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When you sell a SOJ to a merchant, are you allowed to buy it back, and if so, at what price?
u cant buy it back
No you can't once you sell it.. Unlike other items its gone why? I am not sure you can sell hi rune's if you need too And buy them back.
You sell sojs to spawn the Diablo Clone. If you could just buy it back, wouldn't you think he'd pop every couple seconds? Of course. You can only sell it once, can't buy it back. As convinient as that could've been.
lol I think he needs to spawn more anyway. but thanks to a website an alliance formed and given public the hot ip's people can start selling on them and we get our anni's ^ ^
What pray tell is this alliance website with hot ips? Also, thanks for the replies.
There was, ages ago, a stickied thread leading you to an IRC channel dealing exclusively with hunts, hot IP listings, etc. check it out. dig around, i'm sure you'll find it.
does selling/rebuying runes lead to perm? or is it just useless?
It's a myth people still believe. Much like the 'Facets helps Traps' thing. Both Untrue.
i dont get it, y would ppl sell the damn sojs man!?! if i ever got a soj, first of all i would never get one, but if i accidentaly got one, i wouldnt go sell it to sum stupid vendor...besides, theres a big chance i might not even get the anni!!! y do ppl sell sojs? sojs is big in the market these days
most soj's ppl sell are duped and the ppl who sell them have lots of them 2 sell cuz they want a anni if u ever get that rich ull understand and they also know where 2 sell soj's so that they only have 2 sell a minimum :/
99% dc spawned are due to dupers.
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I'm wondering if the next question asked will be, how u dupe?
my god thats already been asked alot of times in these forums. its been spammed for a couple of years now i wouldnt be suprised if thar was another...


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