02-06-2006, 01:55 PM
US East Ladder Price Guide
Skill Charms:
Annihilius Charms:
Upgraded Items:
Unique Ethereal Armors:
Upgraded Ethereal Weapons:
Ethereal Weapons:
- Soj = Ist + Um-Ist + Mal
- 2 Sojs = 1 Hr (Depends on buyer/seller)
- Zod = 2x Ist + Um
- Jah = 2x Ist + Um
- Ber = 2x Ist + Um
- Ohm = 2x Ist + Um
- Cham = 2x Ist + Um
- Vex = 2x Ist + Um
- Lo = 2x Ist + Um
- Ist = Mal + Um
- Mal = Um + Um
- Sur = 2x Ist
- Um = 2x Pul
Skill Charms:
- +1 Elemental Plain = Um-Mal
- +1 Elemental / 20-29 life = 1-2x High Runes
- +1 Elemental / 30-35 life = 2-3x High Runes
- +1 Elemental / 36-39 life = 3-5x High Runes
- +1 Elemental / 40+ life = 6-7x ++ High Runes
- +1 Elemental / fhr = 3-5x High runes
- +1 Pala Combat Plain = 1-2x Ist
- +1 Pala Combat / 20-29 life = 1-2x High Runes
- +1 Pala Combat / 30-35 life = 2-3x High Runes
- +1 Pala Combat / 36-39 life = 5-7x+ High Runes
- +1 Pala Combat / 40+ life = 7-9x++ High Runes
- +1 Pala Combat / 12 fhr = 3-5x High Runes
- +1 Poison & Bone Plain = Mal - Ist
- +1 Poison & Bone / 20-29 life = 1-2x High Runes
- +1 Poison & Bone / 30-35 life = 2-3x High Runes
- +1 Poison & Bone / 36-39 life = 5-8x+ High Runes
- +1 Poison & Bone / 40+ life = 7-9x++ High Runes
- +1 Poison & Bone / fhr = 3-5x High Runes
- +1 Cold Plain = Ist
- +1 Cold / 20-29 life = 1-2x High Runes
- +1 Cold / 30-35 life = 2-3x High Runes
- +1 Cold / 36-39 life = 4-6x+ High Runes
- +1 Cold / 40+ life = 7-9x++ High Runes
- +1 Cold / fhr = 3-5x High Runes
- +1 Fire Plain = Mal
- +1 Fire / 20-29 life = 1-2x High Runes
- +1 Fire / 30-35 life = 2-3x High Runes
- +1 Fire / 36-39 life = 4-6x+ High Runes
- +1 Fire / 40+ life = 7-9x++ High Runes
- +1 Fire / fhr = 3-5x High Runes
- +1 Traps Plain = Um-Mal
- +1 Traps / 20-29 life = 1-2x High Runes
- +1 Traps / 30-35 life = 3-3+Istx+ High Runes
- +1 Traps / 36-39 life = 5-8x High Runes
- +1 Traps / 40+ life = 7-10x++ High Runes
- +1 Traps / fhr = 3-5x High Runes
- +1 Shape Plain = Pul
- +1 Shape Shifting / 20-29 life = Ist-2x Ist
- +1 Shape Shifting / 30-35 life = 1x High Rune
- +1 Shape Shifting / 36-39 life = 2x High Runes
- +1 Shape Shifting / 40+ life = 3x+ High Runes
- +1 Shape Shifting / fhr = Mal-Ist
- +1 Java Plain = Pul-Pul+
- +1 Java / 20-29 life = Ist-2x Ist
- +1 Java / 30-35 life = 2x Ist-1x High Rune
- +1 Java / 36-39 life = 1-2x High Runes
- +1 Java / 40+ life = 2-3x++ High Runes
- +1 Java / fhr = 1-2x High Runes
- +1 Warcries Plain = Pul
- +1 Warcries / 20-29 life = Mal-Ist
- +1 Warcries / 30-35 life = Ist-2x Ist
- +1 Warcries / 36-39 life = 2x Ist-1x High Rune
- +1 Warcies / 40+ life = 2x++ High Runes
- +1 Warcries / fhr = Ist
- +1 Shadows Plain = Pul
- +1 Shadows / 20-29 life = Mal-Ist
- +1 Shadows / 30-35 life = 1-3x High Rune
- +1 Shadows / 36-39 life = 2-4x+ High Runes
