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Someone post a good mm.PKID.ini setup please!!!
I've done a bunch of runs with thte standard PKID.ini and the only thing I've actually kept is a lame pair of ethereal Frostburns...

If someone could post their version of a good PKID.ini code it would be most appreciated.
this is one ive edited to get most items, it was my begining one

;############################ XUNIQUE ITEMS ############################
[XUniques items section]

"Tal Rune" = "Sold"
"Ral Rune" = "Stash"
"Ort Rune" = "Sold"
"Thul Rune" = "Sold"
"Amn Rune" = "Sold"
"Sol Rune" = "Sold"
"Shael Rune" = "Sold"
"Dol Rune" = "Sold"
"Hel Rune" = "Stash"
"Io Rune" = "Sold"
"Lum Rune" = "Stash"
"Ko Rune" = "Stash"
"Fal Rune" = "Stash"
"Lem Rune" = "Stash"
"Pul Rune" = "Stash"
"Um Rune" = "Stash"
"Mal Rune" = "Stash"
"Ist Rune" = "Stash"
"Gul Rune" = "Stash"
"Vex Rune" = "Stash"
"Ohm Rune" = "Stash"
"Lo Rune" = "Stash"
"Sur Rune" = "Stash"
"Ber Rune" = "Stash"
"Jah Rune" = "Stash"
"Cham Rune" = "Stash"
"Zod Rune" = "Stash"

; Only keep lvl 50 or more amulets (remove Nokozan to Saracen)
"Amulet" = "MINLVL:50"
; Only keep lvl 29 or more rings (remove Nagel and Manald)
"Ring" = "MINLVL:29"

"Small Charm" = "Stash"
"Large Charm" = "Stash"
"Grand Charm" = "Stash"
"Jewel" = "Stash"

"Monarch" = "Stash"
;"Grim Shield" = "Stash"
"Demonhide Armor" = "Ethereal"
"Dusk Shroud" = "Stash"
"Wire Fleece" = "Stash"
"Balrog Skin" = "Stash"
"Kraken Shell" = "Stash"
"Shadow Plate" = "Ethereal" & "AC%210"
"Sacred Armor" = "Stash"
"Serpentskin Armor" = "Stash"
"Cuirass" = "Ethereal" & "AC%195"
"Mesh Armor" = "Ethereal"
"Russet Armor" = "Stash"
"Templar Coat" = "Ethereal"
"Chaos Armor" = "Ethereal"
; Note: if you find the SharkTooth armor below on Europe Realm contact me.
"Sharktooth Armor" = "Ethereal"

"Scarabshell Boots" = "Stash"
"Boneweave Boots" = "Stash"
"Myrmidon Greaves" = "Stash"
"War Boots" = "Stash"
"Battle Boots" = "Stash"
"Sharkskin Boots" = "Stash"
"Boots" = "Stash"

"Shako" = "Stash"
"Spired Helm" = "Stash"
"Demonhead" = "Stash"
"Corona" = "Stash"
"Bone Visage" = "Stash"
"Casque" = "MF%47" & "AC%230" & "Ethereal"
"Death Mask" = "Stash"
"Grand Crown" = "Stash"
"Grim Helm" = "Stash"

"Diadem" = "Stash"
"Tiara" = "Stash"

"Vampirebone Gloves" = "Stash"
"Ogre Gauntlets" = "Stash"
"Light Gauntlets" = "Stash"
"Chain Gloves" = "Stash"
"Gauntlets" = "Stash"
"Heavy Gloves" = "AC%20"

"Spiderweb Sash" = "Stash"
"Mithril Coil" = "Stash"
"Battle Belt" = "Stash"
"War Belt" = "Stash"

"Ward Bow" = "Stash"
"Hydra Bow" = "Stash"

"Archon Staff" = "Stash"
"Quarterstaff" = "Stash"

"Lich Wand" = "Stash"
"Unearthed Wand" = "Stash"
"Tomb Wand" = "Stash"

"Caduceus" = "Stash"

"Tusk Sword" = "Stash"
"Espandon" = "Ethereal"
"Phase Blade" = "ED%200"
"Colossus Blade" = "Stash"

"Fanged Knife" = "ED%295" | "Ethereal"
"Bone Knife" = "Stash"
"Legend Spike" = "Stash"

"Battle Dart" = "Ethereal"
"Francisca" = "Ethereal"
"Winged Knife" = "Ethereal"
"Winged Axe" = "Ethereal"

"Berserker Axe" = "Ethereal" & "ED%270"

"Yari" = "Ethereal" & "ED%195"
"Lance" = "Ethereal" & "ED%195"

"Ogre Axe" = "ED%318" & "Ethereal"
"Thresher" = "Ethereal"
"Cryptic Axe" = "Stash"

"Tyrant Club" = "Ethereal"
"Scourge" = "Stash"
"Martel de Fer" = "Sold"
"Legendary Mallet" = "Stash"

"Blood Spirit" = "+4 to Shape Shifting"
"Totemic Mask" = "Stash"
"Earth Spirit" = "Stash"
"Sky Spirit" = "Stash"

