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Just gimped myself?
I was aiming to put as many hard skill points into the Bone skill tree as humanly possible into my latest build. So when I started out leveling I just dumped a bunch of points into Teeth until I could get bone spear. Anyways I read on a different forum where they put all remainders into Teeth, and that it wasn't a skill much used in hell.

What I initially wanted to do:
20 teeth
1 Bone Armor
1 CE
20 B Spear
20 B Spirit
20 B Prision (trap bosses)
(and one point in dim vision curse, with decrep wand on switch)
Remaining points go into bone Wall

I saw a build that had things set up a bit differently, and I tend to agree with this one.
All remainders into Teeth
1 Bone Armor
1 CE
20 B Spear
20 B Spirit
20 B Wall
20 B Prision

They did it this way to give as much synergized absorbtion for B Armor, which I think is a better idea (you get 600 absorb without +skills on armor).

So my questions are...
Does teeth really help? It recieves a lot of synergy bonus from everything, and I've heard talk about how it helps in baal runs.
Does Bone Armor hold up later in hell?

Or am I just overthinking this?
teeth is a very important skill in pvp, since bone spear is very precise and quick, its hard to aim very well vs casters, and spirit is much too slow, so it will never touch casters, so your last option is to try to concentrate hard and aim well with spirit, or use teeth since it has a very wide range and at a high lvl does acceptable dmg.
and bone armor wont help that much since most melee chars do enormous dmg since new runewords, therefor u will die anyway Tongue
why would u use dim vision btw.. its pointless since necros can do pvm without too much trouble in 2-3 player games
teeth is a very underrated skill in my last bone nec made it to lvl 65ish(hc..i died) and i could walk thru a1 and 2 hell using nothing but teeth
I hardly ever make necs, but Bloodangel, how the hell did u get a lvl 65 teeth? I don't think that's possible even with 10 gcs..3pbhelm 3 2 teeth shield (or 4 if that's possible. 4-5 teeth wep, nig/spider Ect. really.... how is that possible?
i meant lvl 65 necro....
Quote:why would u use dim vision btw.. its pointless since necros can do pvm without too much trouble in 2-3 player games

True, but I do a lot of solo and it works well. They just stand there while you cast cast cast.
Good point. I personally wouldn't put a point into DM.
Yeah, just get a wand that +Decrip & Dim Vision if you really want it, it'll save you some points unless you're going to get CTA but IMO bone armor is helpful in some cases like just like Druid's cyclone armor.
Well, wands don't get any +skills. Dim works good at high levels, but at low it'd be too much a bother to have to switch, cast several times, and then shoot. Hommy and trangs give +curse skills, and combine that with the other +skills your gear gives it becomes quite large, and on those troublesome Will 'o Wisp areas it can cast offscreen a ways so you shut down enemies before they ever even know you are there.

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