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Well the title says it all ... ... i recently got in to this and i'd have to say it's pretty intresting now for those of you who've been looking for a new game i would suggest this although there are many typos and such graphics look nice and the game play would seem intresting i won't know because i just started ><

anyways i'd be glad to party with anyone who joins and help out as much as i can, but first i'd need you char name, the server you play in and since i started this i'll be the first to do so

Name: Kurrupt Lv11
Server: Xian

Hope to see you all on^^
Yeup, I love this game; I highly recommend it to anyone - especially those who seem to like the look of WoW but don't wanna pay the monthly charges because Silkroad Online is totally free. If one knows anything about the real Silkroad they will know that it basically involves trading and stuff along the "Silkroad" (basically trade routes around China and stuff, and I believe also crossing Asia and maybe into Europe), therefore a large part of this game is revolved around trading. This results in many stalls in towns, and three jobs you can get at level 20: Trader, Hunter, and Thief. The Trader basically buys items from one town and transports them with the use of horses/camels from town to town to get money. A Thief is there to plunder and steal the goods from the trader. There are also NPC thieves that randomly spawn while a Trader is out of town moving stuff to another town that will try to kill the transport. This is where the Hunter comes in - he acts as somewhat of a bodyguard for the trader, and does his job to stop the thieves and make sure people are doing their jobs.

While there are these jobs, you do not necessarily need to even get a job at all. You can kill monsters and level up and such; completing quests are basically the best way to level up. There are two genders (male/female), and three types of armors (Armor, Protector, and Garment); as well as different types of weapons such as swords, blades, glaives, spears, bows, and such. Unlike Diablo 2, you do not pick a specific class; instead you are open to more choices, and there are many different masteries you can develop. There are the basic weapon masteries, one for swords/blades (one-handed weapons), one for glaives/spears (two-handed weapons), and one for bows. There are also magic masteries: Cold (slow the enemy down, acting kind of a defense for you), Fire (more dmg i believe), Lightning (faster attack i believe), and Force (healing and ressurecting spells) You can check the site for more info on the game. Also note you will level much slower here than on Diablo 2, because this is a more accurate RPG. There is also PvP if you would like to do it which involves wearing special PvP capes and such, but I am not a big PvP fan so I stick with PvM.

I believe there are 6 servers as of now: Xian, Aege, Troy, Babel, Athens, and Oasis (the newest server). Sometimes you will not be able to get on the game because the servers may be overcrowded and you may not be able to get in the game, but sometimes if you continue to try you may be able to get on. Another solution is just to go on at a later time.

I have characters of two servers: Aege and Athens. One I made one day on Athens because I couldn't get on Aege.


Aege - Royerdude, level 29: wears Armor, and uses a Blade; specializing in Fire (aka Fire Blade). I was gunna be a Hunter, but I decided to put it off for now and just keep the hunter job identity card in my inv incase i change my mind. Sometimes I'll protect a Trader from NPC Thieves.

Athens - Etown_BJay (forget exact name), level 12(not as sure, maybe 10/11): Wears Germent, and uses a Spear; specializing in Lightning (Lightning Spear; pretty popular for being able to do large damage in the first attack, aka a "nuke" i believe. i think used in PvP alot)
[Image: 2cxck74.jpg]
Go Jedi^^ you said it all for them =P to bad we don't play on the same server =/

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