
Weapon: Black (Thul Io Nef) on scourge. 15 IAS and 40% crushing blow. Nothing to say about.
Amulett: Seraph or highlords. Yes, I know that deadly strike doesn't work with smite, but it has 20 IAS and +1 skills. Seraph has +2 skills and demon ED. They're both good.
Ring 1: Nature's Peace. It's necessary because you don't have prevent monster heal yet. If you can't afford that, you can go with some +resistances ring.
Ring 2: Raven Frost. It's annoying to be frozen by baal's attack, and if you fight against baal and meph, you'll die if you're frozen. Also it has +dexterity so you don't need to put that much into it for max block. If you can't afford that you can go with a +resistances ring.
I don't use a torch on this char, because I can't pickup a torch then (lol). I got my whole inventory full with FHR charms. I think that's the best. Only tome of town portal and other 2 free spaces for torch left. If you use 9 12% FHR GC's and 9 5% FHR SC's, you gain 153 FHR, which is between 4 Frames (86% FHR) and 3 Frames (200% FHR).
Smite: 20 points - Your main attack.
Holy Shield: 20 points - Increases your damage and gives +blockchance and +defense.
Fanatiscm: 20 points - Your main aura. Increases your damage and gives IAS.
Defiance: Defense boost for holy shield.
Vigor: 1 point - For moving faster. Not necessary.
Cleansing: 1 point - Not necessary.
Strength: As always, only that much you need.
Dexterity: If you go with zaka, enough for max block. You can simply figure out if you got max block by moving your cursor over your defense. You'll get displayed what % chance to block you have. ACTIVATE HOLY SHIELD BEFORE STATING DEXTERITY (Increases your chance to block as I said). If you're lvl 90 it's about 130 dexterity for max block with zaka. If you don't use zaka, only that much you need for your equipment.
Vitality: Rest.
Energy: Nothing.
Act 2 nightmare offensive merc.
Helmet: Best would be andy face - If you can't afford that, go for crown of thieves or gaze.
Weapon: Obedience eth cryptic axe. It has over 1000 max damage and +resistances. Not bad and really cheap (Hel Ko Thul Eth Fal). If you can't afford that, you could go with eth ariocs needle or spire of honor socketed with amn.
Armor: Treachery on some eth elite armor. If you can afford, leviathan socketed with um or 15 IAS jewel.
That's all!
Hope you liked it. If you use gore riders, you have 90% crushing blow, and if you use goblin toe, you got 100%. I tested it in single player, and I got 1,3k shown dmg and solo ubers in ~1 minute.