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WoW auth key
WTF is this i just dled this trial version i got with d2 a long ass time ago. Could anyone let me use theres just to create an account plzzzzzz or tell me where i can get one
First off, you can only create one account per auth. key (trust me I have tryed that last weekend). Second, buy the game to get one.
[Image: toomuchowneh8lr1.jpg]
or use a private server Smile
Pritvate Servers ftl, too much lag, Just get a job your beg your mum for some money Tongue
You could try going to the bathroom with the game and writing the # down. Or bring in a picture phone >Smile. lol, it's not alot of money considering what your getting. If you make like 200 a week you should be able to handle about 15$ a month. I save that much in change every week.

Private servers suck I heard but the drops are altered on some, which would be cool.

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