"Fury Visor" = "Stash"
"Slayer Guard" = "Stash"
"Conqueror Crown" = "Stash"
"Destroyer Helm" = "Stash"

"Bloodlord Skull" = "Stash"
"Hierophant Trophy" = "Stash"
"Succubus Skull" = "Stash"

"Ceremonial Javelin" = "Ethereal"
"Matriarchal Javelin" = "Stash"

"Swirling Crystal" = "Stash"
"Eldritch Orb" = "3 to" & "20%"
"Dimensional Shard" = "Stash"

"Gilded Shield" = "Stash"
"Torch" = "Stash"

;############################## SET ITEMS ##############################
[Sets items section]

"Amulet" = "+2 to Sorce"
"Lacquered Plate" = "Stash"
"Mesh Belt" = "MF%15"
"Sacred Armor" = "Stash"
"Caduceus" = "Stash"
"Corona" = "Stash"
"Vortex Shield" = "Stash"
;"Heavy Bracers" = "Stash"
;"Scissors Suwayyah" = "Stash"

;############################## XRARE ITEMS ############################
[XRares items section]

; Line below is Rejuvenation potions...
"Rpot" = "Sold"
; Line below is Full Rejuvenation potions...
"Frpot" = "Sold"

"Amazon Weapons" = "ED%250" & "Amplify" | "ED%350" & "Speed" | "ED%250" & "Ethereal" & "Repairs"
"Amazon Weapons" = "ED%250" & "Rating (B" | "ED%250" & "Ethereal" & "Replenishes" | "ED%350" & "+2 to Ama"
"Amazon Weapons" = "ED%250" & "Ethereal" & "(2)"

"Amulet" = "+2 to Ass" & "Skil" | "+2 to Pal" & "Skil" | "+2 to Bar" & "Skil" | "+2 to Ama" & "Skil"
"Amulet" = "+2 to Dru" & "Skil" | "+2 to Sor" & "Skil" | "+2 to Nec" & "Skil"
"Amulet" = "+2 to" & "Only)" & "Fast"

"Assassin Katars" = "ED%250" & "Amplify" | "ED%350" & "Speed" | "ED%250" & "Ethereal" & "Repairs"
"Assassin Katars" = "ED%250" & "Rating (B" | "ED%350" & "+2 to Ass" | "ED%250" & "Ethereal" & "(2)"

"Axes" = "ED%250" & "Amplify" | "ED%350" & "Speed" | "ED%250" & "Ethereal" & "Repairs"
"Axes" = "ED%250" & "Rating (B" | "ED%350" & "+2 to" & "Skil" | "ED%250" & "Ethereal" & "(2)"

"Berserker Axe" = "+40% Increased Attack Speed" & "Rating (B" & "(2)"
"Naga" = "+40% Increased Attack Speed" & "Rating (B" & "(2)"
"War Axe" = "+40% Increased Attack Speed" & "Rating (B" & "(2)"

"Barbarian Helms" = "+2 to Barb" & "AC%180" | "+2 to Barb" & "AC%140" & "Ethereal" & "Repairs"
"Barbarian Helms" = "+2 to Warcries" & "+3 to Battle O" | "+2 to Barb" & "+3 to Battle O"
"Barbarian Helms" = "Attack Rating (Based" & "Skill" | "Attack Rating (Based" & "Only)"

"Belts" = "Fast" & "LIFE+50" & "L_RES%21" | "Fast" & "LIFE+50" & "C_RES%21" | "Fast" & "LIFE+50" & "STR+21"

;"Body Armors" = "Normal" & "AC%170" & "Ethereal"
"Body Armors" = "Exceptional" & "AC%185" & "Ethereal"
"Body Armors" = "Sold"

"Boots" = "L_RES%20" & "F_RES%20" & "Fast" & "MF%22" | "L_RES%20" & "C_RES%20" & "Fast" & "MF%22"
"Boots" = "L_RES%20" & "F_RES%20" & "Fast" & "AC%140" | "L_RES%20" & "C_RES%20" & "Fast" & "AC%140"
"Boots" = "L_RES%20" & "F_RES%20" & "Fast" & "DEX+8" | "L_RES%20" & "C_RES%20" & "Fast" & "DEX+8"

"Bows" = "ED%390" & "Amplify"

"Circlets" = "+2 to" & "Skill L" & "Fast" | "+2 to" & "Skill L" & "(2)"
"Circlets" = "+2 to Druid Skills" & "Fast" | "+2 to Druid Skills" & "(2)"
"Circlets" = "+2 to Assassin Skills" & "Fast" | "+2 to Assassin Skills & "(2)"
"Circlets" = "+2 to" & "Only)" & "Fast" | "+2 to" & "Only)" & "(2)"
"Circlets" = "Attack Rating (Based" & "Skill" | "Attack Rating (Based" & "Only)" | "Attack Rating (Based" & "(2)"
"Circlets" = "(2)" & "LIFE+50" & "Resist"

;"Crossbows" = "Elite" & "Iding and sold it"

