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Permed's Ele Druid guide!
Permed's PvP Ele Guide V1.0By: Permed


Strength- Enough to wear gear with all +str items

Dexterity- This is a tricky one, some people like max block some dont ill let you decide on
this i personally have never tryed max block, if anyone has please post how it worked for ya.

Vitality- Rest will put here.

Energy- NONE (unless you cant afford cta)


20-Tornado- Max this first its your main atttack.
20-Cyclone Armor- Max this next its like a second life. Absorbs elemental damage.
20-Twister- MAx this next its a synergie +9`% damg to nado.
20-Hurricane-Then Max this its used while attackin with nado to slow people down. (watch out for people with ravens on)
15-Sage-Now this its a BIG boost of life.
1-Wolfs-Used against people like bowas and foh'ers. (Makes it harder to hit you.)

If you do these skills in this order and DONT mess up you should have all those maxed like that at Lvl 85.


I will be posting 3 possible items you could wear in spots where there are other choices.Red Being Best ChoiceOrange Being Second BestGrey Being Cheap Mans Choice

Druid Pelt (best you can afford)
2/20/20 Druid circlet or a 08 valk. (AWSOME fhr and fcr)
Jalas (imo owns shako on druid the fhr is pimp)

Shael'd or Um'd Viper
Spirit Shroud

Best % heart of the oak you can afford
Suicide Branch wand

Best %Spirit you can afford (keep a ss in stash for babas and bow zons.)

+2 druid fcr crafted ammy
Highest maras you can afford
+3 ele magic ammy

Soj/bk or Bk/bk These are awsome for big boost in life or mana.
2x 10% fcr +str (really depnds on str you need and fcr you need for bp

Bloodfist if you want the fhr and dont need the fcr from mage

Arachnid Mesh

Gspurs or Spurs (i recommend gspurs if you can afford the fhr helps.)
Eth treks or non eth treks fhr and +stats

Switched Weapons and Shield
Cta and spirit for great bo

Grand Charms
9X Ele Gc (lifers if you can afford)

Large Charms
Best Druid torch you can get.

Small Charms
Best Anni you can get. 10X 20/5's if you can get them.

If you are unable to afford those charms get any charms you can like resist or life or even mana.

Also, heres the FCR FHR and FBR Tables


Faster Hit Recovery frames
FHR | Frames
0 | 14
3 | 13
7 | 12
13 | 11
19 | 10
29 | 9
42 | 8
63 | 7
99 | 6
For Best results on ur ele druid try to hit the 99% fhr bp.
Faster Cast Rate frames

FCR | Frames
0 | 15
10 | 14
20 | 13
40 | 12
65 | 11
99 | 10
163 | 9
For best results here try to hit the same bp as fhr 99%.
Faster Block Rate frames

