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Avenger/Auradin Paladin
I made this character in a hero editor and tested it against every character class, plus some of the act bosses. And I'm glad to report the build was a success. So in the rest of this post I guess you can expect to see a character build I designed.

For the insanely rich this character will own because you can buy the best of gear. For the less fortunate it may not do as well, but it should still offer an exciting new character.

First off you will need to make an Act II offensive mercenary that has Might Aura.

Stats wise you should put very little into strength because in your inventory you should have an Anni and a Paladin torch, plus any extra strength bonuses from items. So dont ever put anymore than 65 into strength. For dexterity you will want atleast 130. I know it seems like alot but without an auras to add to your attack rating, it's needed. None into mana. The rest into vitality.

Skills you want to fous on are;

Combat Skills

1- Sacrfice
1- Zeal
20- Vengeance
1- Smite
1- Charge
1- Holy Bolt
1- Blessed Hammer
18- Holy Shield

Offensive Auras

1- Might
1- Holy Fire
1- Holy Freeze
1- Thorns
1- Sanctuary
16-19- Conviction (depends apon items, goal is to have 25 with bonuses)

Defensive Auras

20- Lightning Resist
1- Cold Resist
10- Fire Resist

The items your going to wear are mainly items used for a normal auradin. But the plus side to wearing them is you get bonus damage for active auras. For a helm you should try and get a Dream, Herlad of Zakarum, EBotD zerker or Hand of Justice zerker, Doom pike, Enigma or Chains of Honor and Bramble, 2 Bul Kathos Wedding Ring, Mara's Kaliedoscope, and boots, gloves, and belt are yours to decide but I would suggest Verdungos and Draculs.

Alright now, on your character you should have Dream, Herald of Zakarum, EBotD or HOJ, Enigma or CoH, Bul Kathos, Mara's, and your boots, gloves, and belt equipped.

Your mercenary should wear Doom, and Bramble with optional helm your choice.

In your inventory you should have an Anni, Paladin torch, and some Offensive grand charms if your Convition aura doesn't reach level 25.

Beauty of the build is that you make Conviction your main aura and Vengeance your main attack. With synergies like Lightning Resist maxed your Vengeance should have extremely high stats now. Plus you have added damage from active auras from your gear. Plus about a level 20 Might aura from your mercenary.

Now you should know that when fighting casters, if your mercenary attacks with Doom on, his attack will slow thier cast rate by 25%. Helps if your wearing Enigma, you can teleport in and attack like twice while they are slowed. If you wear Chains of Honor then you will need to Charge in and switch to Vengeance quickly.

With melee characters your mercenarys Holy Freeze aura should slow them nicely.

Thats the basics of my character. If you have any questions just ask and I'll try to answer them. Or complaints with the build.

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