"Daggers" = "ED%250" & "Amplify" | "ED%350" & "Speed" | "ED%250" & "Ethereal" & "Repairs"
"Daggers" = "ED%250" & "Rating (B" | "ED%350" & "+2 to" & "Skil" | "ED%250" & "Ethereal" & "(2)"

"Druid Pelts" = "+2 to Drui" & "Grizzly" | "+2 to Summoning" & "Grizzly"
"Druid Pelts" = "+2 to Drui" & "Cyclone" | "+2 to Drui" & "Tornado"
"Druid Pelts" = "+2 to El" & "Cyclone" | "+2 to El" & "Tornado"
"Druid Pelts" = "Attack Rating (Based" & "Skill" | "Attack Rating (Based" & "Only)"

"Gloves" = "+20% In" & "Only)" & "STR+10" & "Resi" | "+20% In" & "Only)" & "DEX+10" & "Resi"
"Gloves" = "+20% In" & "Only)" "L_RES%20" & "C_RES%20" | "+20% In" & "Only)" "L_RES%20" & "F_RES%20"
"Gloves" = "+20% In" & "DEX+10" & "STR+10" | "MF%22" & "DEX+10" & "STR+10"
"Gloves" = "L_RES%20" & "C_RES%20" & "STR+10" | "L_RES%20" & "F_RES%20" & "DEX+10"
"Gloves" = "L_RES%20" & "C_RES%20" & "MF%22" | "L_RES%20" & "F_RES%20" & "MF%22"
"Gloves" = "L_RES%20" & "C_RES%20" & "L_RES%20" | "+20% In" & "MF%22" & "Resi"

;"Helms" = "Elite" & "Iding and sold it"

"Javelins" = "ED%250" & "Amplify" | "ED%350" & "Speed" | "ED%350" & "+2 to" & "Skil"
"Javelins" = "ED%250" & "Rating (B" | "ED%250" & "Ethereal" & "Replenishes"

"Jewel" = "Fast" & "Requi" | "Fast" & "STR+6" | "Fast" & "DEX+6" | "Fast" & "ED%25"
"Jewel" = "Fast" & "ALLRES%8" | "Fast" & "Resist" | "Requi" & "STR+6" | "Requi" & "DEX+6"
"Jewel" = "Requi" & "ED%25" | "Requi" & "ALLRES%8" | "Requi" & "Resist" | "STR+6" & "DEX+6"
"Jewel" = "STR+6" & "ED%25" | "STR+6" & "ALLRES%8" | "STR+6" & "Resist" | "DEX+6" & "ED%25"
"Jewel" = "DEX+6" & "ALLRES%8" | "DEX+6" & "Resist" | "ED%25" & "ALLRES%8" | "ED%25" & "Resist"
"Jewel" = "AR+50" & "ED%25" | "AR+50" & "Fast" | "AR+50" & "Requi" | "AR+50" & "STR+6"
"Jewel" = "AR+50" & "DEX+6" | "AR+50" & "ALLRES%8" | "AR+50" & "Resist" | "To Mana" & "Fast"
"Jewel" = "To Mana" & "Requi" | "To Mana" & "STR+6" | "To Mana" & "DEX+6" | "To Mana" & "ALLRES%8"
"Jewel" = "To Mana" & "Resist" | "To Mana" & "ENE+6" | "ENE+6" & "Fast" | "ENE+6" & "Requi"
"Jewel" = "ENE+6" & "STR+6" | "ENE+6" & "DEX+6" | "ENE+6" & "ALLRES%8" | "ENE+6" & "Resist"
"Jewel" = "MAXDAM+19" | "MINDAM+13" | "ED%25" & "MINDAM+8" | "ED%25" & "MAXDAM+13"
; Note (%ED associated with Min/Max) is bugged in D2 : use such jewels only on weapons.

"Maces" = "ED%250" & "Amplify" | "ED%350" & "Speed" | "ED%250" & "Ethereal" & "Repairs"
"Maces" = "ED%250" & "Rating (B" | "ED%350" & "+2 to" & "Skil" | "ED%250" & "Ethereal" & "(2)"

"Flail" = "+40% Increased Attack Speed" & "Rating (B" & "(2)"
"Knout" = "+40% Increased Attack Speed" & "Rating (B" & "(2)"
"Scourge" = "+40% Increased Attack Speed" & "Rating (B" & "(2)"
"Flail" = "+30% Increased Attack Speed" & "Rating (B" & "(2)"
"Knout" = "+30% Increased Attack Speed" & "Rating (B" & "(2)"
"Scourge" = "+30% Increased Attack Speed" & "Rating (B" & "(2)"

"Necromancer Heads" = "Elite" & "Iding and sold it"

;"Akaran Rondache" = "Iding and sold it"
;"Akaran Targe" = "Iding and sold it"
;"Royal Shield" = "Iding and sold it"
"Sacred Rondache" = "Iding and sold it"
"Sacred Targe" = "Iding and sold it"
"Vortex Shield" = "Iding and sold it"

"Polearms" = "ED%250" & "Amplify" | "ED%350" & "Speed" | "ED%250" & "Ethereal" & "Repairs"
"Polearms" = "ED%250" & "Rating (B" | "ED%350" & "+2 to" & "Skil" | "ED%350 & "Ethereal"