FBR | Frames
0 | 11
6 | 10
13 | 9
20 | 8
32 | 7
52 | 6
86 | 5
174 | 4
600 | 3

Dueling Stratigies

Ww Barbs-Most these barbs now-a-days are really strong. They can be very hard or very easy depends on noobness. Just tele around and spam nados TRYING not to get hit. If they have mass 3/20/20s its gonna take few nados so keep spammin.
Mele Barbs-When you duel this type of baba you should feel sorry for him. Just spam nados in his direction and keep away cause if they zerk it can be really strong.
FB Sorc-These are tuff little sorcys with mad damg, pretty simple though just tele around till you get a clear shot then tele on her arse and nado em. TRY not to get though for the uber damg will hurt you!
Orb Sorcs-These are really ez but extremely hard to catch. Just try to tele on them and nado em should go down pretty ez
Blizz Sorcs-Most likey there gonna blizz themselfs so try to catch them on the move and watch out for name lock blizz.
Lite Sorc-These can be tuff with there mass damg. Just duel them like a fb'er
Zealot-They'll prolly charge you then try to zeal you real fast just spam nados in there direction and they should go down
Foh'er-When you duel this type of char laff at him because your gonna rape him. Just tele on him recasting your cyclone armor as he shoots you.
Foh/smite-Dont be fooled if this char gets a smite in its gonna be tough to get away. Dont worry bout the foh just spam nados and try to stay away from him.
Pure smiter-These can be really hard if there not a noob. use the same tatic as foh/smite. But watch out 4 there charge it can be deadly.
HammerdiansThese are very hard b/c they like to camp in there hammers. Get as close as you while he spams and shoot nados to make him move. If he uses charge instead of tele he will be hard to hit. Just stay outta his way and spam nados in his direction moving when he comes near you.
WWsin-These are very like ww babas use the same tatic.
Trappers-Alot of trapper just lay down traps and run around they shouldnt be hard to kill. Other use mb and if they get it locked on there extremley hard to kill. Put on t-gods and try to tele on them.
PnB Nec-These all depend on whether there a noob or not if they are there ez if not just try to tele on them watch out for spirits there guided!
PsN Nec-If they are a pro psn nec they are freaking hard. Just try to tele on them and nado them
Bow zon-This is where you can use your wolves. Use SS when fighting this char. Just tele to them hurricane should put them into dodge and from there just nado them.
Java Cs zon-Cyclone armor will help here just tele on them and nado. Again hurricane will put them in dodge.If they shoot fury at you just tele to them and rape em.
Psn Java-Try not to get psn'd cause it will hurt if there good, and tele onto them then nado.
Ele Druids-They can be tuff i just tele around spaming nados in there direction hoping to hit. (open for suggestions on other tatics)
Shapeshifters-These imo are ez just tele on em and spam nados.

Thanks for taken the time to read everyone. Peace.

Additional Comment:
wow massive lagg sorry put in wrong place can someone move?
umm this is the sorcerress section

~moved (jedi)
dafatman Wrote:umm this is the sorcerress section

~moved (jedi)

yes i know i asked for somone to move it in my additional comment.
hmm pretty nice guide i might try it sometime
Erm...99fcr? nty
Mine uses 163/99/xx dr

I prefer faster ones =D

For dr build ALWAYS 99/99/50 on a budget build.
I dont see the need for max block imo...The wolves/oaks stacks dmg for u anyways.
With enough speed...U reach the zon or whoever spamming ranged attacks before he knows it.

Im sorry...Strats are hardly good =[
Quote:trappers-Alot of trapper just lay down traps and run around they shouldnt be hard to kill. Other use mb and if they get it locked on there extremley hard to kill. Put on t-gods and try to tele on them.
Trappers ALWAYS win druids IF both are equally good...Unless druid sorb...Trappers have a VERYEREYRYEREYRYERYY f'ing high chance of winning.

For fb sorc...Minion stack doesnt work because of the splash effect/dmg...Even the fb hits the wolves when stacked...U get the dmg.
Quote:HammerdiansThese are very hard b/c they like to camp in there hammers. Get as close as you while he spams and shoot nados to make him move. If he uses charge instead of tele he will be hard to hit. Just stay outta his way and spam nados in his direction moving when he comes near you.
Windy>hdins ANYDAY if they're telers...Becaus of YOUR minion stack ...The wolves take dmg FIRST before you do so if they are in the hammer field NOT moving...Ez.
Just tele and nado..Wolves take dmg first.
Even for desynchers...Tele or spam nados around em...WOlves get hit tele away regruop and go back.

I realised almost all ur strats say 'try to tele and nado'
[Image: spidermancopy.jpg]
If You Want To Lose Weight, You NEED To Read This First!
I think that you werre very lazy with this guide, since it has some blatant flaws. Am I correct in assumeing that this guide is for PvP? Well, you need more specific PvP equipment then. But let me start from the beginning:

Dexterity: If you are not going to use Stormshield most of the time, then forget about blocking. Your chances will be WAY too low. If yYou decide to use Stormshield, socket it with Eld rune so that you will need to use less Dexterity.

Energy: You should never put a SINHLE POINT into energy, even if you cannot afford CTA. It's a waste of stats, because you will get heaps of +mana and +energy from your equipment.