- +1 Shadows / 40+ life = 6x++ High Runes
- +1 Lightning Plain = Mal-Ist
- +1 Lightning / 20-29 life = 1-2x Hrs
- +1 Lightning / 30-34 life = 2-3x+ Hrs
- +1 Lightning / 36-39 life = 5-6 Hrs
- +1 Lightning / 40+ life = 6x+ High Runes
- +1 Lightning / fhr = 3-5x Ist
- +1 Pala Offensive Plain = Um-Um+
- +1 Pala Offensive / 20-29 life = Mal-Ist
- +1 Pala Offensive / 30-35 life = Ist-Ist+Mal
- +1 Pala Offensive / 36-39 life = Ist+Mal-2x Ist+Mal
- +1 Pala Offensive / 40+ life = 3x+ Ist
- +1 Pala Offensive / fhr = Ist+Mal-2x Ist+Mal
- 200++ Psn sc's = Mal+
- 20 Life / 15++ Mana = Depends on buyer/seller
- 5% Fhr / 5 All Resist = Depends on buyer/seller
- 5% Frw / 5% All Resist = Depends on buyer/seller
- 20 Life / 5% All Resist = Depends on buyer/seller
- 3/20/20 sc's = Depends on buyer/seller
- 3/20/x sc's = Depends on buyer/seller
- 3/x/x sc's = Depends on buyer/seller
- 6+/40+/x lc's = Depends on buyer/seller
- 10+/60+/x gc's = Depends on buyer/seller
- 10+/60+/12%fhr gc's = Depends on buyer/seller
- 3/20/5 sc's = Depends on buyer/seller
- 3/x/5 sc's = Depends on buyer/seller
- Gheeds 40% MF = Um-Mal+
Annihilius Charms:
- Below 15/15/x = Couple Ists
- 16/16/x - 18/18/x = 2+ (High Runes Greatly Varies Depending On Buyer/Seller)
- 18/18/x - 19/19/x = 3+ High Runes (Greatly Varies Depending On Buyer/Seller)
- 18/20/x - 20/18/x = 4+ High Runes (Greatly Varies Depending On Buyer/Seller)
- 19/20/x - 20/19/x = 5+ High Runes (Greatly Varies Depending On Buyer/Seller)
- 20/20/x = 8+ High Runes (Greatly Varies Depending On Buyer/Seller)
- Perfect 20/20/10 = 15+++ High Runes (Greatly Varies Depending On Buyer/Seller)
- Unid Anni = 2-3x High Runes
- 5% Bul Kathos = Mal+
- 4% Bul Kathos = Um
- 3% Bul Kathos = Um
- Natures Peace = Ko-Pul
- Wisp Projector 20% = High Rune
- Perfect Raven Frost 250/20 = High Rune
- Metalgrid 35% Resist = Ist
- Metalgrid 34% Resist = Um-Mal
- Metalgrid 33% Resist = Um
- Metalgrid 32% Resist = Um
- Metalgrid Under 31% = Pul+/-
- Seraphs Hymn 2/2 = Um-Mal
- Seraphs Hymn 2/1 = Pul+/-
- Maras 30% = 3-4x High Runes
- Maras 26-29% = 2+ hrs
- Maras 20-25% = Ist-Ist+
- Cats Eye = Lem+/-
- Highlords = Pul+/-
- Call To Arms: (Prices are listed as non eth Cta Flails/Crystal)
- x/1/x = Ist-2x Ist
- x/2/x = 2x Ist
- x/3/x = 2-3x Ist
- x/4/x = 3-4x Ist
- x/5/x = 4-5x Ist
- x/6/x = 7-8x+ Ist
- 6/6/x = 8-10x+ Ist
- 6/6/4 = 10-15x++ Ist
Hoto: (Prices are listed as non eth Hoto Flails)- 30-35% Resist = Ist-2x Ist
- 36-39% Resist = 1-2x High Runes
- 40% Resist = 3-4x High Runes
- 240-250%/25-40 = 1-2x High runes
- 251-260%/25-40 = 1-2x High runes
- 261-270%/25-40 = 2-3x High runes
Enigma:- Archon Enigma = 4-5x Ist
- Archon Enigma Superior 15% = 6-7x++ Ist
- Dusk Enigma = 4-5x Ist
- Dusk Enigma Superior 15% = 6-7x++ Ist
- Wyrmhide Enigma = 4-5x Ist