"Ring" = "Cast R" & "MANA+70" | "Cast R" & "MF%10" | "Cast R" & "STR+10"
"Ring" = "Cast R" & "DEX+10" | "Cast R" & "ALLRES%8"
"Ring" = "Cast R" & "L_RES%15" & "F_RES%15" | "Cast R" & "L_RES%15" & "C_RES%15"
"Ring" = "STR+10" & "MF%10" | "STR+10" & "DEX+10" | "STR+10" & "ALLRES%8"
"Ring" = "STR+10" & "L_RES%15" & "C_RES%15" | "STR+10" & "L_RES%15" & "F_RES%15"
"Ring" = "DEX+10" & "MF%10" | "DEX+10" & "ALLRES%8"
"Ring" = "DEX+10" & "L_RES%15" & "C_RES%15" | "DEX+10" & "L_RES%15" & "F_RES%15"
"Ring" = "MF%10" & "ALLRES%8" | "% Life" & "% Mana" | "LS%8" & "AR+100"
"Ring" = "MF%10" & "L_RES%15" & "C_RES%15" | "MF%10" & "L_RES%15" & "F_RES%15"

"Scepters" = "ED%250" & "Amplify" | "ED%350" & "Speed" | "ED%250" & "Ethereal" & "Repairs"
"Scepters" = "ED%250" & "Rating (B" | "ED%350" & "+2 to" & "Skil"

"Monarch" = "Fast" & "(2)" & "LIFE+35"
"Aegis" = "Fast" & "(2)" & "LIFE+35"
"Ward" = "Fast" & "(2)" & "LIFE+35"

"Sorceress Orbs" = "+2 to Sorc" & "+20% Faster Cast" & "+3 to"

"Spears" = "ED%250" & "Amplify" | "ED%350" & "Speed" | "ED%250" & "Ethereal" & "Repairs"
"Spears" = "ED%250" & "Rating (B" | "ED%350" & "+2 to" & "Skil" | "ED%350 & "Ethereal"

;"Staves" = "Iding and sold it" only 1 column ones
"Elder Staff" = "Iding and sold it"
"Shillelagh" = "Iding and sold it"
"Stalagmite" = "Iding and sold it"
"Walking Stick" = "Iding and sold it"

"Swords" = "ED%250" & "Amplify" | "ED%350" & "Speed" | "ED%250" & "Ethereal" & "Repairs"
"Swords" = "ED%250" & "Rating (B" | "ED%350" & "+2 to" & "Skil" | "ED%350 & "Ethereal"
"Swords" = "ED%250" & "Ethereal" & "(2)"

"Swords" = "2h" & "+40% Increased Attack Speed" & "Rating (B" & "(2)"
"Swords" = "2h" & "+30% Increased Attack Speed" & ""Rating (B" & "(2)"
"Swords" = "2h" & "+20% Increased Attack Speed" & "Rating (B" & "(2)"

"Throwing Weapons" = "ED%250" & "Amplify" | "ED%350" & "Speed" | "ED%350" & "+2 to" & "Skil"
"Throwing Weapons" = "ED%250" & "Rating (B" | "ED%250" & "Ethereal" & "Replenishes"

"Wands" = "+2 to Necro" & "+20% Faster Cast" & "+3 to"

;"Chipped Amethyst" = "Stash"
;"Chipped Diamond" = "Stash"
;"Chipped Emerald" = "Stash"
;"Chipped Ruby" = "Stash"
;"Chipped Sapphire" = "Stash"
;"Chipped Skull" = "Stash"
;"Chipped Topaz" = "Stash"

;"Flawed Amethyst" = "Stash"
;"Flawed Diamond" = "Stash"
;"Flawed Emerald" = "Stash"
;"Flawed Ruby" = "Stash"
;"Flawed Sapphire" = "Stash"
;"Flawed Skull" = "Stash"
;"Flawed Topaz" = "Stash"

;"Amethyst" = "Stash"
;"Diamond" = "Stash"
;"Emerald" = "Stash"
;"Ruby" = "Stash"
;"Sapphire" = "Stash"
;"Skull" = "Stash"
;"Topaz" = "Stash"

;"Flawless Amethyst" = "Sold"
;"Flawless Topaz" = "Sold"
;"Flawless Sapphire" = "Sold"
;"Flawless Emerald" = "Sold"
;"Flawless Ruby" = "Sold"
;"Flawless Diamond" = "Sold"
;"Flawless Skull" = "Sold"

; Well only flawless stashed here.
;"Gems" = "MINLVL:15"

;############################ MAGIC ITEMS ##############################
[Magics items section]

"Ring" = "Fast" & "MANA+115" | "Fast" & "ALLRES%14"

"Amulet" = "+2 to" & "Skill Levels" & "Fast" | "+2 to" & "Skill Levels" & "LIFE+70"
"Amulet" = "+2 to Druid Skills" & "Fast" | "+2 to Druid Skills" & "LIFE+70"
"Amulet" = "+2 to Assassin Skills" & "Fast" | "+2 to Assassin Skills & "LIFE+70"
"Amulet" = "+3 to" & "Only)" & "Fast" | "+3 to" & "Only)" & "LIFE+70"