Wolves: Don't use them. They don't provide any sort of a meatwall whatsoever. Instead, divide your stats like this:

20 Hurricane
20 Cyclone Armor
20 Tornado
20 Twister
1 into Summon Grizzly (much better meatwall than wolves)
1 into the Vine that regenerates life
rest: Oak Sage

Now down to equipment:

Jalal's is probably one of the best Druid dueling helmets around. +2 Druid skills, some strength, resistances and when Shaeled, 50% FHR. Downside is that since it gives +2 Druid Skills, you won't get a bonus to BO.

Shako: Nice life, mana, damage reduction and +2 skills, which also gives a bonus to BO.

Delirium/Rare/Magical Druid helm: In PvP, you should be aiming for as much damage as possible, so aim to get more +skills. I have seen a magical Druid helm, which gives +3 elemental skills and +3 tornado, resulting in +6 tornado. However, these are expensive as hell, so I don't suggest that. Instead, find a clean Druid helm that gives +3 tornado and maybe some other handy skills, such as Hurricane, Summon Grizzly, or Oak Sage, then make Delirium in it (LemIstIo). Even though most of the stats on Delirium are useless, you will have a nice +5 Tornado on the helmet alone.

Armor: If this is for PvP, then Enigma. No exceptions.

Weapon: You have missed out the best Druid PvP weapon, spirit. +2 skills, and 55% FHR. Slightly less damage than HOTO, but godly FHR. If you want to do PvM, use HOTO. Oh, and it's dirt cheap, just make sure that you get one with 35% FCR. Also, the resists aren't all that important because of Cyclone armor.

Shield: Stormshield. If You don't have a good block rate in PvP with a Wind Druid, you will become mincemeat quite soon. I don't think that Sanctuary, Lidless or Spirit are any good for PvP.

Amulets: +2 Druid amulets with stats and FCR are not good at all in PvP. First of all, Mara is better, because it's +2 skills also give a bonus to BO, and it also has resists. Stats aren't all that important, since with Enigma, torch and anni, you should not be putting any points into anything besides Vitality (unless you go for max block with Stormshield). FCR isn't important either, because with your equipment, you should achieve the 99% breakpoint with ease. +3 Elemental skills amu is the best choice in my opinion. They can result from very cheap to very expensive, but potentially, you can get +3 elemental (more damage than mara or rare amu) and +~100 life.

Rings: Sojs. You need the +skills and mana bonus. The +life on BKs is neglible. Also, 10%fcr and Str rings are a NN, since you should be already in the final breakpoint.

Gloves: Magefists, Trang's or Bloodfists (not that good imo). Just be sure to upgrade them as well.

Belt: Arachnid Mesh. Beats Verdungo anytime.

Boots: Treks are the best choice here in my opinion.

I hope that this helps.

EDIT: Also, dueling palas isn't all that hard. If they just spam hammers, tele into the area which is safe (inbetween hammers) and just spam tornado. Charge should be easy to avoid as tornados break it.

Also, I realized that it may a bit difficult to achieve the 99% FCR breakpoint without Spirit shield, so I suggest Spirit sword 35%, arach 20%, Gloves 20%, rare druid circlet +2 skills, 20% fcr life and other handy mods, and perhaps a 10% fcr ring. You should be choosing your equipment according to breakpoints anyway.
+2 druid skills 20 fcr 18+ str ammy > maras.....

and a 2/3/2 pelt with 10 fhr base owns jalas no contest.

u can 7.2k+ damg with pelt + the 50 fhr ez.

and trappers are ez gm just use tgods....1 piece is gm and get wolves tele on top of them if u got enough fhr and fcr there going down 1-2 nados.

o and umm what else there to do besides tele on almost on other builds? spam n they can there and laugh and dodge..

some types u spam n run but most u dont.
Depends on how you look at it. If you have already reached the FCR breakpoint, then Mara's is better.

What do you mean by 2/3/2 pelt?

