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dell xps gen 5 help
i just got a dell xps gen 5, and i was wondering, how do i change the glow on the front? the colors are supposed to change, but i cant figure it out. i was looking on google, but couldnt find anything and i need to get off cause i got school tommarow, thought i'd throw it out to spaz who always pulls something outta his @$$ to save the day, thx if u help, but if u dont, well, i'll just keep looking, maybe its inside the case.....(I GOT THE CRAPPY LOCKING UP SONY VAIO REPLACED)

thx even though this is a minor problem and mostly shows lazyness on my part, but hey, might as well put this forum to use wink(1)(1

pentium D 840 extreme edition 3.2 ghz, but overclockable to 3.6 because dell lets u Smile, 4 gb ram (complete overkill, but hey, i didnt buy it), ati x850 platinum graphics(sucks cause i like nvidia better but hey, i'll take it lol), 500 gb harddrive space, audigy soundblaster... whatever sound card, and this was ordered and made about 3-4 months ago when all of this was pretty much brand new, total cost with one of dells biggest monitors....... about $5000 USD Big GrinBig GrinBig GrinBig GrinBig GrinBig GrinBig GrinBig GrinBig Grineek:eek:eek:eek: OVERKILL RULES
#2 (jk) Are you talking about the glow of the monitor? Or the Dell Case?

And I must say: OVVVVVERRRRRRRRKILLLLLLLL, for 5k you couldve bought like 5 comps....
That graphics card is... Yuck. =\
remember this was made, and shipped, and payed for, around 4 months ago, and 4 months ago that was pretty much ati's best card, and i know, when i made the order for my dads cousin, i forgot to get the 6800 ultra, this was b4 the latest xps came out, and b4 dual card graphic packages were avaliable, and again WE DID NOT PAY FOR IT! my dads cousin did, but she er.... ended up not needing it and gave to us

and i'm talking about the upsidedown triangle with rounded edges on the case that changes colors
k well i figured it out, it was in the BIOS, but since no one responded anyways.... hell forget this topic ever existed

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