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Blizzsector future offical G
If I can get people to join boulderfist(alliance) here i'll create a new blizzsector guild for us.

Looking for some good guild names, something related to blizzsector maybe or something really creative. Will ya help me out?

Once i get aout 10 people from the forum saying they will join i'll create the guild making all mods with the top positions and everyone else will be ranked on performance and gear. Ideas people!Wink

I'm thinking a diffrent server for horde and alliance.
I might join, i'd have to re-roll though.... if others will i will basically. Smile
i would but i love the horde and i dont wana re-roll atleast not yet,i wana wait till my main hits 60
spam! lol I'll start horde and alliance doesen't really matter to me I know alliance shit better though. You can still have your old acc's but you can just start new on a server wich still needs to be picked out.
I've just restarted on 'The Maelstrom' PvP server EU Horde, My name is Kek, i'm a troll rogue so shall we start it there and maybe we can all do it together help each other with stuff.

Any-one up for it Post it here.

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