01-18-2006, 04:52 PM
Unid SS
3 lightning 14% light dmg
3 Trap 23 Dex Ammy
2 Ele 77 Life ammy (lvl 30)
3 Bo Jawbone visor (White no soc for delerium)
39ed 15 max jewel
Eth sup protector shield 5%ed 25 all res
19/19 sin torch
Shapeshifting Gc
31 life fire g/c (t/o 135f/g)
3 Martial Arts 27 Dex Circ
3 Light skill 40 life Circ
Shadow Visage Coronet 2 druid skills, 10 Fcr, 13 light, cold and fire resist 47 poison resist
Glyph Mask Tiara 2 sin skills, 30 faster r/w, 20 Fcr, 84 enhanced defence, 40 life, 71 mana
Glyph hood tiara 2 pally skills, 30 faster r/w, 24 strength, all resist 30
White bone wand 3 pnb skills, 20 Fcr, 5 bone spear, 4 skele mastery, 3 bone armor , 10 vitality
3 lightning 14% light dmg
3 Trap 23 Dex Ammy
2 Ele 77 Life ammy (lvl 30)
3 Bo Jawbone visor (White no soc for delerium)
39ed 15 max jewel
Eth sup protector shield 5%ed 25 all res
19/19 sin torch
Shapeshifting Gc
31 life fire g/c (t/o 135f/g)
3 Martial Arts 27 Dex Circ
3 Light skill 40 life Circ
Shadow Visage Coronet 2 druid skills, 10 Fcr, 13 light, cold and fire resist 47 poison resist
Glyph Mask Tiara 2 sin skills, 30 faster r/w, 20 Fcr, 84 enhanced defence, 40 life, 71 mana
Glyph hood tiara 2 pally skills, 30 faster r/w, 24 strength, all resist 30
White bone wand 3 pnb skills, 20 Fcr, 5 bone spear, 4 skele mastery, 3 bone armor , 10 vitality