01-07-2006, 01:34 PM
(This post was last modified: 01-07-2006, 01:38 PM by Kranix0071984.)
We are a Diablo 2 LOD USEast Softcore Ladder Clan. We only except people that are serious about the game "not in it to scam and rip other players, but to play and grow in the game through other people". Think of it more as a gathering place for friends but in the D2 World.
We have tournaments and treasure hunts were people can get valuable items for winning the tournaments or finding the items in the treasure hunt. We also have a complex Point System that can allow you to buy items from or Clan store "No it does'nt cost any money....", let me explain further.
The simple way I can put it is the point system is like a pawn shop but you can earn points other ways.
Here is a guide on all that is points so you can better understand what I mean.
This is how the whole point system is going to work.
*Selling your items for points:
There is a price guide "Point List #1" that will tell you how many points a certain item is worth, and if we are accepting that item at the time you want to sell it. To sell an item you must PM me "Kranix0071984" or "StealthOnSleep" with the name of the item you want to sell. After the transaction is completed your points will be added to your account. You can look up how many points you have in the "Point Bank" in the Lut Gholein Section.
*Buying Items with your points:
If there is an Item that you are looking to purchase. First go to the "Point List #2" to see if the clan mules even have the item you are looking for and that you have enough points to purchase that item. PM Kranix0071984 or StealthOnSleep with whatever Item you are looking for. After the transaction is completed, your points will be deducted by the amount the item cost.
*Checking Out Items:
First off let me be clear that this is "ONLY" for low lvl characters. Last thing we want is for somebody to check out an item and then we never hear from them again. That would hurt the clan as a whole and it would take away from somebody that might have needed or earned that item. This is mainly for Low lvl sets and uniques that we might have. In order to check something out you must have sold at least 3 Items to the Clan Bank. To see what there is that can be checked out look at "Point List #3". PM Kranix0071984 or StealthOnSleep with what item you want to check out.
To answer the one question that everybody is more than likely wondering:
Me and Stealth have no special right when it come to the clan mules and the point system. I keep track of his transactions and he keeps track of mine. This way everything is kept in check, and nobody gets ripped off.
Only right i have is a 11% Discount when it comes to buying items, But that was a gift from stealth lol
Edit: I would also like to note that in certain clan events items such as these can be found in our treasure hunts or won from our clan tournaments which should encourge you all to participate. This one was awarded for all the donations given to the clan mules by Kranix. Such generous donations will always be rewarded among the members.
That is a topic from our forum, as you can see the rules apply to everybody. The clan is just starting, and we are looking to add quite a few more members to get everything rolling.
To Join Clan Stealth PM me and i will e-mail the link sice it won't let me post.
We look forward to meeting everybody and i will see you guys later.
We have tournaments and treasure hunts were people can get valuable items for winning the tournaments or finding the items in the treasure hunt. We also have a complex Point System that can allow you to buy items from or Clan store "No it does'nt cost any money....", let me explain further.
The simple way I can put it is the point system is like a pawn shop but you can earn points other ways.
Here is a guide on all that is points so you can better understand what I mean.
This is how the whole point system is going to work.
*Selling your items for points:
There is a price guide "Point List #1" that will tell you how many points a certain item is worth, and if we are accepting that item at the time you want to sell it. To sell an item you must PM me "Kranix0071984" or "StealthOnSleep" with the name of the item you want to sell. After the transaction is completed your points will be added to your account. You can look up how many points you have in the "Point Bank" in the Lut Gholein Section.
*Buying Items with your points:
If there is an Item that you are looking to purchase. First go to the "Point List #2" to see if the clan mules even have the item you are looking for and that you have enough points to purchase that item. PM Kranix0071984 or StealthOnSleep with whatever Item you are looking for. After the transaction is completed, your points will be deducted by the amount the item cost.
*Checking Out Items:
First off let me be clear that this is "ONLY" for low lvl characters. Last thing we want is for somebody to check out an item and then we never hear from them again. That would hurt the clan as a whole and it would take away from somebody that might have needed or earned that item. This is mainly for Low lvl sets and uniques that we might have. In order to check something out you must have sold at least 3 Items to the Clan Bank. To see what there is that can be checked out look at "Point List #3". PM Kranix0071984 or StealthOnSleep with what item you want to check out.
To answer the one question that everybody is more than likely wondering:
Me and Stealth have no special right when it come to the clan mules and the point system. I keep track of his transactions and he keeps track of mine. This way everything is kept in check, and nobody gets ripped off.
Only right i have is a 11% Discount when it comes to buying items, But that was a gift from stealth lol
Edit: I would also like to note that in certain clan events items such as these can be found in our treasure hunts or won from our clan tournaments which should encourge you all to participate. This one was awarded for all the donations given to the clan mules by Kranix. Such generous donations will always be rewarded among the members.
That is a topic from our forum, as you can see the rules apply to everybody. The clan is just starting, and we are looking to add quite a few more members to get everything rolling.
To Join Clan Stealth PM me and i will e-mail the link sice it won't let me post.
We look forward to meeting everybody and i will see you guys later.