Also, my current build is totally PvM, using +skills eq only, and my level 50 tornado does max 7.2k dam, so it's not that "ez" to reach.

I use

+3 tornado Delirium
+3 elemental amu
Enigma MP
7 elemental GCs
Anni Torch
this guide has no new info in it, same old thing as every other guide. except for the flaws others mentioned. people shouldnt post guides that dont offer new information than whats already posted
Hi i have 1 question. Would enough dex for max block wearing a ss be decent block with a spirit mon? Im not sure wich one to use. I am going pvp so ss would be better i think.
[quote=What do you mean by 2/3/2 pelt?[/quote]

+2 druid +3 nado 2 socket pekt with 10% base fhr ='s 50% fhr with 2 shales. plus life mods and res.

and frater if u would have read i posted CHEAP alternatives for people less fortunate.
Quote: I use

+3 tornado Delirium
+3 elemental amu
Enigma MP
7 elemental GCs
Anni Torch
GL with 99/99/8
[Image: spidermancopy.jpg]
If You Want To Lose Weight, You NEED To Read This First!
andrewexd Wrote:Hi i have 1 question. Would enough dex for max block wearing a ss be decent block with a spirit mon? Im not sure wich one to use. I am going pvp so ss would be better i think.

No, it' not worth it if you are going pvm. I have max block with SS, but with Spirit, I only have about 35% chance to block.

permed Wrote:+2 druid +3 nado 2 socket pekt with 10% base fhr ='s 50% fhr with 2 shales. plus life mods and res.

and frater if u would have read i posted CHEAP alternatives for people less fortunate.

If you are going for a non-rw helm, I would suggest a magic pelt that gives +3 elemental and +3 tornado.

This guide is for PvP, and in pvp, you cannot really use cheaper alternatives, since most dueling chars have been built for that purpose.
this guide can be used for pvp or pvm....thats why i posted cheaper gears for less fortunant people...-.-
nice guide

just wondering how much dmg can the druid do

that hurricane how much dmg when max+facets and +other skills

nado?? howmuch dmg???
no facet would help tornado...tornado is physical damage

Additional Comment:
and when i had my kickass druid on hcl he did about like 3-4k nado and like 2k hurricane without gcs or anni
Stormshield is also a very nice alternative, and also, include some damage, show how much this baby can really do, whats a guide, without people playing the character.
Well, Very nice build ''Permed' But for pvp I recommend 163fcr/174fhr.

99fcr Wayyyy to slow for dvd/pvp u cant catch sorces wit 99fcr lol ''unless the sorces suck.'' Also, Best ''PVP DRUID!'' Requires WiZ GLuv + SS= 163fcr/and 50dr. 99fhr. lol

That is ownage. if u can afford a 2/20 druid ammy u can afford unanmed wiz gluv lol >< i use 1/19druidammy so i can hit the bp[fcr] so ya

But!, i say Very nice build Well done. Just 163/174 better =]
yaoc1987 Wrote:nice guide

just wondering how much dmg can the druid do

that hurricane how much dmg when max+facets and +other skills

nado?? howmuch dmg???

At the moment, my lvl 95 ele druid does 7.2k Tornado damage (skill lvl 50), and around 3k Hurricane damage (skill lvl 47). You could boost your hurricane a bit with cold facets, but I don't think that it's worth it.

NiCk. Wrote:Well, Very nice build ''Permed' But for pvp I recommend 163fcr/174fhr.

99fcr Wayyyy to slow for dvd/pvp u cant catch sorces wit 99fcr lol ''unless the sorces suck.'' Also, Best ''PVP DRUID!'' Requires WiZ GLuv + SS= 163fcr/and 50dr. 99fhr. lol

That is ownage. if u can afford a 2/20 druid ammy u can afford unanmed wiz gluv lol >< i use 1/19druidammy so i can hit the bp[fcr] so ya

But!, i say Very nice build Well done. Just 163/174 better =]

There are no wizzy gloves on ladder...
lol i didnt c if this was ladder..

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