- Sacred Enigma = 4-5x Ist
- Scarab Husk Enigma = 4-5x Ist
- Mage Plate Enigma = 4-5x Ist
- Breast Plate Enigma = 4-5x Ist
- Archon Coh Under 900 Defense = 3-4x Ist
- Archon Coh Over 900 Defense = 4-6x Ist
- Archon 971 Defense Superior 15% = 4-6x Ist
- Dusk Coh = 3-4x Ist
- Wyrmhide Coh = 3-4x Ist
- WireFleece Coh = 3-4x Ist
Breath Of The Dying:- Ethereal Botd Zerker ( 350% to 370% ) = 1-2x Hrs (Depends on buyer/seller)
- Ethereal Botd Zerker ( 375% to 390% ) = 3-5x Hrs (Depends on buyer/seller)
- Ethereal Botd Zerker ( 390% to 400% ) = 4-6x++ Hrs(Depends on buyer/seller)
- Ethereal Botd Zerker ( 400%++ ) = 8-15x++ Hrs (Depends on buyer/seller)
- Ethereal Botd Zerker Perfect 415/15 = 20x++ Hrs (Depends on buyer/seller)
- Ethereal Botd Cb ( 350% to 370% ) = 2-3x Ist
- Ethereal Botd Cb ( 375% to 390% ) = 4-7x Ist
- Ethereal Botd Cb ( 390% to 400% ) = 7-8x++ Ist
- Ethereal Botd Cb ( 400%++ ) = 10x++ Ist
- Ethereal Botd Cb Perfect 415/15 = 15x++ Ist
- Botd Phase Blade ( 350-400% ) = Ist - Ist+ (Depends on buyer/seller)
- Botd Phase Blade ( 401-415% ) = 2-4x Hrs
- Ethereal Botd Warspike = 1-2x High Runes
- Ethereal Botd Warspike = 1-2x High Runes 400% 3-4x Hrs
- Ethereal Botd War pike = 1-2x High Runes
- Ethereal Botd War pike 400% or Higher = 3-4x Hrs (Depends on buyer/seller)
- Botd Hydra/Crusader Bow ( 350-400% ) = 1-3x High Runes
- Botd Hydra/Crusader Bow ( 400%++ ) = 3x++ High Runes
- Doom Berzerker Axe 330-340% = 1-2x High runes
- Doom Berzerker Axe 341-350% = 2-3x High runes
- Doom Berzerker Axe 351-360% = 2-3x High runes
- Doom Berzerker Axe 361-370% = 3-5x High runes
- Ethereal Doom Cryptic Axe 330-340% = 1-2x High runes
- Ethereal Doom Cryptic Axe 341-350% = 1-2x High runes
- Ethereal Doom Cryptic Axe 351-360% = 2-3x High runes
- Ethereal Doom Cryptic Axe 361-370% = 2-3x High runes
- Stone Archon = Pul-Mal+ (Depending On Def)
- Stone Sacred Armor = Pul-Mal+ (Depending On Def)
- Stone Wirefleece = Pul-Mal+ (Depending On Def)
- Stone Wyrmhide = Pul-Mal+ (Depending On Def)
- Stone Laq Plate = Pul-Mal+ (Depending On Def)
- Stone Shadow plate = Pul-Mal+ (Depending On Def)
- Ethereal Stone Archon = 2-3x+ High Runes (Depending On Def)
- Ethereal Stone Sacred Armor = 2-3x+ High Runes (Depending On Def)
- Ethereal Stone Wirefleece = 2-3x+ High Runes (Depending On Def)
- Ethereal Stone Wyrmhide = 2-3x+ High Runes (Depending On Def)
- Ethereal Stone Laq Plate = 2-3x+ High Runes (Depending On Def)
- Ethereal Stone Shadow Plate = 2-3x+ High Runes(Depending On Def)
- Etheral Stone Sacred Armor = 2-3x+ High Runes (Depending On Def)
- x/1/x = Ist-2x Ist
- 35-39/15ias = 2-4x Hrs (Depends on buyer/seller and if there legit)
- 35-39/15max = 1-3 Hrs (Depends on buyer/seller and if there legit)
- 35-39/10min = 2-4x Hrs (Depends on buyer/seller and if there legit)
