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Retarded bent lag...need help
ok, so my internet is very fast, im using sympatico dsl, and i can play sc perfectly fine when its 1v1... but when there are more thn 2 ppl in a game, (actualy ppl not cpus) thn it completely lags up but my internet speed is very fast, if the problem is with SC thn wht can i do to fix it? has anyone else had this problem? is there a lag fix? ty for any help
Sometimes it's not you it's others, it could be somone's Slow Internet Speed or somone's Slow A*s Computer. Maybe you have spyware or viruses on your computer. It's really hard to pinpoint performance issues. Are you running any other programs while playing like p2p programs, hacks, ect.? Now are you saying it laged sorta, LAGED BAD or laged you out of the game/froze up?
Well ive figured it out after a lot of anoying reading, I found out its bcuz I was using a router... for anyone who has this problem , wht u need to do is set up a PPPoE connection which can be done by going to start-> control panel->network connections->start new connection->set up manual connection->with user name and pass, and connect and ur done. its actually very easy if u knw wht ur doing =D
lol never had to do that

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