"Circlets" = "+2 to" & "Skill Levels" & "Fast" | "+2 to" & "Skill Levels" & "LIFE+70"
"Circlets" = "+2 to Druid Skills" & "Fast" | "+2 to Druid Skills" & "LIFE+70"
"Circlets" = "+2 to Assassin Skills" & "Fast" | "+2 to Assassin Skills & "LIFE+70"
"Circlets" = "+3 to" & "Only)" & "Fast" | "+3 to" & "Only)" & "LIFE+70"
"Circlets" = "Socketed (3)" & "Fast" | "Socketed (3)" & "LIFE+70"

"Monarch" = "Fast" & "(4)" | "(4)" & "LIFE+50" |"(4)" & "-30"
"Aegis" = "Fast" & "(4)" | "(4)" & "LIFE+50" |"(4)" & "-30"
"Ward" = "Fast" & "(4)" | "(4)" & "LIFE+50" |"(4)" & "-30"
"Monarch" = "(4)" & "Ethereal" & "Indestructible"
"Monarch" = "(4)" & "Ethereal" & "Repairs"

"Body Armors" = "Elite" & "(4)" & "LIFE+70"
"Body Armors" = "Elite" & "+24% Faster Hit Recovery" & "(4)"

"Sorceress Orbs" = "+2 to Fire Skills" & "+3 to Enchant"
"Sorceress Orbs" = "+3 to Fire Skills" & "+2 to Enchant"
"Sorceress Orbs" = "+3 to Fire" & "+3 To Enchant"

"Wands" = "Elite" & "Iding and sold it"
"Wands" = "Exceptional" & "Iding and sold it"

"Jewel" = "ED%36" | "ED%28" & "Speed" | "ALLRES%13"
; Note (%ED associated with Min/Max) is bugged in D2 : use such jewels only on weapons.

"Small Charm" = "MAXDAM+3" | "MAXDAM_L+40" | "MAXDAM_C+13" | "MAXDAM_F+18"
"Small Charm" = "MAXDAM_P+100" | "LIFE+17" & "MANA+14" | "MF%7" | "ALLRES%4" | "11%"
"Small Charm" = "LIFE+18" & "add" | "LIFE+18" & "%" | "LIFE+19" | "MANA+16" | "AR+30" & "LIFE+17"

"Large Charm" = "MAXDAM+6" | "MAXDAM_L+80" | "MAXDAM_C+26" | "MAXDAM_F+36" | "MAXDAM_P+175"
"Large Charm" = "ALLRES%7" | "LIFE+29" & "MANA+19" | "LIFE+29" & "%" | "LIFE+29" & "add" | "AR+60" & "LIFE+30"

"Grand Charm" = "MAXDAM+9" | "ALLRES%13" | "AR+120" & "LIFE+32"
"Grand Charm" = "Sorc" | "Assa" | "Drui" | "Amaz" | "Necr" | "Pala" | "Barb"

"Barbarian Helms" = "Elite" & "+3 to Warcries" & "+3 to Battle Orders"
"Barbarian Helms" = "Exceptional" & "+3 to Warcries" & "+3 to Battle Orders"

"Druid Pelts" = "Elite" & "+2 to Druid" & "+3 to Summon Grizzly" | "Elite" & "+3 to Summoning" & "+3 to Summon Griz"
"Druid Pelts" = "Elite" & "+3 to Elemental" & "+3 to Tornado" | "Elite" & "+2 to Druid" & "+3 to Tornado"
"Druid Pelts" = "Exceptional" & "+2 to Druid" & "+3 to Summon Grizzly" | "Elite" & "+3 to Summoning" & "+3 to Summon Griz"
"Druid Pelts" = "Exceptional" & "+3 to Elemental" & "+3 to Tornado" | "Elite" & "+2 to Druid" & "+3 to Tornado"

"Assassin Katars" = "Elite" & "+2 to Assa" & "+3 to Lightning Sentry"
"Assassin Katars" = "Elite" & "+2 to Assa" & "+2 to Lightning Sentry"
"Assassin Katars" = "Elite" & "+3 to Traps" & "+3 to Lightning Sentry"
"Assassin Katars" = "Elite" & "+3 to Traps" & "+2 to Lightning Sentry"
"Assassin Katars" = "Exceptional" & "+2 to Assa" & "+3 to Lightning Sentry"
"Assassin Katars" = "Exceptional" & "+2 to Assa" & "+2 to Lightning Sentry"
"Assassin Katars" = "Exceptional" & "+3 to Traps" & "+3 to Lightning Sentry"
"Assassin Katars" = "Exceptional" & "+3 to Traps" & "+2 to Lightning Sentry"
"Assassin Katars" = "Normal" & "+2 to Assa" & "+3 to Lightning Sentry"
"Assassin Katars" = "Normal" & "+2 to Assa" & "+2 to Lightning Sentry"
"Assassin Katars" = "Normal" & "+3 to Traps" & "+3 to Lightning Sentry"
"Assassin Katars" = "Normal" & "+3 to Traps" & "+2 to Lightning Sentry"
"Assassin Katars" = "Elite" & "+2 to Assa" & "+3 to Venom"
"Assassin Katars" = "Elite" & "+2 to Assa" & "+2 to Venom"
"Assassin Katars" = "Exceptional" & "+2 to Assa" & "+3 to Venom"
"Assassin Katars" = "Exceptional" & "+2 to Assa" & "+2 to Venom"
"Assassin Katars" = "Normal" & "+2 to Assa" & "+3 to Venom"
"Assassin Katars" = "Normal" & "+2 to Assa" & "+2 to Venom"
"Assassin Katars" = "Normal" & "+3 to Traps" & "+3 to Venom"
"Assassin Katars" = "Normal" & "+3 to Traps" & "+2 to Venom"