- 40/15ias = 4-6x Hrs (Depends on buyer/seller and if there legit)
- 40/15max = 2-4x Hrs (Depends on buyer/seller and if there legit)
- 40/10min = 4-6x Hrs (Depends on buyer/seller and if there legit)
- -15 req / 15 res Jewel = 4x+ Depends on buyer/seller
- 15 ias / 15 res jewel = 10x+ High Runes
- 15 res / 7 fhr jewel = 7x+ Hrs Depends on buyer/seller
- Unid Facet = Pul-Mal
- Fire x/x Die/LvL = Pul+/-
- Cold x/x Die/LvL = Pul+/-
- Lightning x/x Die/LvL = Pul+/-
- Poison x/x Die/LvL = Pul+/-
- Fire 5/5 LvL = Ist
- Cold 5/5 LvL = 2x Ist-High Rune
- Lightning 5/5 LvL = 2x Ist-High Rune
- Poison 5/5 LvL = Mal
- Fire 5/5 Die = Ist+
- Cold 5/5 Die = 2x Ist-High Rune
- Lightning 5/5 Die = 2x Ist-High Rune
- Poison 5/5 Die = Mal
Upgraded Items:
- Upgraded Arreats 500+ Defense = 2x+ High Runes ( Depends on Defense )
- Upgraded Arreats Under 500 Defense = Mal-Ist ( Depends on Defense )
- Upgraded Jalals Mane = Ist+/- ( Depends on Defense )
- Upgraded Shaft = Pul+/- ( Depends on Defense )
- Upgraded Ethereal Shaft = Mal
- Upgraded Skullders = Pul+/-
- Upgraded Ethereal Skullders = Mal
- Upgraded Guardian Angel = Pul+/-
- Upgraded Vipermagi 800-1k Defense 30-34 Resists = Pul+
- Upgraded Vipermagi 800-1k Defense 35 Resists = Mal+
- Upgraded Vipermagi 1k+ Defense 35 Resists 13 MDR = Ist-Hr+
- Upgraded Ethereal Headstriker = Mal+/-
- Upgraded Goldstrike = Pul+/-
- Upgraded Ethereal Bartucs = Pul-Mal ( Depends on % )
- Upgraded Hoz = Ist - High rune ( Depends on defense and buyer/seller )
- Upgraded Ethereal Hoz = High Rune+
- Upgraded Gore Riders 190 Defense and lower = Mal
- Upgraded Gore Riders 190-200 Defense = Mal-Ist
- Upgraded Gore Riders 200-210 Defense = 2-3x High Runes
- Upgraded Gore Riders 210-212 Defense = 5-8x+ High Runes
- Upgraded Perfect 213 Defense Gore Riders = 10x+ High Runes ( Depends on buyer/seller)
- Upgraded War Travelers = Pul+/-
- Upgraded Gaze = Pul+/-
- Upgraded 200% Titans = Pul+/-
- Upgraded 180-190% Ethereal Titans = 2-4x++ High Runes
- Upgraded 190-200% Ethereal Titans = 4-8x++ High Runes
- Upgraded Lidless Eye = Pul+/- ( Depends on defense )
Unique Ethereal Armors:
- Ethereal +1 All Valor = 2x+/- High Runes ( Depends on defense )
- Ethereal 150-160% 2+ All Valor = 2-5x High Runes
- Ethereal 160-170% +2 All Valor = 5-8x+ High Runes
- Ethereal 170-179% +2 All Valor = 8-15x++ High Runes
- Ethereal Perfect 180% +2 All Valor = 20x-25x++ High Runes
- Ethereal Steel Carapace 190-200% = 2-3x High Runes
- Ethereal Steel Carapace 200-210% = 3-5x High Runes
- Ethereal Steel Carapace 210-219% = 6-10x+ High Runes
- Perfect Ethereal 220% Steel Carapace = 15-25x++ High Runes
- +1/200%+ Eth Templars Might = 4+/- High Runes ( Depends on defense )
- +2/200-210% Eth Templars Might = 5-7x+ High Runes
