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mage or archon nigma
should i use mage or archon nigma for my hdi?. i already got runes just need armor(have a 3os mage thogh). i read somewhere that an hdin shopuld use mage and somehow leave str at base. whats better for hdin mage or archon enigma??>??
As long as darkness flows through my veins, I will never cease, As long as my dreams still haunt me, I will never show mercy, and as long as evil lives I will never die.....
mage, leave str at base, all stats into vita, ALL no exceptions

hellfire + anni will get u enough str
if u dont got an anni then just get some str charms.
id rather go wit mage cause really u just use nigma for the tp and mage str requirement is mad low and the def is pretty good too
Pretty much what everyone said, go for mage. You get around 50 extra points into vita while with archon you loose hp over defense. And besides w/ a high level Hs you should make up that defense.
I suggest that you use Archon Plate, with 15%ed. It will grant you TONS more defence and you can just STR bug it on. It will be a nuisance in PvP, but nothing to worry about in HC. If this char is for PvM, definately take Archon.
I agree to Frater.

If you don't want to put too much points into str, get anni and torch (perf). Then, you have 65 str. Then, get rings with +str and put them on. If you reached 89 str, you can wear herald and then you can wear archon enigma...but if you die don't forget to put your rings on or your enigma will pop out :F
why dont you just use bp nigma..
headcheese69 Wrote:why dont you just use bp nigma..

Because it has minute defence.
well i dont want this char to be one of those str glitched chars that if they click the corspe once they dont get all their gear then if they die befre they pick up their second corpse then they have 2 corpses with items. so if u leave game you're screwed. or one of those chars who can have their corpses "popped".
As long as darkness flows through my veins, I will never cease, As long as my dreams still haunt me, I will never show mercy, and as long as evil lives I will never die.....
Just go with Archon, more defense. Mage kinda blows, only thing good is the lower strength, but like others said just use anni torch and maybe a couple strength SC's and your good to go, you won't have to worry about the corpse thing if you don't have your inventory full of pally combats.
[Image: toomuchowneh8lr1.jpg]
hellsing293 Wrote:well i dont want this char to be one of those str glitched chars that if they click the corspe once they dont get all their gear then if they die befre they pick up their second corpse then they have 2 corpses with items. so if u leave game you're screwed. or one of those chars who can have their corpses "popped".

I don't see how people still talk about item fountains. I think that it was fixed even before 1.09. You just get multiple corpses.
i don't think they pop, they just dissapear.

i would go archon using the bug. u can still wear it anyways since u will be able to wear hoz with bug, and the enigma gives strength so you will be "able" to wear it meaning it won't look red (not like it matters if the strength bug still works)
Your bodies only disappear if you have more than one body in the game, i.e., you die twice. Only one body can enter the next game with you. The body that has the highest "value" in gold is taken to the next game.
i know so i don't wanna str bug if i end up with 2corpses with items that i can't get i'm screwed. and yes your corpse can still "pop" if you dont have the stats nesisary to put on an item and you cant keep it in your invintory.
As long as darkness flows through my veins, I will never cease, As long as my dreams still haunt me, I will never show mercy, and as long as evil lives I will never die.....
No, it won't pop, just a corpse will stay on the ground with half of your items. I was just duelling, so I can verify that. Normally for PvM, I use Spirit monarch and treks (wind druid), but then I switched to Stormshield and Hotspurs, so I had to put the SS on before I took off my Treks, so that it would support itself. When I died, I couldn't pick my entire corpse up before I reequipped treks.

Oh and I really don't see why people keep going on about this corpse fountain, because it was fiexed YEARS ago.
well i'm worried if i die and then go to pick up my corpse and pick up part of it and die again. I don't wanna have 2 corpses with items and be screwed if i cant get because then if i leave the game the corpse that equals less gold disappears and i lose the items.
As long as darkness flows through my veins, I will never cease, As long as my dreams still haunt me, I will never show mercy, and as long as evil lives I will never die.....
Usually it's enough if you just double, triple click on the corpse.

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