;############################ GRAY ITEMS #############################
[Grays items section]

; Faith Grand Matron Bow
"Grand Matron Bow" = "+3 to Bow" & "(4)"

; Ethereal Hoto, spirit, or cta...
"Crystal Sword" = "(4)" & "Ethereal" | "(5)" & "Ethereal"
"Flail" = "(4)" & "Ethereal" | "(5)" & "Ethereal"

; Infinity polearms with at least a little EC%
"Thresher" = "Ethereal" & "!(1)" & "!(2)" & "!(3)" & "!(5)"
"Colossus Voulge" = "Ethereal" & "!(1)" & "!(2)" & "!(3)" & "!(5)"
"Great Poleaxe" = "Ethereal" & "!(1)" & "!(2)" & "!(3)" & "!(5)"
"Cryptic Axe" = "Ethereal" & "!(1)" & "!(2)" & "!(3)" & "!(5)"
"Colossus Voulge" = "Ethereal" & "!(1)" & "!(2)" & "!(3)" & "!(5)"
"Thunder Maul" = "!(1)" & "!(2)" & "!(3)" & "!(4)" & "!(5)" & "Ethereal"
"War Pike" = "!(1)" & "!(2)" & "!(3)" & "!(4)" & "!(5)" & "Ethereal"

; Spirit 4 socks perf AC% or Ethereal 4 socks.
"Monarch" = "AC%15" & "!(1)" & "!(2)" & "!(3)"
"Monarch" = "(4)" & "Ethereal"

; FOH Paladin scepters
"Divine Scepter" = "+3 to Fist" & "(5)"
"War Scepter" = "+3 to Fist" & "(5)"
"Caduceus" = "+3 to Fist" & "(5)"

; Enigma or Fortitude good quality or very good base defense
"Sacred Armor" = "!Ethereal" & "!(1)" & "!(2)" & "AC%13"
"Archon Plate" = "!Ethereal" & "!(1)" & "!(2)" & "AC%12"
"Dusk Shroud" = "!Ethereal" & "!(1)" & "!(2)" & "AC%12"
"Archon Plate" = "!Ethereal" & "!(1)" & "!(2)" & "MINDEF:520" & "!Enhanced" & "!Durability"
"Dusk Shroud" = "!Ethereal" & "!(1)" & "!(2)" & "MINDEF:463" & "!Enhanced" & "!Durability"

; Ethereal Random Sockets bugged ED with good base defense
"Sacred Armor" = "Ethereal" & "!Socketed" & "MINDEF:880" & "!Enhanced" & "!Durability"
"Lacquered Plate" = "Ethereal" & "!Socketed" & "MINDEF:800" & "!Enhanced" & "!Durability"
"Kraken Shell" = "Ethereal" & "!Socketed" & "MINDEF:775" & "!Enhanced" & "!Durability"
"Archon Plate" = "Ethereal" & "!Socketed" & "MINDEF:775" & "!Enhanced" & "!Durability"

; Enigma only perf AC%
"Scarab Husk" = "(3)" & "AC%15" & "!Ethereal"
"Wyrmhide" = "(3)" & "AC%15" & "!Ethereal"
"Breast Plate" = "(3)" & "AC%15" & "!Ethereal"

; Enigma only, near perf base defense or good AC%
"Light Plate" = "(3)" & "AC%14" & "!Ethereal"
"Mage Plate" = "(3)" & "AC%14" & "!Ethereal"
;"Light Plate" = "(3)" & "MINDEF:105" & "!Ethereal" & "!Enhanced" & "!Durability"
;"Mage Plate" = "(3)" & "MINDEF:258" & "!Ethereal" & "!Enhanced" & "!Durability"

; Superior with more than 3 sockets
"Berserker Axe" = "!(1)" & "!(2)" & "!(3)" & "ED%7"
"Phase Blade" = "!(1)" & "!(2)" & "!(3)" & "ED%7"

; PalaShields For Dream or Exile or Phoenix
"Vortex Shield" = "Elite" & "ALLRES%40" & "!(1)" & "!(2)" & "!(4)"& "Ethereal"
"Sacred Rondache" = "Elite" & "ALLRES%40" & "!(1)" & "!(2)" & "!(4)"& "Ethereal"
"Kurast Shield" = "Elite" & "ALLRES%40" & "!(1)" & "!(2)" & "!(4)"& "Ethereal"
"Sacred Targe" = "Elite" & "ALLRES%40" & "!(1)" & "!(2)" & "Ethereal"
"Zakarum Shield" = "Elite" & "ALLRES%40" & "!(1)" & "!(2)" & "Ethereal"

