I am Uriel Septim, ruler of Cyrodil. You will not be remembered for what you have done before.
Elder Scrolls 4: Oblivion ; The latest installmant to the popular elder scrolls series. Recently released for both the Xbox 360 and PC. Here I am, after 3 weeks of playing (and beating) this game, I am finally capable of writing a review. I will rate this based on the following criteria: Graphics, Gameplay, Sounds, Fun Factor, Replayability, Stability, and Story.
One word can describe what I see when I play oblivion. Stunning. The graphics are absolutely breathtaking, the beautiful land of Cyrodil is very appealing. The facial animations as well as the physics (thanks to Havoc engine) sets the bar up and beyond. The only gripe I have against this game is the far away textures. They look extremely bland and unwell, though through some tweaks and mods, the textures look more refined.
This game features 5 guilds, and hundreds of quests and thousands of NPC's to interact with. The AI in this game is truly not of this time. Each NPC has a 24/7 schedule it follows, it eats, goes to church, and etc. Truly amazing. Thanks to the inclusion of fast travel, doing quests is no longer a chore! Quests are very fun, and are not VERY time consuming (depending on your puzzle solving skills.) The game is without flaws though. Sometimes the AI gets out of hand, where NPCs start to kill each other for no apparant reason. Shown here:
The game has a very beautiful orchestra to listin to while playing through the game. Thanks to composer Jeremy Soule who does a wonderful job. The sounds in this game are just as good, each NPC has a unique set of dialogue, as well items sound like the actually are hitting a target with force ( a problem in doom 3 where a it doesn't sound like your firing a gun ) all the sounds from swords hitting shields to arrows richocheting off barrels. Grade A+ sound effects.
Fun Factor:
Extremely fun game, though at times it becomes menotenus, but most of the time the game flows like butter. No complaints here.
With 20+ classes, 5 guilds, hundreds of quests. This game will surely keep you busy for a few weeks. So far in my save files all together it has added up to over 200+ hours of gameplay. Which is truly amazing.
Ay-yi-yi. Let me get this off my chest; The coding in this game SUCKS. This game is not optimized for either pc or xbox 360. The game suffers from horrible crashes, corrupted save games, and memory leaks. Even a high end pc can kneel to oblivion, its is very poorly coded as stuttering, weird graphical annomilies plague this game. Sorry no 10 here.
Basically in this game, you create your own story. Either a mythical hero, or a rotten murderer. You choose your story.
Amazing game to come along in a while, though there are a few problems with stability, otherwise a top-notch game.
Overall: 8.9/10
Elder Scrolls 4: Oblivion ; The latest installmant to the popular elder scrolls series. Recently released for both the Xbox 360 and PC. Here I am, after 3 weeks of playing (and beating) this game, I am finally capable of writing a review. I will rate this based on the following criteria: Graphics, Gameplay, Sounds, Fun Factor, Replayability, Stability, and Story.
One word can describe what I see when I play oblivion. Stunning. The graphics are absolutely breathtaking, the beautiful land of Cyrodil is very appealing. The facial animations as well as the physics (thanks to Havoc engine) sets the bar up and beyond. The only gripe I have against this game is the far away textures. They look extremely bland and unwell, though through some tweaks and mods, the textures look more refined.
This game features 5 guilds, and hundreds of quests and thousands of NPC's to interact with. The AI in this game is truly not of this time. Each NPC has a 24/7 schedule it follows, it eats, goes to church, and etc. Truly amazing. Thanks to the inclusion of fast travel, doing quests is no longer a chore! Quests are very fun, and are not VERY time consuming (depending on your puzzle solving skills.) The game is without flaws though. Sometimes the AI gets out of hand, where NPCs start to kill each other for no apparant reason. Shown here:
The game has a very beautiful orchestra to listin to while playing through the game. Thanks to composer Jeremy Soule who does a wonderful job. The sounds in this game are just as good, each NPC has a unique set of dialogue, as well items sound like the actually are hitting a target with force ( a problem in doom 3 where a it doesn't sound like your firing a gun ) all the sounds from swords hitting shields to arrows richocheting off barrels. Grade A+ sound effects.
Fun Factor:
Extremely fun game, though at times it becomes menotenus, but most of the time the game flows like butter. No complaints here.
With 20+ classes, 5 guilds, hundreds of quests. This game will surely keep you busy for a few weeks. So far in my save files all together it has added up to over 200+ hours of gameplay. Which is truly amazing.
Ay-yi-yi. Let me get this off my chest; The coding in this game SUCKS. This game is not optimized for either pc or xbox 360. The game suffers from horrible crashes, corrupted save games, and memory leaks. Even a high end pc can kneel to oblivion, its is very poorly coded as stuttering, weird graphical annomilies plague this game. Sorry no 10 here.
Basically in this game, you create your own story. Either a mythical hero, or a rotten murderer. You choose your story.
Amazing game to come along in a while, though there are a few problems with stability, otherwise a top-notch game.
Overall: 8.9/10
Business & Computer Science major