- +2/210-219%+ Eth Templars Might = 10-20x+ High Runes
- Perfect +2/220% Eth Templars Might = 25x++ High Runes
- Ethereal Shaftstop = Pul+/-
- Ethereal Skulders = Pul+/-
- Ethereal Andariel's Visage = Ist-2x Ist+
- Ethereal Gbane 179% and lower = Mal-Ist
- Ethereal Gbane 180-199% = Ist+
- Ethereal Perfect 200% Gbane = Ist+Mal- Hrs++
- 200-220% Shaftstop = Pul+/-
- Skullders Ire = Pul+/-
- Perfect 35 Vipermagi = Pul+
- Tyreals Might = 25-30x++ High Runes
- Leviathan 25/50 = varies depending on buyer/seller
- 170%+ Valor +2 = Pul+/-
- 200%+ +2 Templar's Might = Pul+/-
- 200%+ Steel Carapace = Pul+/-
- Ormus Robe +3 Blizzard/15% Cold = Mal-Mal+
- Ormus Robe +3 Fireball/15% Fire = Mal-Mal+
- Ormus Robe +3 Lightning/15% Lightning = Um-Mal+
- Perfect 15%dmg/15%mana regen +3FB/Blizz/Light/Eshield Ormus = Mal-Ist
- Completely Perfect 15/15/15 +3FB/Blizz/Light/Eshield Ormus = 1-3 Hrs ( Depends on buyer/seller )
- Stormshield = Pul+/-
- Head Hunter's Glory 3 Sockets = Pul+
- Alma Negra = Pul+/-
- Alma Negra Ethereal = Pul-Mal
- Darkforce x/3/x = 4x++ High Runes
- Darkforce 3/3/3 = 15x+ High Runes
- 190% and lower Hoz = Pul-Ist
- 190-200% Hoz = 2x Ist-High Rune
- 190% and lower Ethereal Hoz = 1-2x High Runes
- 190-200% Ethereal Hoz = 2x+ High Runes
- War Travlers 50% = 2x Ist-High Rune
- Ethereal Treks = Ist++ ( Depending on stats )
- P Ethereal Treks P def 15/15 = 1-2+ Hrs ( Depends on buyer/seller )
- Marrowwalks = Pul+
- Shadowdancers 2/25 = Ist-Ist+ ( Depends on buyer/seller )
- Shako = Pul
- Perfect 141 Defense Shako = Mal+/-
- Perfect 200/6 Arreats Face = Ist-Hr ( Depends on buyer/seller )
- Perfect 200% Jalal's Mane = Pul-Mal
- Ravenlore = Pul+/-
- Kiras Gaurdian 70% = Um-Ist+
- Cerebus Bite = Pul-Mal++ ( Depending on stats )
- Andariel's Visage = Um
- Nightwings 10-13% = Pul-Mal+
- Nightwings 14% = Ist-3x Ist
- Nightwings 15% = 4x Ist-6x Ist
- Nightwings 15/20/9 = 4-6x High runes
- Crown Of Ages ( 2/20-30/10% ) = 1-2x High Runes
- Crown Of Ages ( 2/20-30/11% ) = 1-2x High Runes
- Crown Of Ages ( 2/20-30/12% ) = 2-3x High Runes
- Crown Of Ages ( 2/20-30/13% ) = 2-3x High Runes
- Crown Of Ages ( 2/20-30/14% ) = 4-5x++ High Runes
- Crown Of Ages ( 2/20-30/15% 360-375 Defense ) = 6-7x+ High Runes
- Crown Of Ages ( 2/20-30/15% 375-390 Defense ) = 8x+ High Runes
- Crown Of Ages ( 2/20-30/15% 390-399 Defense ) = 10x+ High Runes
- Perfect Crown Of Ages ( 2/30/15% 360-390 Defense ) = 15x++ High Runes
- Perfect Crown Of Ages ( 2/30/15% 390-398 Defense ) = 20x++ High Runes
- PERFECT Crown Of Ages ( 2/30/15% 399 Defense ) = 25x++ High Runes
- -15/10 Griffons = Mal
- -16+/11+ Griffons = Mal-Ist
- -18/13+ Griffons = 2x Ist-High Rune
- -19/14 Griffons = 2x Ist-High Rune
- -20/14 Griffons = 2-5x High Runes
- -19/15 Griffons = 2-5x High Runes