; WW assassin weapons
"Scissors Suwayyah" = "!Ethereal" & "Flight" & "(3)"
"Suwayyah" = "!Ethereal" & "Flight" & "(3)"

; Dream & Delirium Helms perf quality or very good base
"Bone Visage" = "AC%15" & "(3)"
;"Bone Visage" = "MINDEF:229" & "!Socket" & "!Enhanced" & "!Durability"
;"Bone Visage" = "MINDEF:153" & "(3)" & "!Enhanced" & "!Durability"
"Demonhead" = "AC%15" & "(3)"
;"Demonhead" = "MINDEF:225" & "!Socket" & "!Enhanced" & "!Durability"
;"Demonhead" = "MINDEF:150" & "(3)" & "!Enhanced" & "!Durability"

; Energy Shield Staves
"Elder Staff" = "+3 to Energy Shield" & "(4)" | "+3 to Energy Shield" & "Ethereal"
"Shillelagh" = "+3 to Energy Shield" & "(4)" | "+3 to Energy Shield" & "Ethereal"
"Cedar Staff" = "+3 to Energy Shield" & "(4)" | "+3 to Energy Shield" & "Ethereal"
"Gnarled Staff" = "+3 to Energy Shield" & "(4)" | "+3 to Energy Shield" & "Ethereal"
"Battle Staff" = "+3 to Energy Shield" & "(4)" | "+3 to Energy Shield" & "Ethereal"
"Gothic Staff" = "+3 to Energy Shield" & "(4)" | "+3 to Energy Shield" & "Ethereal"

; Necro items for White or Splendor
"Wands" = "Elite" & "+3 to Bone Spirit" & "!(1)"
"Necromancer Heads" = "Elite" & "+3 to Bone Spirit" & "!(1)"
"Necromancer Heads" = "Elite" & "+3 to Poison Nova" & "!(1)"

; More Money/Gold
;"Sorceress Orbs" = "Elite" & "Sold"
;"Sorceress Orbs" = "Exceptional" & "Sold"

;############################## WHITE ITEMS ############################
[Whites items section]

; FOH Paladin scepters
"Divine Scepter" = "+3 to Fist"
"War Scepter" = "+3 to Fist"
"Caduceus" = "+3 to Fist"

; Enigma or Fortitude (good quality or good base def)
"Sacred Armor" = "AC%14"
"Archon Plate" = "AC%14"
;"Archon Plate" = "MINDEF:520" & "!Enhanced" & "!Durability"
"Dusk Shroud" = "AC%14"
;"Dusk Shroud" = "MINDEF:463" & "!Enhanced" & "!Durability"

; LastWish Maybe
"Berserker Axe" = "Stash"

; PalaShields For Dream or Phoenix
"Vortex Shield" = "Elite" & "ALLRES%44" | "Elite" & "ED%60"
"Sacred Targe" = "Elite" & "ALLRES%44" | "Elite" & "ED%60"

; Spirit 4 socks
"Monarch" = "Stash"

; WW assassin weapons
"Scissors Suwayyah" = "Flight"
"Suwayyah" = "Flight"

; Dream Helms perf quality or very good base
"Bone Visage" = "AC%15"
;"Bone Visage" = "MINDEF:153" & "!Enhanced" & "!Durability"
"Demonhead" = "AC%15"
;"Demonhead" = "MINDEF:150" & "!Enhanced" & "!Durability"

; Energy Shield Staves
"Elder Staff" = "+3 to Energy Shield"
"Shillelagh" = "+3 to Energy Shield"
"Cedar Staff" = "+3 to Energy Shield"
"Gnarled Staff" = "+3 to Energy Shield"
"Battle Staff" = "+3 to Energy Shield"
"Gothic Staff" = "+3 to Energy Shield"

; Necro items for White or Splendor
"Wands" = "Elite" & "+3 to Bone Spirit"
"Necromancer Heads" = "Elite" & "+3 to Bone Spirit"
"Necromancer Heads" = "Elite" & "+3 to Poison Nova"

; More Money/Gold
"Sorceress Orbs" = "Elite" & "Sold"
"Sorceress Orbs" = "Exceptional" & "Sold"

; Can only be used with map hacks with teleport-to-target feature.
"Key of Destruction" = "Stash"
"Key of Hate" = "Stash"
"Key of Terror" = "Stash"

; Act 2 Merc Weapons for Runewords (Insight, Infinity, Doom, Obedience, Pride, etc.)
"War Pike" = "Ethereal"
"Cryptic Axe" = "Ethereal"
"Colossus Voulge" = "Ethereal"
"Giant Thresher" = "Ethereal"
"Thresher" = "Ethereal"

; mm

For this line

; PalaShields For Dream or Exile or Phoenix
"Vortex Shield" = "Elite" & "ALLRES%40" & "!(1)" & "!(2)" & "!(4)"& "Ethereal"

Doesn't "!(4)" Mean it DOESNT want 4 sockets? So how would you make an exile out of it?

I changed all of mine to these: WIll these work for exile?

"Vortex Shield" = "Elite" & "ALLRES%20" & "(4)" & "Ethereal"
"Sacred Rondache" = "Elite" & "ALLRES%20" & "(4)" & "Ethereal"
"Kurast Shield" = "Elite" & "ALLRES%20" & "(4)" & "Ethereal"
"Sacred Targe" = "Elite" & "ALLRES%20" & "(4)" & "Ethereal"
"Zakarum Shield" = "Elite" & "ALLRES%20" & "(4)" & "Ethereal"
"Vortex Shield" = "Elite" & "ED%40" & "(4)" & "Ethereal"
"Sacred Rondache" = "Elite" & "ED%40" & "(4)" & "Ethereal"
"Kurast Shield" = "Elite" & "ED%40" & "(4)" & "Ethereal"
"Sacred Targe" = "Elite" & "ED%40" & "(4)" & "Ethereal"
"Zakarum Shield" = "Elite" & "ED%40" & "(4)" & "Ethereal"
That's quite the list but what is different on that list from the one that came with the pkid file?

I have added a few things myself to the "stock list" that I think work but would like to add some more. For example my bot sold some armor yesterday while I was watching that had a few resists and defense of 985. That is so much better than the crap I have now that I tried to buy it back and didn't have enough gold (recently gambled and Malah wanted 1.9 million too). How do I automatically stash any armor with a defense of over 900? or helms with def over 300? I also want to stash (for now) any of Tal's set, or Gris... is there an easy way to do that or do I need to put each item in the pkid file individually?
Phallock Wrote:That's quite the list but what is different on that list from the one that came with the pkid file?

I have added a few things myself to the "stock list" that I think work but would like to add some more. For example my bot sold some armor yesterday while I was watching that had a few resists and defense of 985. That is so much better than the crap I have now that I tried to buy it back and didn't have enough gold (recently gambled and Malah wanted 1.9 million too). How do I automatically stash any armor with a defense of over 900? or helms with def over 300? I also want to stash (for now) any of Tal's set, or Gris... is there an easy way to do that or do I need to put each item in the pkid file individually?

The pkid file that i posted has alot of things as stash rather then looking for a certain defence, im presuming that armour you wanted was rare, in the rare armour section add this
"Armour" = "900"
"Helm" = "300"

that may work, but i would have to check with that (just woke up so a little groggy at the moment)
Wozza, tyvm for your sage advice. I see you helping here often and I am sure a lot of us really appreciate your input. I am not sure where you are (or what you do) to be waking up at 6:21 pm my time but if I put those lines in each section won't it just save the armors that have exactly 900 defense? or was the original program written to automatically understand that "Armour"="900" should be intrepreted as 'any armor with a defense >=900 is stashed'? Can I use a generic term like 'Armor' (or is it 'Armour") or do I need to list each like "Cuirass" defense >= "900"?

And what about trying to gather all the set items (since my stuff sucks so much)?

Thanks again for your help.
Phallock Wrote:Wozza, tyvm for your sage advice. I see you helping here often and I am sure a lot of us really appreciate your input. I am not sure where you are (or what you do) to be waking up at 6:21 pm my time but if I put those lines in each section won't it just save the armors that have exactly 900 defense? or was the original program written to automatically understand that "Armour"="900" should be intrepreted as 'any armor with a defense >=900 is stashed'? Can I use a generic term like 'Armor' (or is it 'Armour") or do I need to list each like "Cuirass" defense >= "900"?

And what about trying to gather all the set items (since my stuff sucks so much)?

Thanks again for your help.

Im from Australia, when i posted it was 9:30am on a saturday morning lol, sleep in time.
There is a bit ive missed in that i believe, something like "Armor" = "Min def 900"
I would have to look around at that, i havent exactly tried picking rare armors with high def before, i only get items by ed.
The way the bot reads it is ok the class is armor, and then it reads the defence checks how much is required before its allowed to stash it and if its allowed to it will. You can fiddle with that in your pkid file under rares should look like this

;"Body Armors" = "Normal" & "AC%170" & "Ethereal"
"Body Armors" = "Exceptional" & "AC%185" & "Ethereal"
"Body Armors" = "Min Def 900"
Still not very sure about that so i would look at mm's main forum (
As for set items
It depends what ones you want. I assume you need most half decent ones so you would include trang belt, helm and the defaults?
The way to put in a set item is to put it under the "set item" part in pkid using the base item to list it
I.E Trang belt (trang ouls girth)
"Troll Belt" = "Stash"
The bot then will stash any set troll belts which is a trang belt.

Lastly for your question bout generic terms, the bot will understand them im sure. It would just take a test, so add something and see if the bot picks it up
Any other assistance i can provide just ask
TY again. I will try this and check out mm's forum. I will try to figure out the instructions again. If I read them enough times I should start to understand something!
No problem mate, im sure you can understand the bot within time

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