- Perfect Griffons -20/15 = 20-25x++ High Runes ( Depends on buyer/seller )
- Verdungos 39/15 = 1-2x Ist
- Verdungos 40/15 = 2-4 Hrs( Depending on rep/def )
- Arachnids Mesh = Um
- Steelrends ( 30%ED - 40%ED ) = Pul+/-
- Steelrends ( 45%ED - 50%ED ) = Ist-3x High Runes ( Depending on def/str )
- Steelrends ( 55%ED - 60%ED ) = 10-20x++ ( Depending on def/str )
- Steelrends ( 55%+ED / 20 Str 250+ Defense ) = 15x+ High Runes
- Steelrends ( 60%ED / 20 Str ) = 20-25x++ High runes ( Must be good defense to get 25+ )
- Draculs 10/15 = Pul-Um
- Draculs 10/15 Perf Def = Um-Ist
Upgraded Ethereal Weapons:
- Upgraded 200%/9 Ethereal Titans = 7-10x++ High runes
Ethereal Weapons:
- Ethereal Bonehew = Pul+
- Ethereal Razors Edge = Pul+
- Ethereal Tstrokes = Pul+
- Ethereal Tomb Reaver 3 Sockets = 3-5x++ Ist ( Depends on buyer/seller )
- Ethereal Eschutas +3/20/20 = 1-4 Hrs ( Depends on buyer/seller )
- Ethereal Death Cleaver ( 230% to 250% ) = 10-15x High Runes
- Ethereal Death Cleaver ( 255% to 265% ) = 15-25x High Runes
- Ethereal Death Cleaver ( 270% to 279% ) = 35-40x High Runes
- Perfect 280% Ethereal Death Cleaver = 40x+++ High Runes (Depends on buyer/seller) These badboys can get up to 60 hrs+
- Ethereal Runemaster 5 Sockets ( 220% to 230% ) = Mal - Ist
- Ethereal Runemaster 5 Sockets ( 231% to 240% ) = Ist - Ist+
- Ethereal Runemaster 5 Sockets ( 241% to 250% ) = 2x Ist - High rune
- Ethereal Runemaster 5 Sockets ( 251% to 260% ) = 1-2x High runes
- Ethereal Runemaster 5 Sockets ( 261% to 270% ) = 2-3x High runes
- Ethereal Heavens Light +3/2 Sockets ( 250%ED to 270%ED ) = 1-2x High runes
- Ethereal Heavens Light +3/2 Sockets ( 275%ED to 290%ED ) = 2-3x High runes
- Ethereal Heavens Light +3/2 Sockets ( 290%ED to 300%ED ) = 4-7x++ High runes
- Ethereal Death Fathoms 30% = 20-40x Hrs Depending on Res
- Windforce = Pul+
- Boneshade = Pul-Mal+ ( Depending on stats )
- Death Cleaver = Pul+/-
- Runemaster 5 sockets = Pul+/-
- Deaths Web = Pul-Mal+ ( Depending on stats )
- Tstrokes = Pul+ ( Depending on +skill )
- Widowmaker = Pul+/-
- Oculus = Um
- Eschutas +3/20 Fire = Mal - Mal+
- Eschutas +3/20 Lightning = Mal - Mal+
- Eschutas +3/20/20 = Mal - Ist+
- Azurewrath = Pul+/-
- Perfect ED/LvL aura/attitbutes Azurewrath = Mal-Ist
Fathoms: (prices vary depending on resists)- Death Fathoms 15%-25% = Pul-High Rune
- Death Fathoms 25%-29% = High Rune-5x++ High Rune
- Death Fathoms 30% = 15-20Hrs Depending on res
- Death Fathoms 30% = 37+/37+ Both res- 25+ hrs
- Death Fathoms 30% = 40/40 Res perf -30+ hrs
- Death Fathoms 15%-25% = Pul-High Rune
- Full Tals Set = Mal-Mal+
- Full Immortal King’s Set = Pul+
- Full Mavs Set = Pul+
- Full Natalya's Set = Pul+
- Full Trang Oul's Set = Pul-Um
- Full Griswolds Set = Mal-Ist++
- Gris Caddy 4 Sockets Weapon = Mal-Ist+ ( Depending on % )